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Does anyone play WoW? Does anyone play WoW?

05-21-2010 , 10:36 AM
When I tanked an instance, it depended on the mood I was in, but usually the only person that could convince me to do all the skippable bosses was the healer. If the healer said "i just want to get my frost badges", I went into skip everything mode despite any other objections.

and lol at that AVR mod. I can't believe people needed a mod to tell them to move out of ****.
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05-21-2010 , 10:40 AM
AVR was definitely some bull****.

I stopped raiding before it came onto the scene so I never tried it, but it looks pretty ridiculous.
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05-21-2010 , 10:41 AM
If someone asks for the skippable bosses and you say no, you're really screwing them over if they're trying to gear up through badges. If they have to queue as a DPS, they're waiting 10+ minutes just to get in to the instance. Sucks to finally get in there and have the tank say "No, I won't take the 30 seconds it takes to do King Dredd."
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05-21-2010 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by Thijs908
kk thx we didn't go yet though, did some old school ulduar achievements...

Anyway what's up with dumb people skipping to much in random heroics?
If I wasn't refusing to follow the tank (as a healer) he would've skipped not only the first boss of utgarde pinnacle (the valkyr) but also the one with the 4 mini bosses... jesus, what's up with people
Just one of many ridiculous things that happen with a bad badge system. Don't blame the people, blame Blizzard. The players skipping likely are decked out in full 251-277 and don't need triumph badges, and don't need heroic loot, and wouldn't be running heroics if Blizzard didn't give them an artificial reason to do so.

^^^ Skipping King Dred is a little excessive though.
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05-21-2010 , 02:08 PM
I'll admit that the only time I ever did the obscure boss in Old Kingdom on my warrior was to get the Northrend Dungeon Hero achievement. No one does that boss.
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05-23-2010 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by Aceium
If someone asks for the skippable bosses and you say no, you're really screwing them over if they're trying to gear up through badges. If they have to queue as a DPS, they're waiting 10+ minutes just to get in to the instance. Sucks to finally get in there and have the tank say "No, I won't take the 30 seconds it takes to do King Dredd."
Yeah, it's the tanks fault they couldn't be bothered to roll as a class that was the least bit useful.

I enjoy instant queues on my tank, and 1 minute queues for my healers. But that's me. And I always ask guildies if they need a quick queue, so again, if the dps was anything but useless, they wouldn't have to queue alone.
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05-23-2010 , 06:15 PM
What do you guys say: Boomkin/Feral or Boomkin/Heal ?
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05-23-2010 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by YouR_DooM
What do you guys say: Boomkin/Feral or Boomkin/Heal ?
With what purpose? LK25 hc, leveling a new druid or gearing up in heroics?
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05-23-2010 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by Randiek
With what purpose? LK25 hc, leveling a new druid or gearing up in heroics?
For now I'm just a level 75 doing nothing special. I probably won't be able to raid due to time problems, so that is out of question. Right now I want to level and then I guess I'll try BGs and Arenas.

Also, I'd really like to start a new char for **** and giggles. Either a priest or a warry. If anyone want's to start a new char on an EU server, let me know.
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05-23-2010 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by YouR_DooM
For now I'm just a level 75 doing nothing special. I probably won't be able to raid due to time problems, so that is out of question. Right now I want to level and then I guess I'll try BGs and Arenas.

Also, I'd really like to start a new char for **** and giggles. Either a priest or a warry. If anyone want's to start a new char on an EU server, let me know.
Boomkins are **** in arenas, ferals are **** outside of 2s, resto druids are insanely OP in 2s and decent in 3s.

Healing in BGs is super boring though and if you are ungeared everyone will twoshot a boomkin.

If you wanna play casual BGs and arenas go feral. This also allows you to tank heroics for instant queu. Ferals can easily tank in full dps gear.
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05-24-2010 , 09:01 AM
Originally Posted by Randiek
Boomkins are **** in arenas, ferals are **** outside of 2s, resto druids are insanely OP in 2s and decent in 3s.

Healing in BGs is super boring though and if you are ungeared everyone will twoshot a boomkin.

If you wanna play casual BGs and arenas go feral. This also allows you to tank heroics for instant queu. Ferals can easily tank in full dps gear.
Boomkins are OP in arenas, period. Starfall carries to 2200. Plus, I got hit last night with a 9600 Starfire by a druid wearing 1k resil. I had 1080 resil.

Feral/warrior/healer is also ******ed.

Resto is imba as always.

Druids have no bad arena spec.

I haven't seen any boomkins above 2400, but that doesn't mean it's not possible. Plenty of resto/feral though at that rating.

Last edited by Lord Gimik; 05-24-2010 at 09:09 AM.
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05-24-2010 , 02:49 PM
Selling my account if anyone is interested in comin back.
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05-24-2010 , 03:28 PM
Whenever I tank, I try to skip as much as possible to get to the last boss as quickly as I can. It tilts me when other tanks don't do the same.

The only optional boss that I don't skip is the boss who drops the drake in Strath, and that's only because there's no trash or any boss mechanic that makes it take longer to kill than it should.

You might be screwing some guys out of a badge or two, but seriously my groups end up being like 1 person who actually desperately needs badges, 1 guy who only needs a few badges to get his last piece or two, and 3 guys who are just running it for frost.
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05-24-2010 , 03:31 PM
The elitism in this thread is starting to really get to me, but I'm still going to ask for some opinions. I'm leveling a few alts, and I can't decide which one to go with.

66 DK, kinda fun. He's Blood DPS spec. I like that he's a plate wearer and can easily solo a bunch of content. He's alch/herbalism. Good profs to have leveled.

39 Priest. I like healing. The dungeon queues are getting a lot longer now though. She's specced Disc, and hasn't done any real questing since Westfall and the LFD tool. She's tailoring/enchanting. Very very easy to heal dungeons as disc. It's really just like autopilot.

32 Paladin. I like this character. She takes the best of both the DK and the Priest. I would like to eventually heal as 80, and probably have a ret OS. She's Herb/Alch as well, but I want to drop herb and level BS with her. She's tanking dungeons right now. Also easymode. Just use consecration and go make coffee as long as your healer isn't afk.

Also a 12 Shaman that I enjoy messing around with. Would probably level through healing in LFD. Unless someone comes up with a convincing argument, I see it as a grind to level this guy when I have 2 other viable healers. I'll probalby level a shaman in Cata.

Any suggestions? I don't like pvp, so I won't be doing much of that. What have you enjoyed leveling?
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05-24-2010 , 03:48 PM
Blood dk is indeed very fun to level. I enjoyed soloing all of the group quests in northrend up to and beyond 80. Priest is fun if you really do enjoy healing, but pally leveling is a blast as prot. Pull as many mobs as you can find, they die, you have ~full hp.
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05-24-2010 , 04:44 PM
yeah dks are fun to lvl... although endgame is not so fun imo

my chars:
blood tauren dk tank (80)
blood elf affliction warlock(80)
resto troll shaman (80 and my main i raid with)
currently leveling a tauren feral druid (49) using tank with LFG system, and questing as a cat.. having a lot of fun

Shaman stays the class i enjoy the most though
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05-24-2010 , 07:49 PM
If my account got erased and I had to start fresh, I'd probably level a Priest or Warrior.

Paladin is the easiest to play with crappy gear at max level though.
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05-24-2010 , 07:56 PM
Oh I guess I don't skip Dredd.

Lately my groups have been party of friends (3+) that I run with right around reset time, and we're just there for frost. We chain run like 3-4 on our alts, and we arrange so at the very least we have a healer for a faster queue, but usually we have a tank for all of them.

Honestly I don't feel bad for skipping a boss when we carry guys with 1000 dps through a heroic. Yeah his queues are long, but we can clear almost every instance in ~10 minutes which is probably faster than any other group he's getting.

I wouldn't consider this elitist at all, btw. Even on my fresh 80s I'd rather not kill the Rock or Maiden bosses in Halls of Stone.
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05-24-2010 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by Aceium
Any suggestions? I don't like pvp, so I won't be doing much of that. What have you enjoyed leveling?
Shammy is the most fun out of those classes(tho I haven't played a pally), sucks he's the lowest leveled. Resto and Ele and are both fun, especially Ele when you hit level 75 and can pretty much 2 shot everything. They also look even better come cata.
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05-24-2010 , 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by Aceium
Any suggestions? I don't like pvp, so I won't be doing much of that. What have you enjoyed leveling?
I've leveled a few, and I suggest a druid or paladin for the flexibility. If you have any interest in tanking at all, it can really help with leveling and gearing up thanks to 0-sec queue times. I had fun leveling druid and then healing at max level. Tanking on the paladin is fun because I can outdps many of the people I group with while tanking, and set a fast pace.
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05-25-2010 , 09:17 AM
I had a lot of fun levelling my warrior. Only downtime was constantly using bandages, and if you overaggro there's no real panic button besides a fear, but that won't help for long.

The shaman does seem pretty fun, but yeah it sucks that he's the lowest level. I think that for now I am going to level my Paladin with the 0sec queue times, maybe 1 dungeon per day just to use rested experience. Then come Cata I will probably level my Shaman and maybe a Druid, to see what they're like and also to get a feel for why leveling in Cata is supposed to be more fun.

Got in to a great ICC 25 PUG last night. We got all the way through Rotface and Fester before people had to leave. We lost 5 people after Festergut and some people were good enough to come in just for Rotface - helps that it was Monday night I guess. Got a couple great upgrades for my mage. His fire set is really coming together and starting to to some decent DPS. I think fire is a lot more fun than arcane, even if it doesn't top the damage meters as often.
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05-25-2010 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by Aceium
If someone asks for the skippable bosses and you say no, you're really screwing them over if they're trying to gear up through badges. If they have to queue as a DPS, they're waiting 10+ minutes just to get in to the instance. Sucks to finally get in there and have the tank say "No, I won't take the 30 seconds it takes to do King Dredd."
Sorry bro. I already geared up, this is just for frost.

The extra 2 you get for randoms makes up for it anwyay.

I skip every boss possible when i was running heroics. Plus with the cross realm lfg who cares..they will almost never benefit you again
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05-26-2010 , 10:08 AM
Looking into selling my account. What is the most commonly used site for auctioning accounts these days? Is Paypal still a reliable way to transact the payment?


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05-26-2010 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by tbhouston
Plus with the cross realm lfg who cares..they will almost never benefit you again
So I see you are following the douchebag way of life...
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05-26-2010 , 09:04 PM
This makes me smile.

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