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Does anyone play WoW? Does anyone play WoW?

04-17-2010 , 11:49 PM
Originally Posted by ZOMG_RIGGED!
I think you vastly underestimate who will by outdated gear to just have it. Tons of people still have teir gear from vanilla because they like to wear. If they made an entire set of outdated teir gear available for $5 you'd be surprised who'd buy in it. For $5 a lot of people would buy an entire set oif ulduar teir gear just so its in the bank when they hit 80
Trust me, I love collecting old gear. I have 3 different tier 0 sets on one character for crying out loud. If they let me buy tier 3 (no longer obtainable) or tier 4 or 5 for 10 bucks, yeah, I'd probably do it. I wouldn't call that buying gear though. That's no different than vanity quality stuff imo. If we're talking about Ulduar quality gear today? That's pretty borderline.

Regarding trying to milk every last dollar and selling gear being the last step before leaving WoW completely behind: I don't think Blizzard will mortgage their "credibility" by selling usable gear. The public relations bomb would be worse than the quick cash they would make and it would be worse than their overall income. You obviously disagree. That's fine. It's cool to have different opinioins.

Originally Posted by ZOMG_RIGGED!
I bought gold routinely when I raided hardcore
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04-17-2010 , 11:52 PM
Originally Posted by Benholio
Totally agree. It also seems like it would help the community aspect of the game. If you quit playing wow for 6 months and then came back, you'd probably be playing with a ton of the same people but never know it. If people could keep the same character and level up different classes for it, names would stick around a lot longer.
This is exactly what the new is going to help with. If you and someone else become mutal friends, you'll be able to see what game they're playing, what character they're on, etc. Of course, it's totally optional.

Social networking + video games = Blizzard continuing to dominate the PC gaming market in the foreseeable future.
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04-18-2010 , 05:36 AM
Originally Posted by aK13
I'm pretty sure dudes in my guild powerleveled LW for drums on their own in BC. I find it funny that your guild didn't have people willing to drop their professions for LW and that your GM had to force people to do it. Enchanting and JC were really the only ones worth a damn on your main -- everything else you could just do on your alt and it'd be exactly the same.
what if you're a mage with enchanting and tailoring? which one do you drop to level ****ing lw on a freaking mage? not done for me and everybody knew nerfing drums was just a matter of time before it happened

instead of going back to hyjal and bt, my guild decided to go and wipe on sunwell with drums but also with some relatively undergeared players, how does this make sense, if you want maximum performance you first want to have all your raiders geared as possible, if that isn't enough THEN u can try drums, not just do drums to make up for the lack of gear, that's laziness...
+ the fact that bt was much more fun the sunwell /end rant
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04-18-2010 , 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by Quadstriker
Trust me, I love collecting old gear. I have 3 different tier 0 sets on one character for crying out loud. If they let me buy tier 3 (no longer obtainable) or tier 4 or 5 for 10 bucks, yeah, I'd probably do it. I wouldn't call that buying gear though. That's no different than vanity quality stuff imo. If we're talking about Ulduar quality gear today? That's pretty borderline.

Regarding trying to milk every last dollar and selling gear being the last step before leaving WoW completely behind: I don't think Blizzard will mortgage their "credibility" by selling usable gear. The public relations bomb would be worse than the quick cash they would make and it would be worse than their overall income. You obviously disagree. That's fine. It's cool to have different opinioins.
we dont disagree much really. I dont think Blizzard will ever sell current level gear, but I see no reason they wouldnt sell gear as from previous expansions as vanity items. I could easy see them going either way though with selling naxx or ulduar gear once ICC has been out though because in the long run none of the gear matters and they can make a quick buck.

/shrug. I play poker professionally. The time I would spend to earn the gold would cost me thousands of dollars in potential lost income.
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04-18-2010 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by ZOMG_RIGGED!
I could easy see them going either way though with selling naxx or ulduar gear once ICC has been out though because in the long run none of the gear matters and they can make a quick buck.
I tanked ICC10 through Dreamwalker with my paladin in mostly 226 gear. I only had a couple 232/245 items mostly from VoA.

Ulduar is not obsolete gear.

Hard modes? yeah.

The regular game? no

I draw the line on gear that is no longer attainable in game. Tier 1/2/3/4/5 or whatever should not be sold because if you REALLY want it, you can go take 3 of your buddies and kill those old bosses.
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04-18-2010 , 01:43 PM
Wouldn't mind getting the old tier two helm for my... Oh wait, can't get that piece anymore.

Also, where would one acquire tier three gear? Go into current naxx and ask them to drop old gear?

Actually, if they made an option to switch drops to old gear, ala changing to hardmode, that might work.
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04-18-2010 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by ZOMG_RIGGED!
we dont disagree much really. I dont think Blizzard will ever sell current level gear, but I see no reason they wouldnt sell gear as from previous expansions as vanity items. I could easy see them going either way though with selling naxx or ulduar gear once ICC has been out though because in the long run none of the gear matters and they can make a quick buck.
Yes, I agree that selling vanity gear is definitely a possibility.

/shrug. I play poker professionally. The time I would spend to earn the gold would cost me thousands of dollars in potential lost income.
I totally understand. I just hate how the gold economy has become so cutthroat. Stealing accounts to siphon the gold, etc etc. I mean, isn't it ludicrous that I have the ability to put more security on my WoW account than my Full Tilt account. (Why don't poker sites have authenticators?)
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04-18-2010 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by Sock puppet
Wouldn't mind getting the old tier two helm for my... Oh wait, can't get that piece anymore.

Also, where would one acquire tier three gear? Go into current naxx and ask them to drop old gear?

Yes you can still get tier 2 helms. They moved the drop to BWL. I went to get mine. My server has a chat channel full of people who love to run the old school raids for fun.

Tier 3? Yeah that's out unfortunately.
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04-18-2010 , 07:44 PM
Deathbringer's Will from a PUG akwengakengakdekag **** YES
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04-18-2010 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by Quadstriker
I totally understand. I just hate how the gold economy has become so cutthroat. Stealing accounts to siphon the gold, etc etc. I mean, isn't it ludicrous that I have the ability to put more security on my WoW account than my Full Tilt account. (Why don't poker sites have authenticators?)
Poker sites do have authenticators. I'm looking at my FTP authenticator right now. :P
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04-19-2010 , 12:22 AM
Hah my three or so weeks away from logging made me forget everyyttthiinnggggg.

Also if the mount/pet thing gets out of hand and Mal'Ganis is still the oldest/laggiest/crappiest server, I'll quit.
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04-19-2010 , 04:15 AM
Got a ****ing statistics exam on thursday. Wednesday is the day that my paladin gets taken into ICC25 for 11/12 hardmodes for the first time, and I am pretty much the only one that still needs loot apart from trinkets.

Guess I better study extra now and get up really early on thursday...
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04-19-2010 , 04:43 AM
Originally Posted by Benholio
Poker sites do have authenticators. I'm looking at my FTP authenticator right now. :P
Ok cool. I didn't know they had them. (Shows how much I play these days)
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04-19-2010 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by Randiek
Got a ****ing statistics exam on thursday. Wednesday is the day that my paladin gets taken into ICC25 for 11/12 hardmodes for the first time, and I am pretty much the only one that still needs loot apart from trinkets.

Guess I better study extra now and get up really early on thursday...
Don't feel bad, any time I take my pally into a raid, all druid gear drops. Any time I take my druid in, it's all plate gear!
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04-19-2010 , 10:52 AM
Come Tuesday I should have enough badges to get my Mage his first T10 piece. I'm getting him the chestpiece, because his current chest is the 232 tier piece, and it's the only one so he doesn't have a bonus anyway. Also, I'm hoping that something will drop in VoA. The sanctified gloves dropped last week but I didn't win them.

I dropped my warrior's skinning, so now he's Mining/JC. His JC is only at about 300, and it's getting expensive to level. I've probably spent about 1k already, and am planning on spending a lot more than that by the end of it. He has like 65 frost badges, and needs new gauntlets. I'm holding off on it though, to see if they'll drop in VoA this week. If nothing drops for him, he'll be getting his first T10 piece, probably the tanking gloves.
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04-19-2010 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by IWEARGOGGLES
Also if the mount/pet thing gets out of hand and Mal'Ganis is still the oldest/laggiest/crappiest server, I'll quit.
What's wrong with it? I always enjoyed Mal'Ganis...
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04-19-2010 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by Aceium

I dropped my warrior's skinning, so now he's Mining/JC. His JC is only at about 300, and it's getting expensive to level. I've probably spent about 1k already, and am planning on spending a lot more than that by the end of it. He has like 65 frost badges, and needs new gauntlets. I'm holding off on it though, to see if they'll drop in VoA this week. If nothing drops for him, he'll be getting his first T10 piece, probably the tanking gloves.
Please don't drop frosties on gloves or legs if you don't have chest or helm yet.
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04-19-2010 , 08:37 PM
It's a 232 to 251 upgrade. Is it that much better to wait for chest or helm even though those are 245 - 251? Probably a stupid question. I think it's just a function of whether or not anything drops in VoA.
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04-19-2010 , 09:40 PM
Mal'Ganis is one of the best servers to raid on, if not the best server.

I started tanking heroics as blood. Tanking is pretty fun! I've played this game on and off for years, but I've only ever DPSed or Healed. I love being able to set the pace of a run.

I picked up the full T9.232 set for tanking (I know it's not optimal..) and I'm using Colossal Skull-Clad Cleaver (ilvl 200 axe). I'm not sure where to get my next 2h weapon. I was thinking of picking up 2 Lucky Old Sun (ilvl 219 maces) and trying frost tanking. But they're fast, 1.6. Malarkey? Or effective way?
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04-19-2010 , 10:39 PM
If you're geared for it, get the 2h from H PoS.

Originally Posted by LFO
Tanking is pretty fun! I've played this game on and off for years, but I've only ever DPSed or Healed. I love being able to set the pace of a run.
Oh god this!!

I never really tanked seriously before I was dead set on getting my pally geared up. And it is a blast. It's also the perfect tank to have right now, as most end game stuff is against undead. Other tanks suck ass in much better gear in H HoR, but if I start going low on life, I just stun everything and let the healer catch up.
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04-20-2010 , 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by Aceium
It's a 232 to 251 upgrade. Is it that much better to wait for chest or helm even though those are 245 - 251? Probably a stupid question. I think it's just a function of whether or not anything drops in VoA.
You can get the drops in VoA eventually. You lose by waiting and buying other pieces instead while waiting. If you buy gloves now and it drops for you in 2 weeks, you'll be kicking yourself.

But, it's your character. Do what you want.
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04-20-2010 , 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by LFO
I started tanking heroics as blood. Tanking is pretty fun! I've played this game on and off for years, but I've only ever DPSed or Healed. I love being able to set the pace of a run.
Originally Posted by Sock puppet
I never really tanked seriously before I was dead set on getting my pally geared up. And it is a blast.
Welcome to the real game, guys. Training wheels off!
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04-20-2010 , 03:50 AM
Got in some LK25 hardmode tries last night. ****ing rough fight, so much **** going on, even as dps. You need a discpriest for the infests, a paladin cooldown rotation for every time an infest happens, a running strategy for the voidzones, watch your AOE aggro so you don't pick up the ghouls, watch the plagues and still do insane dps because the ****er has 100m hp.

And that is just p1. We are getting close to getting into p2, so we are progressing. We won't really down this anytime soon, though. My guild is 100% sure that this is the hardest boss ever made and it isn't close, and they have raided and cleared everything (not me personally).
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04-20-2010 , 04:32 AM
any of you guys been doing GDKP runs. these are the best things ever. did a icc25 man one tonight and people were bidding 30k-40k gold on tokens and dislodged foreign object went for 150k. by the end of the run there was a total of 500k gold spent on all the items and they divide that by the 25 people who run it. everyone got 24kish gold. i just went for the gold, didnt buy any items.
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04-20-2010 , 04:56 AM
I wish I could get a GDKP run organized. They sound fun.
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