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08-25-2009 , 03:08 PM
focus is a built-in feature that allows you to have an alternate target. So if you were fighting a warrior and a paladin, you could focus the paladin and target the warrior. With the right macro, you could cast a spell on your focus without ever changing your current target.

Basically it prevents you from having to click or tab target the paladin, press cyclone, then target the warrior again. Instead, once you focus the paladin (one way to do this is rightclick his unitframe and "Set Focus") you can see his health/mana and cast bar and use certain macros to use abilities on it.

As a feral druid while levelling, if you are ganking people try to sneak up on sitting/drinking players and ravage from stealth for an automatic critical strike. Follow up with a mangle, tiger's fury then maim. Get behind and shred as many times as you can and they should be dead.

On mages just be ready to shift out of nova and feral charge to land that maim after the ravage.
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08-25-2009 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by AK87
have like my most frequent spells linked with a number and then the rest I have to click (4 bars total).

btw ur avatar is great
You should keybind things to other keys which you find easy to press as well, QERTFGCV should not pose much of a problem. The number keys past about 4 are actually pretty annoying to press and move at the same time, so wouldn't bother with those. You can bind Shift+key, Ctrl+Key as well if you need more binds. Try and add a few spells to a bind gradually, get used to those, then add more. Simple!
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08-25-2009 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by Pyromantha
You should keybind things to other keys which you find easy to press as well, QERTFGCV should not pose much of a problem. The number keys past about 4 are actually pretty annoying to press and move at the same time, so wouldn't bother with those. You can bind Shift+key, Ctrl+Key as well if you need more binds. Try and add a few spells to a bind gradually, get used to those, then add more. Simple!
Add in Z and X in there as well. That creates 10 buttons, or 1 bar you can have as your bind bar.
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08-25-2009 , 06:16 PM
Ok, first thing you do:

Change A and D to strafing. You should NEVER in your warcraft life turn using your keyboard. Moreover, this frees up probably your best two keybinds, Q and E.

I recommend binding something to `1234QERFZXCV and if you have bigger hands/need more keybinds TGB as well. All these keys with a shift combination as well. Think about the situation you need the ability in. Some abilities (bubble for a paladin is a good example) you NEED to use really really fast so I keep those close (shiftE for me). I have a mouse with sidebuttons, you can bind those too (my favorite buttons honestly).

I believe a pvp feral druid should do the following (in arenas, 2v2). Open with your stun thing, build some combo points with bleeds, get savage roar up. Then, you proceed by switching between two targets, keeping savage roar up at all times. build 5 combo points on one target, rip, switch to another, 5 combo point rip. This will weaken up both players. You can then, at some point, pop some cooldown to burst someone hard (berserk+ a trinket) while still having pressure on the other guy for an easy switch.

If you are still not that involved in arenas, some good tricks are: lets say you fight a DK, you opened on him but he isn't gonna die very soon so you want some heals. You can't really shapeshift out of cat because he will hit you really hard in caster form. Therefore, you switch to bear form, do the bear form stun (bash I think), then do a cyclone. This gives you 6 seconds to put up some heals and gain some distance from the DK. Hopefully you can run behind a LOS object so you can restealth to open on the DK again.

I recommend leveling until 71, and then do battlegrounds for XP. Alterac valley is very good xp, but others are not bad either (WSG is bad, though). This will show you a bit more about pvp, plus you will have quite a lot of honor ready when you get to 80, which is some free gear.

One more tip: I can't do it anymore, but I wish someone told me when I started playing. UNBIND your S key. It is never needed to 'backpeddle' as it is called. You get another great keybind, plus it will be better for your pvp movement.

I recently joined a serious pvp guild (I think we are the top guild on the battlegroup now, or top 3 or so). Seriously, a lot of top PVP players are ****ing dicks, with huge egos. They are just as bad as those method idiots .

So far there are 2 guildmates on my ignore list, more incoming I am sure.
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08-25-2009 , 06:32 PM
if r is bound to an action, how do you respond to whispers?!
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08-25-2009 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
if r is bound to an action, how do you respond to whispers?!
Sadly I actually thought this lol. Thanks a lot. Makes sense to get rid of the number keys to the right side of keyboard. I'll be sure to practice with new key bindings. Thanks a lot for the advice guys. I take it any good WoW player will not take their hand off the mouse during a pvp fight?
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08-25-2009 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by Randiek
Ok, first thing you do:

I recommend leveling until 71, and then do battlegrounds for XP.
I want to do this but won't I get crushed by everyone? I assume most BGs in 71-80 are like all 80s
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08-25-2009 , 09:07 PM
AK87, don't worry, in AV for each win, you'll gain roughly 2 bars of XP. Don't worry about getting crushed. AV isn't really about pvp, the only problem is if you're a straight DPS (from 71 to 76 you're going to miss the main bosses quite often) I would suggest guarding a tower/bunker until it caps. If you're a healer class, I would suggest the same (guarding towers/bunkers), but you can heal the tank on Drek/Vann

Trust me, as someone who took AV to get to 71 to 80 in about 5 days of actual days (and about 2 days playtime) this is one of the fastest ways to level. Do it before it gets nerfed.
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08-25-2009 , 09:13 PM
I'm a 63 right now. Thoughts on just doing AV until I'm 80? I'm real tired of questing
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08-25-2009 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
if r is bound to an action, how do you respond to whispers?!
press y.

also c and b are bound, so use alt-c and alt-b for character and bags.
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08-26-2009 , 04:25 AM
Originally Posted by AK87
I'm a 63 right now. Thoughts on just doing AV until I'm 80? I'm real tired of questing
You'll miss out on some WotLK rep that can bite you in the long run.
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08-26-2009 , 04:47 AM
Originally Posted by AK87
I'm a 63 right now. Thoughts on just doing AV until I'm 80? I'm real tired of questing
I only tried for 2 BGs, but in the <71 bracket you gain less xp, I think.

Also, there are really bad queue times.

Yes, you will have less rep. However, my DK doesn't have any faction at exalted and never needed it. Actually, I didn't even step into an heroic before 3.2.

You will get crushed a lot, but the important thing to learn for pvp is positioning, what can and will the other classes do when I do X, etcetera.
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08-26-2009 , 09:24 AM
I just remembered one thing which is pretty important imo: There is some line of code you can type in your chat. This will allow you to zoom out further. Very useful in pvp, but also in pve. I don't remember the command line though, you can probably google it.

I was just spamming trade for a destro/ele/disc to complete my 5v5 team (war/holy). Some randoms responded, but also the disc priest from a 3v3 team with a destro and ele. The lock on that team has deadly glad and in s6 glad in all brackets on an alt. Hopefully this could work, having a 2500 rated 5v5 team in week 1-2 would be really nice to complete my relentless gearset :P.
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08-26-2009 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
if r is bound to an action, how do you respond to whispers?!
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08-26-2009 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by Randiek
I just remembered one thing which is pretty important imo: There is some line of code you can type in your chat. This will allow you to zoom out further. Very useful in pvp, but also in pve. I don't remember the command line though, you can probably google it.
I think this is it

/script SetCVar ("cameraDistanceMax",25);
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08-26-2009 , 07:26 PM
/console CameraDistanceMaxFactor 4
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08-27-2009 , 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by Takeover
AK87, don't worry, in AV for each win, you'll gain roughly 2 bars of XP. Don't worry about getting crushed. AV isn't really about pvp, the only problem is if you're a straight DPS (from 71 to 76 you're going to miss the main bosses quite often) I would suggest guarding a tower/bunker until it caps. If you're a healer class, I would suggest the same (guarding towers/bunkers), but you can heal the tank on Drek/Vann

Trust me, as someone who took AV to get to 71 to 80 in about 5 days of actual days (and about 2 days playtime) this is one of the fastest ways to level. Do it before it gets nerfed.
Does anyone expect you to really contribute and/or is it full of people lvling up toons? My server is going to be hell since Alliance loses AV almost every time.
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08-27-2009 , 05:21 AM
Originally Posted by Iuseproxies
It's full of leveling toons but most of them seem to try to help win. There's pretty much only one big thing you can do wrong, if there's a turtle fest at a choke point, don't repeatedly run in there with your sub80 and die over and over.
Or if you are lazy just afk, watch a movie and press your spacebar every 4 minutes. Don't stay in the starting area though you will get reported and not get any honor/experience.
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08-27-2009 , 08:13 AM
I got owned by the faction champions last night.

The comp we faced was resto druid, disc priest, affliction lock, enhance shaman, rogue, frost mage. We first tried CCing some dps and stomping the priest. The priest didn't take ANY dmg from melee sow that didn't work. Next we tried the druid while CCing the priest. This worked better because the priest actually say in CC for 10 secs or so. However, we got owned badly by hellfire at some point.

Last try we went on the shaman instead, CCing the priest with some interrupt on the druid. Shaman went down, but about 5 seconds after that we all went down as well because the priest couldn't be CCd (he was in melee range and was getting cleave out of CC).

The problem was that, even though we are a pvp guild, we had some pugs. We had a pug mage,priest and shaman. Meaning that lust had to get dispelled by the priest that didn't know what mass dispel was, the shaman didn't ever shock any casts and the mage couldn't CC, do damage and counterspell at the same time. Actually, just doublesheeping the priest was taking all his time.

Would a FOK rogue be a really easy solution? Since they all bunch up a ton it would stop the lock, the priest and the druids good casts, plus spreading crippling is nice as well. Downside is that we can't really CC anyone with a FOK rogue, unless we open with a fear on the priest to make him run away, then sheep him in place.

Or am I overthinking this and should we just go PVE specs and stomp one target while putting silences/CC/stuns on one of the healers?
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08-27-2009 , 08:25 AM
Originally Posted by Randiek
The problem was that, even though we are a pvp guild, we had some pugs. We had a pug mage,priest and shaman. Meaning that lust had to get dispelled by the priest that didn't know what mass dispel was, the shaman didn't ever shock any casts and the mage couldn't CC, do damage and counterspell at the same time. Actually, just doublesheeping the priest was taking all his time.
Didn't shear any casts.. shear.
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08-27-2009 , 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by Randiek
Would a FOK rogue be a really easy solution? Since they all bunch up a ton it would stop the lock, the priest and the druids good casts, plus spreading crippling is nice as well. Downside is that we can't really CC anyone with a FOK rogue, unless we open with a fear on the priest to make him run away, then sheep him in place.
Faction Champions take 90% less damage from AoE spells. So, no, AoE isn't really an option.

Or am I overthinking this and should we just go PVE specs and stomp one target while putting silences/CC/stuns on one of the healers?

If your group was able to beat the first two encounters, you have enough gear to just melt the face of a single focus target. Just try and interrupt.
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08-27-2009 , 11:56 AM
Also, twin valkyrs is a total joke. Even if your raid messes up and doesn't get the right color during the vortex you can just heal through it. Although the tuned up version of this fight could be fun.
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08-27-2009 , 12:47 PM
Yeah, I'm back. HoN and DoTA are too ****** boring and I hate playing an hour long game with no chance of winning.

I don't think I'll be raiding much since I'm going to be super busy. Maybe I'll PVP or something.
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08-27-2009 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by obsidian
Also, twin valkyrs is a total joke. Even if your raid messes up and doesn't get the right color during the vortex you can just heal through it. Although the tuned up version of this fight could be fun.
One of the vortices (lol) was doing way less damage than it was supposed to, I think it was the light one. When my buddies failed to get the dark essence and dark vortex went off they died in <2 seconds.

We cleared the 4 bosses on Tuesday night, and apparently last night the instance was resetting so we went in again and killed the first 3 bosses and got more sweet loots. Then we killed the Twins and were looking at all the loot when the instance crashed and we never got it.
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08-27-2009 , 06:12 PM
So I should just do AV, all night huh, I can do that. So sick of questing, I like Instances but you know hate PuGs.

This is my toon now.
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