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Does anyone play WoW? Does anyone play WoW?

06-03-2009 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by aK13
Priest and on Tichondrius would be worth something to me
BG 9 isn't what it use to be fwiw

stormstrike FTW
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06-03-2009 , 01:20 PM
Jesus guys, in the end, who the **** cares??? It's really this simple... I sit down and play WoW, I have a good time, end of story. Do other people enjoy this game the same way? NO! So what?

Also, this whole thing that games have to be competitive is ridiculous.
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06-03-2009 , 02:06 PM
Are 5 man heroics supposed to be so easy?

I went in the other day with 2 other guys who had no experience in them (neither did I) and we cleared every single one without a problem. Our healer had 1500 +healing, was wearing level 70 epics, I was a healer who was doing dps, and our third guy wasn't really paying much attention except to aoe.

The tank and another dps were the only two familiar with the instances, etc. And we did fine. We were like 5 seconds away from getting the drake boss in culling. It was ridiculous.
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06-03-2009 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by Pyromantha
Isn't this somewhat contradictory?

Ulduar wasn't cleared on the first day, Ensidia have just now killed every boss two months after it came out.

Algalon's 1-hour despawn timer is kind of a cheat, agreed, but if you look at 'number of wipes' as a reasonable measure of difficulty, I think Mimiron hard-mode or Yogg'Saron hard-mode are very comparable to anything pre-tbc. Perhaps they're not on a par with M'uru but that was the last instance of the TBC expansion and would not expect something so hard in the second tier of content.

Nobody in the world has done Alone in the Dark 25-man yet, so maybe it will turn out that it's harder than M'uru after all.

If you merely mean that 'normal mode' is not competitive then I kind of agree - normal mode is not challenging at all but it is tuned for the 'droolers'. (Actually the first iteration of Ulduar was probably way beyond the average drooler even on normal).
Honestly I have no knowledge of Ulduar because I quit prior to this and my reference to the simplicity really lies with the Naxx content. Naxx Pre-BC was a challenge not going to lie the only thing pve has is possibly interesting encounters. Once learned it is not difficult to execute unless you are ******ed (this is why the majority of WoW will only clear content way after content is introduced and half the time Blizzard decides to nerf it).

Originally Posted by Lord Gimik
I stand by this. Aside from 5-10 second bursts of ultra-clicky micro needed during battles, you do NOT need to click 5-7 times per second to play RTS games at a high level.

I used to play SC pretty heavily, but nowadays I stick to WC3. And no, I have no desire to play you in some e-peen grudge match in either.
If you've ever seen a good wc3 player such as th000 you wouldn't be naive enough to make that statement. The thing I think you are ignorant about is what APM even is how it is achieved. APM stands for actions per minute and you make it sound like clicking is the only viable move to make.
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06-03-2009 , 02:30 PM
Honestly, why do you care so much?
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06-03-2009 , 02:33 PM
So your main argument itt is comparing the best rts players to the worst WoW players and saying the game is what separates the two? Nothing else? Not dedication, time spent playing the game, time spent studying the game while not playing it, nothing like that?

If you were playing SC and marched a group of terran marines into a row of seige tanks, only to be wiped our in like 3 seconds flat, you'd probably bitch and whine about how imbalanced the game was. But in reality, different units (think classes for WoW) have different strengths and weaknesses.

No, WoW may not be as balanced as every other game out there, but when it comes to multiplayer it has more to offer than 'kill the other guy', so I think that's forgivable.

Originally Posted by Moozh
Honestly, why do you care so much?
He's a troll, and he's very hungry.
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06-03-2009 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by umitseric
If you've ever seen a good wc3 player such as th000 you wouldn't be naive enough to make that statement. The thing I think you are ignorant about is what APM even is how it is achieved. APM stands for actions per minute and you make it sound like clicking is the only viable move to make.
That's exactly what I'm talking about.

The first 4 minutes of any WC3 game involve these pros putting their hall, altar, and peons in separate control groups, and spamming 123123123123123123123123123123123123123123123 as fast as they possibly can, or just the altar and the hall and they spam click somewhere on the map to change the rally point 1200 times before the hero comes out.

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06-03-2009 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by tbhouston
BG 9 isn't what it use to be fwiw

stormstrike FTW
The best of the best are still on chogall I think.

On AJ they refer to stormstrike as scrubstrike if im correct.
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06-03-2009 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by Moozh
Honestly, why do you care so much?
If you read my first post it states my opinion on what sort of players enjoy this game and I tried to deter people looking to play WoW for competitive gameplay reasons.

Originally Posted by Low Key
So your main argument itt is comparing the best rts players to the worst WoW players and saying the game is what separates the two? Nothing else? Not dedication, time spent playing the game, time spent studying the game while not playing it, nothing like that?

If you were playing SC and marched a group of terran marines into a row of seige tanks, only to be wiped our in like 3 seconds flat, you'd probably bitch and whine about how imbalanced the game was. But in reality, different units (think classes for WoW) have different strengths and weaknesses.

No, WoW may not be as balanced as every other game out there, but when it comes to multiplayer it has more to offer than 'kill the other guy', so I think that's forgivable.
I hope my words werent too difficult to read because I made no such comparison whatsoever. I've played both WoW and sc/wc3 at high levels with WoW at an even higher level so I felt I was semi justified in making my claims. I am not one to whine about delusions mistakened to be imbalances. The class make up in WoW do not balance out the way you may think it does. There is no coincidence dk/paladin were the whole first page of 2v2(donno what it is now).

Your last point is even though WoW may not be balanced it offers more than killing your enemy. In arena that is all you do. Kill your enemies. In the game as a whole. You're objective is to kill monsters to get purple pixels. Finally... No, it's not forgivable to be imbalanced when people are competing for money in tournaments like its some CPL CS match. Even though 3v3s may turn out to be RMP vs RMP there is still that factor I mentioned in my first post: RNG.

Originally Posted by Lord Gimik
That's exactly what I'm talking about.

The first 4 minutes of any WC3 game involve these pros putting their hall, altar, and peons in separate control groups, and spamming 123123123123123123123123123123123123123123123 as fast as they possibly can, or just the altar and the hall and they spam click somewhere on the map to change the rally point 1200 times before the hero comes out.

Have you warmed up before a sporting event? Similar to a warmup in the early parts obviously you have less to do but its hard to make a huge leap so pros try to maintain a certain amount of actions so the transition isn't bad. btw peons + peseants into control groups is viable and necessary at high level of play seeing how they either go into borrows or turn into militia. I have no clue as to what skill level you are but you seem pretty crtical in judging the pros. Only time I have heard remarks on how "POINTLESS" apm is is from my friend and he sucks dick. Of course it isn't a valid argument to say you must suck dick too but more of just an observation I had.
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06-03-2009 , 04:37 PM
ugh, if I hear the "warming up" APM argument one more time I'm going to be ill.

My wood peasant control group is 3. 1 is entire early game (melee) army for surrounds, 2 is for ranged unit focus, 4 is production buildings. Once the early game is over and wood workers aren't as important, they get moved down to 6 and 3 becomes seige/caster group.

And getting gladiator in WoW is no more a show of skill than having 1500 wins on WC3 ladder. If you play enough games, you'll get it. If you pick the current imba class combo, you'll just get there faster.

Now go away.
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06-03-2009 , 06:01 PM
I thought I was on the WoW forums for a second.

Obviously this guy knows what he is talking about when he hasn't even tried Ulduar. The instance is sick, hard modes are working out pretty well and arena still sucks for only the best of the best.

WoW can never be PvP balanced because PvE is the main focus, imo. The trend right now is PvE nerfs via arena whiners, which totally sucks but can't be avoided with the insane rewards PvP gives (see S6 weapons).

Low Key, yes heroics are supposed to be that easy, as the gear you get from them is sidegrade/small upgrade to Hyjal/BT Epics.

Stormstrike BG is sweet, haha.
Does anyone play WoW? Quote
06-03-2009 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by Lord Gimik
ugh, if I hear the "warming up" APM argument one more time I'm going to be ill.

My wood peasant control group is 3. 1 is entire early game (melee) army for surrounds, 2 is for ranged unit focus, 4 is production buildings. Once the early game is over and wood workers aren't as important, they get moved down to 6 and 3 becomes seige/caster group.

And getting gladiator in WoW is no more a show of skill than having 1500 wins on WC3 ladder. If you play enough games, you'll get it. If you pick the current imba class combo, you'll just get there faster.

Now go away.
The fact you are criticizing pros while you're no named garbage is ******ed. I think you should apply to become the coach of MyM or Mouz since you got a better understanding on how they should play the game.

If you make the point that getting gladiator in WoW shows no skill then that game is completely skill-less. Btw the game currently stands where some class combos cannot beat other class combos so its flawed to say anyone can achieve gladiator with enough games played. You get paired up wrong or your class make up just blows you wont win ever and lose rating. At least I made the argument that WoW takes minimal skill and the rest is somewhat random.

Originally Posted by Iuseproxies
That's all there is to PvE eh? Dip****. Why are people trying to seriously debate with this moron?

He already got destroyed on the point of no guilds having downed every encounter in the game so far, and yet he says PvE is easy. Dip****.
pve is hard? explain. Your argument is "since it hasn't been done, it must be hard". Time consumption does not correlate with how difficult a task is. pve is trial and error mixed with the amount of gear received from previous instances and just hoping your 24 buddies didn't recently escape a mental institution.

I really don't understand why you go to aggressive in your post. I'm quite sure I can roll my face on my keyboard and outperform you in WoW and probably anything else. I've noticed you guys are very protective over your cherished game, seeing how Moozh told me to die in a fire and just die in his first few posts.
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06-03-2009 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by baumer
I thought I was on the WoW forums for a second.

Obviously this guy knows what he is talking about when he hasn't even tried Ulduar. The instance is sick, hard modes are working out pretty well and arena still sucks for only the best of the best.

WoW can never be PvP balanced because PvE is the main focus, imo. The trend right now is PvE nerfs via arena whiners, which totally sucks but can't be avoided with the insane rewards PvP gives (see S6 weapons).

Low Key, yes heroics are supposed to be that easy, as the gear you get from them is sidegrade/small upgrade to Hyjal/BT Epics.

Stormstrike BG is sweet, haha.
You may be right that Ulduar is a new and exciting instance. I hope it is because all the had was the old naxx which everyone pre BC already did. At least I can see from your post you have a better understanding of the game than the previous people replying. I got the slight impression you believe pve is harder than pvp. This is completely false. pvp is versatile while pve may have several stages its still an NPC and its going to do the same thing every time. Read a few boss fights-->fight the boss-->flask up-->fail-->yell at ******s who caused wipe-->reteach-->repeat.

pvp cant be balanced not because blizzard doesn't focus on it but because classes are near impossible to balance with more and more spells and talents they put into the game to sell expansions. Trust me they've been pushing for competitive **** ever since Nurfed hyped up world 5v5s at level 60. I'll leave you guys with a quote from one of the best warlocks in the world from Nurfed and worked as a developer for blizzard.

"While I have enjoyed my time at Blizzard, I feel its current trajectory is diametrically opposed to the right one. I look forward to carving out my new role at Rockstar - a company whose philosophy coincides with my own.

In short, I feel the Blizzard of 2009 is tantamount to the Bush administration. They've inherited something great, but instead of cultivating it, they have ran amuck of its fundamental principles. When I step into Azeroth today, I feel like a parent looking upon his once promising child that has grown into a Phuoc." - Nisstyr
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06-03-2009 , 07:30 PM
Easy to see why umitseric's first account got banned.
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06-03-2009 , 08:53 PM
Does anyone play WoW? Quote
06-03-2009 , 11:59 PM
Maybe the problem is that you're complaining that WoW isn't that appealing to the hardcore pro-gamer. But, the catch is I don't think it was ever meant to be (and no one here but you seem to be arguing that it is). WoW is a great casual gaming experience, and MMORPG for players who didn't want to put in the crazy effort a game like EverQuest required, a nice player vs player game that doesn't require the intense dedication of SC or War3. It's beautiful too, a great world to explore and just to escape to for a while.

Why criticize it for not being something it isn't trying to be. There are plenty of other games out there for those that want a real challenge or a hyper-competitive pvp experience.
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06-04-2009 , 12:18 AM
Originally Posted by Moozh
Maybe the problem is that you're complaining that WoW isn't that appealing to the hardcore pro-gamer. But, the catch is I don't think it was ever meant to be (and no one here but you seem to be arguing that it is). WoW is a great casual gaming experience, and MMORPG for players who didn't want to put in the crazy effort a game like EverQuest required

It's true, I remember reading in the back of the manual that came with my first copy of WoW about how they wanted to take it away from the hardcore rpg types and make it more accessible.
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06-04-2009 , 03:02 AM
The aspect of WoW that I like the most, is that there are tons of choices you have to make and a lot of information to absorb and understand.
And you have time to think stuff through before acting. Much like real strategy games.

'Real Time Strategy' games aren't about strategy, because you don't have time to think, so basically the whole genre is misnamed. They're about stuff at the operational/tactical level, where split-second decisions matter.
Who ever saw a 5-star general moan that he made a decision half a second too late?

And I like REAL strategy games. Unfortunately that's a dying breed. Anyone remember Panzer General? Man, that was a fun game.
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06-04-2009 , 04:40 AM
You say you played competitively in wow. Yet you only played at level 60, was there even resilience back then? Some classes were completely unplayable, a lot of specs were not even 'for pvp' according to blizzard. Yet, you talk as if you are good. You are not.

yes, FOTM will always exist. Yet, hydra managed to get brutal/deadly etc glad EVERY season on his priest. Some lock as well, some rogue as well. If you are good enough, class imbalances don't matter. (our server even has a deadly glad resto druid, from 2s or 3s.) 5s isn't a bracket btw since noone ever plays that but the koreans/chinese.

I am not, by any means, good. After the nerfs I played rogue/priest vs warrior/druid often. Supposedly an awful matchup. However, because these guys were carried by their comp to their rating, I believe we are at about 12-2 to druid/warriors.

I don't like PvE too much myself, it is a lot of reading EJ and walking out of fire. However, if the best in the world can't do it within 2 months it must be hard.

You sound like a clown that was addicted to wow and got away. Instead of looking at yourself you blame the game.
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06-04-2009 , 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by Randiek
You say you played competitively in wow. Yet you only played at level 60, was there even resilience back then? Some classes were completely unplayable, a lot of specs were not even 'for pvp' according to blizzard. Yet, you talk as if you are good. You are not.

yes, FOTM will always exist. Yet, hydra managed to get brutal/deadly etc glad EVERY season on his priest. Some lock as well, some rogue as well. If you are good enough, class imbalances don't matter. (our server even has a deadly glad resto druid, from 2s or 3s.) 5s isn't a bracket btw since noone ever plays that but the koreans/chinese.

I am not, by any means, good. After the nerfs I played rogue/priest vs warrior/druid often. Supposedly an awful matchup. However, because these guys were carried by their comp to their rating, I believe we are at about 12-2 to druid/warriors.

I don't like PvE too much myself, it is a lot of reading EJ and walking out of fire. However, if the best in the world can't do it within 2 months it must be hard.

You sound like a clown that was addicted to wow and got away. Instead of looking at yourself you blame the game.
Either youre illiterate or you decided to type without even skimming content of my previous posts. I played arena (yes that means i was at least level 70 at some ponit) hence how I got glad 2 seasons and quit. Season 1 all the glory lied mostly 5v5 and my arena team probably single handedly layed the path for resilence affecting dot damage in a later patch. (aka playing against Clan Hex) Why did you mention resto druids being bad, no one said they were bad in 2s with right composition (ran resto druid/lock in 2s for glad).

You make a very alarming statement: If you are good enough, class imbalances don't matter. This may seem true because like I said previously most people who play WoW are ******ed. If bad people ran dk/paladin/hunter vs 3 warriors that were all laintimes maybe 3x laintimes could win. However if all of equal skill no way in hell are 3 warriors going to beat dk/paladin/hunter.
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06-04-2009 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by umitseric
Either youre illiterate or you decided to type without even skimming content of my previous posts. I played arena (yes that means i was at least level 70 at some ponit) hence how I got glad 2 seasons and quit. Season 1 all the glory lied mostly 5v5 and my arena team probably single handedly layed the path for resilence affecting dot damage in a later patch. (aka playing against Clan Hex) Why did you mention resto druids being bad, no one said they were bad in 2s with right composition (ran resto druid/lock in 2s for glad).

You make a very alarming statement: If you are good enough, class imbalances don't matter. This may seem true because like I said previously most people who play WoW are ******ed. If bad people ran dk/paladin/hunter vs 3 warriors that were all laintimes maybe 3x laintimes could win. However if all of equal skill no way in hell are 3 warriors going to beat dk/paladin/hunter.
Resto druids were unplayable last season. Not knowing this indicates your current knowledge of the game.

Don't be stupid, of course triple warrior won't win a match. But there are high resto shamans now, and hunters, even though the classes are godawful.

Thinking you single-handed changed something in the game... wow. That is incredibly arrogant, since you are just 1 in a couple million subscribers.
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06-04-2009 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by umitseric

Have you warmed up before a sporting event? Similar to a warmup in the early parts obviously you have less to do but its hard to make a huge leap so pros try to maintain a certain amount of actions so the transition isn't bad. btw peons + peseants into control groups is viable and necessary at high level of play seeing how they either go into borrows or turn into militia. I have no clue as to what skill level you are but you seem pretty crtical in judging the pros. Only time I have heard remarks on how "POINTLESS" apm is is from my friend and he sucks dick. Of course it isn't a valid argument to say you must suck dick too but more of just an observation I had.

All of you guys who are just starting SC/WC3 should really reconsider, unless you see yourself resembling the person i quoted above. It's only a good game if you have a large amount of time to waste.

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06-04-2009 , 01:17 PM
Good god, you guys are both pathetic.
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06-04-2009 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by Randiek
Thinking you single-handed changed something in the game... wow. That is incredibly arrogant, since you are just 1 in a couple million subscribers.
Nope, I think he's probably. If it weren't for him, we never woulda had resilience in the game at all.

Because of his team's dots.

Even though I thought resil was originally added to help cope with excessive rogue crits, but what do I know?
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06-05-2009 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
Nope, I think he's probably. If it weren't for him, we never woulda had resilience in the game at all.

Because of his team's dots.

Even though I thought resil was originally added to help cope with excessive rogue crits, but what do I know?
Last post here because the topic has been exhausted. First reread my post and work on reading comprehension. My team (tricksy orcsies) faced the well known dot team (clan hex, who started the whole 4dps/1 healer in season 1 5v5 as: sp/lock/mage/rogue/paladin. Regardless of game play (they often silence / cs on warrior because they were in fact droolers at the time) they could win pretty simply because no amount of heals would save the warrior from fully casted dots + UA. So after that season you linked a forum post stating how they were going to have resil effect dot damage. Thanks for doing the research and posting for me.
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