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Diablo 3 Diablo 3

09-05-2011 , 12:51 AM
why would u want multiple characters of the same?

you can get 10 and share stashes
09-05-2011 , 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by mug3n
also it means people will have to create additional bnet accounts to house multiple characters which also means you'll need a separate key for each of those accounts

yeah, gone are the days of d2 where i had like 5-6 bnet accounts and 4 of those were item mules
How is any of this bad? There was nothing more stupid than muling.
09-05-2011 , 03:46 PM
I'll definitely miss having to level multiple characters of the same class to have multiple builds

It sounds tedious if you're thinking of it like a WoW player where leveling new characters was like pure manual labor, but in D2 the game was as fun at level 30 as it was at level 90

Maybe even more fun at level 30
09-05-2011 , 03:50 PM
the more I think about it the more I think they shoulda done a new style of +stats per levels that you can pick.

The only good reason for not having +stats is because it used to suck in d2. But for some reason I guess its easier to completely remove them than make it balanced or less impactful? :/

I like how we can have 6 different skills max leveled but like someone said on the forums, and I think they're right, we wont be looking forward to leveling as much
09-05-2011 , 03:53 PM
I agree. Leveling up and then getting a reward (stat points, skill points, etc) that has an immediate impact on your character is pretty much a hallmark of action RPGs. I'm not sure they aren't throwing the baby out with the bathwater there.
09-05-2011 , 03:54 PM
Leveling in wow sucked, but it sucked even more when they only gave you 1 new ability every 15 levels
09-05-2011 , 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by Benholio
I agree. Leveling up and then getting a reward (stat points, skill points, etc) that has an immediate impact on your character is pretty much a hallmark of action RPGs. I'm not sure they aren't throwing the baby out with the bathwater there.
leveling up = buying runes from the chinese.

I would prefer some sort of point allocation system (provided they allow low cost or free respecs) myself - I can see being screwed pretty hard if a valuable runes skill interaction gets nerfed.

Last edited by LeapFrog; 09-05-2011 at 04:24 PM.
09-05-2011 , 04:58 PM
The unpleasant truth: Blizzard is making Diablo 3 so that a few million people around the world can become Blizzard employees at about $0.20/hour.
09-05-2011 , 06:49 PM
beta audio playlist leaked
09-05-2011 , 09:07 PM
That music could not be worse, it's so generic and boring, puts you to sleep, could be slapped onto any one of 5,000 games.
09-05-2011 , 09:12 PM
Skeleton King is ok, it sounds menacing enough

"Act I - Int" isn't so bad, similar to qualities in Tristram theme but they're trying to keep it too subtle imo, PLAY SOME MUSIC YOU'RE A SONG FFS

The other tracks are just way too ambient/subtle, but maybe they'll work in the context of gameplay noises

I'm not sure I'd even call these songs really, they're more like long-form sound effects.
09-05-2011 , 10:09 PM
I went back and listened to a lot of D2 tracks

They were awesome

An entire orchestra played instruments

The songs in that playlist were like, one note echoing through a sewer pipe, and then a different note echoing through a sewer pipe

I really hope they aren't real!
09-05-2011 , 10:48 PM
Diablo 1 had awesome music and D2 had one of the best soundtracks of any game ever IMO.

But the guy responsible for them has long since left Blizzard.

This "music" if you even wanna call it that, is nothing more than background noise. They are the type of tracks I'd expect to hear over loading screens and stuff. Hopefully they aren't legit.
09-05-2011 , 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Hell will be the third time you've done it, so I doubt much story will be absorbed.

Anyway, you're right that they'll make the first 3 difficulties pretty easy. It will be just like WoW. "Regular" raiding is only mildly more difficult than tying your shoes to make it accessible. The heroic raids is where the fights get interesting.

Don't get to upset about this, it's how it'll be.
Well this brings us back to the most important point.

Guys, if WoW raids were calculus, then Diablo gameplay is 2+2=4. (And yes I have played the game in multiple stages of development for as long as I wanted in untimed instances off of showroom floors.)

Forget teamwork, forget roles, forget timing, forget strategy. The gameplay is ZOMG GET THEM!!!CLICKCLICKCLICKCLICK. And I'll be pretty surprised if "serious" gamers still are enthralled by this type of game in 2012. It's just too easy, too repetitive, too boring.

This game is made to show off "omg spell graphics" and to use 15 year olds + China labor to make Blizzard a gajillionty dollars on the RMAH as stated. Expecting it to be anything else (solid balanced PvP. Engaging, dynamic, and challenging PvE.) is trololo at this point.

Buy it, enjoy the shiny graphics, giggle when you find an item worth $2.95 in Inferno difficulty and "brag" about your phat lootz. But don't expect it to hold your attention for a long period of time. The fundamental gameplay is just not there for "serious" gamers.
09-05-2011 , 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by Quadstriker
Well this brings us back to the most important point.

Guys, if WoW raids were calculus, then Diablo gameplay is 2+2=4. (And yes I have played the game in multiple stages of development for as long as I wanted in untimed instances off of showroom floors.)

Forget teamwork, forget roles, forget timing, forget strategy. The gameplay is ZOMG GET THEM!!!CLICKCLICKCLICKCLICK. And I'll be pretty surprised if "serious" gamers still are enthralled by this type of game in 2012. It's just too easy, too repetitive, too boring.

This game is made to show off "omg spell graphics" and to use 15 year olds + China labor to make Blizzard a gajillionty dollars on the RMAH as stated. Expecting it to be anything else (solid balanced PvP. Engaging, dynamic, and challenging PvE.) is trololo at this point.

Buy it, enjoy the shiny graphics, giggle when you find an item worth $2.95 in Inferno difficulty and "brag" about your phat lootz. But don't expect it to hold your attention for a long period of time. The fundamental gameplay is just not there for "serious" gamers.
you and inso have displayed multiple times throughout this thread that you just dont like (or dont understand) diablo. thats cool, its just your preference. im not sure why you two continue to hate though
09-05-2011 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by Quadstriker
Well this brings us back to the most important point.

Guys, if WoW raids were calculus, then Diablo gameplay is 2+2=4. (And yes I have played the game in multiple stages of development for as long as I wanted in untimed instances off of showroom floors.)

Forget teamwork, forget roles, forget timing, forget strategy. The gameplay is ZOMG GET THEM!!!CLICKCLICKCLICKCLICK. And I'll be pretty surprised if "serious" gamers still are enthralled by this type of game in 2012. It's just too easy, too repetitive, too boring.

This game is made to show off "omg spell graphics" and to use 15 year olds + China labor to make Blizzard a gajillionty dollars on the RMAH as stated. Expecting it to be anything else (solid balanced PvP. Engaging, dynamic, and challenging PvE.) is trololo at this point.

Buy it, enjoy the shiny graphics, giggle when you find an item worth $2.95 in Inferno difficulty and "brag" about your phat lootz. But don't expect it to hold your attention for a long period of time. The fundamental gameplay is just not there for "serious" gamers.
the "serious gamers" (i consider myself one) used to love d2 for a few reason.

The sexy super random loot, the trading, and then PvPing vs sickest guys on the server.

The grind wasnt bad cause you knew you were there to get stronger by getting insane loot and then trading/hustling people and then killing others with it.

At least, thats how I always saw it.

The trading will kinda be dead tho that sucks imo.
09-05-2011 , 11:41 PM
Buy it, enjoy the shiny graphics, giggle when you find an item worth $2.95 in Inferno difficulty and "brag" about your phat lootz. But don't expect it to hold your attention for a long period of time. The fundamental gameplay is just not there for "serious" gamers.
I don't know about this. Maybe for some classes or builds this is true. I loved playing my assassin in D2 from a pure gameplay perspective (I never played multiplayer and don't really care about loot that much [i know wtf am i doing playing diablo]). I didn't have a great build though, it was a weird melee/trap hybrid build that didnt really make any sense. But it was very fun, challenging, and dare I say took some skill to play. I think teleport sorcs in d2 also were quite skillful. I think, generally speaking, that in action RPGs if you want to find a build that takes skill to pull off you can find it and play it.
09-06-2011 , 02:12 AM
... teleport... sorcs? -.-
09-06-2011 , 02:51 AM
The more I read this thread the more I am disappointed with how games are so boring. At this point, it just seems Blizzard is catering to the 15 year old demographic instead of the core gamers that have been buying their games for the past 15 years. After WC3, Blizzard has really lost my respect in the field of competitive gaming.
09-06-2011 , 09:08 AM
Been listening to d2 soundtracks at work this morning. <3
09-06-2011 , 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by jt217
you and inso have displayed multiple times throughout this thread that you just dont like (or dont understand) diablo. thats cool, its just your preference. im not sure why you two continue to hate though
On the contrary, I seem to be one of the only ones who understand diablo.

We aren't teenagers anymore.

Diablo 3 is going to cater to the same age group as Diablo 2 did. NOT the same players that originally played Diablo 2, who are now 10 years older.
09-06-2011 , 12:00 PM
i had 3 stars and a gold bar/name thing on bnet for the original diablo

where is my d3 beta invite darnit

also a lot of you guys are huge nits
09-06-2011 , 12:07 PM
Did anyone ever figure out what the gem does in D2 Bnet?
09-06-2011 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
also a lot of you guys are huge nits
I think I've been a general defender of D3 ITT. I see it for what it is. A mindless timekiller RPG hack and slash with shiny eye candy that was meant to be enjoyed for what it is.

Because it's Blizzard, they will add some level of complexity to the system that keeps it interesting for the more sophisticated crowd, but at its most basic, it's just a clicky monster killing game.

That's what Diablo was. That's what Diablo 2 was. That's what Diablo 7 will be.

I think a lot of the naysayers ITT are bitching just to bitch. The color palette, the music, the animations and graphics. I mean, really? I understand that there is a "whole package" effect to D2 that makes it what it is.

But I equate those kinds of complaints to stuff like the anti-MBS and auto-mining crowd from SC2's early days. Claiming that such UI/game engine additions will kill the game. If you want to play Diablo 2, go play Diablo 2!

There are a LOT and I mean a LOT of people who prefer to play Civilization 4 over the 5th installment because of some design changes in the series.

D3 coming out isn't going to shut down the D2 servers.
09-06-2011 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by *******
Did anyone ever figure out what the gem does in D2 Bnet?
Pretty sure it's confirmed to do nothing. Also I read somewhere that Blizzard customer service explicitly asked the D3 team not to include a chat gem because they were sick of responding to emails about it.
