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Diablo 3 Diablo 3

08-10-2012 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by solsek
Depending on how many RMAH slots you have open I would suggest splitting up the gold in separate listings and space them apart. I think your gold goes into a queue for that 1d12h listing time period and once your time comes up, if anyone buys gold, your gold will sell. So if you list your 30 mil gold and the next person that listed their gold was 5 minutes after you, your gold will only be available for purchase for 5 minutes. At least this is what seems like is going on because I've had friends tell me their gold doesn't sell until the last minute either. Could be completely wrong though haha, but either way, it couldn't hurt if you have extra RMAH slots to test it out.

I do not know any reputable sites that sell gold, mainly because I have never bought gold. I am sure there are some legit ones that are spamming general chat, but I would be careful with each one. Best thing to do would be to google "diablo 3 gold" and go with one that is near the front and has lots of currency from other games as well. Those tend to be the most legit.

This is the site I use to reference all my gold prices:

It has 85k likes on facebook, it's harmless! Test it out with 8m ($9.19 atm). If it works out, go from there.
I just tried it, got the gold in about an hour. Note that there is an extra fee for each different payment processor, was about 5%.
Diablo 3 Quote
08-10-2012 , 11:42 AM
I'm not sure I'd trust any of the spam sites. Did some digging last night though and playerauctions seems to be the accepted location. Price may not be worth it though. I think they where at 1.26 lowest when I looked.
Diablo 3 Quote
08-10-2012 , 12:06 PM
Interesting post about 1.0.4

-Gold find/Magic find will no longer be averaged in co-op games
-normal monsters getting buffed slightly, elites getting slightly nerfed
-ilvl 61 and 62 weapons can now roll the same damage as ilvl 63s (i think)
-enrage timers are being removed and elites will no longer heal to full health
-slightly reducing repair costs
-legendaries will be buffed but no details provided, they say the will have a future post about just this
-"We’re making a metric-ton of changes to classes, so we’re going to have separate blog posts for each."

Last edited by WildBobAA; 08-10-2012 at 12:12 PM.
Diablo 3 Quote
08-10-2012 , 12:10 PM
Those are pretty huge changes. It's also been re-linked to the US site.

They are talking about multiple weeks just to show the preview posts. What do you guys think, I'm thinking it'll be 4-6 weeks before there's even a remote chance that it's launched.

Last edited by Shoe Lace; 08-10-2012 at 12:23 PM.
Diablo 3 Quote
08-10-2012 , 12:15 PM
They are also getting rid of invulnerable minion affix
Diablo 3 Quote
08-10-2012 , 12:22 PM
So they are making the gear better and the opponents weaker? I am really confused at the message they are trying to send.
Diablo 3 Quote
08-10-2012 , 12:37 PM
I thought this was interesting:

So, in 1.0.4 we’re increasing the health of normal monsters by approximately 5%-10% in Inferno, but also increasing the likelihood they drop magic or rare items by a factor of four.
I have been rolling with 186% base MF and have been getting around 2-3 ilvl 61-63 rares off normal mobs (that I notice while whirlwinding) in my act 3 siegebreaker clears.

If that's going to increase by a factor of 4, wow.

Also, slightly worried that they are going to nerf WW barbs into the ground.
Diablo 3 Quote
08-10-2012 , 12:48 PM
good luck selling any weapons for a while
Diablo 3 Quote
08-10-2012 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by #Thinman
good luck selling any weapons for a while
They must be making legendary weapons reaaaaaaaaaaaaaally good or something. Can't believe they're making the game even easier still. Have they not noticed that people are steamrolling through act 3 in 45 mins?
Diablo 3 Quote
08-10-2012 , 01:24 PM
I hope everyone read this. Looks like Blizzard may have been a little careless with your personal info.
Diablo 3 Quote
08-10-2012 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by WildBobAA
Interesting post about 1.0.4

-Gold find/Magic find will no longer be averaged in co-op games
-normal monsters getting buffed slightly, elites getting slightly nerfed
-ilvl 61 and 62 weapons can now roll the same damage as ilvl 63s (i think)
-enrage timers are being removed and elites will no longer heal to full health
-slightly reducing repair costs
-legendaries will be buffed but no details provided, they say the will have a future post about just this
-"We’re making a metric-ton of changes to classes, so we’re going to have separate blog posts for each."
holy crap, game wasn't easy enough? Invulnerable minions wasn't even that hard. I can only think of 1 invulnerable minion one that is potentially hard and it's in act 3, but how rare is that anyways.

The point of healing to full was to prevent running away and coming back after a while or dying and spawning over and over. It was to push players to play better and it worked, i'm really not sure why they would do this
Diablo 3 Quote
08-10-2012 , 01:51 PM
it's ridiculous how they are going to make the game so easy. they just want to make it as easy as possible to farm items. so sad T_T
Diablo 3 Quote
08-10-2012 , 01:51 PM
Just had a fun idea for PvP after finding a full set of unid'd archon gear.

Basically you bring one of each unid armor and weapon, and then decide what character to use. Would require one of each class but it'd be fun!
Diablo 3 Quote
08-10-2012 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by ChrisCrocker
holy crap, game wasn't easy enough? Invulnerable minions wasn't even that hard. I can only think of 1 invulnerable minion one that is potentially hard and it's in act 3, but how rare is that anyways.

The point of healing to full was to prevent running away and coming back after a while or dying and spawning over and over. It was to push players to play better and it worked, i'm really not sure why they would do this
Don't see a big deal with that. Most serious players aren't really dying to elites too much, it allows people with crappy gear to kill certain packs that were unkillable to them before. Won't affect serious players, but makes things slightly easier for players still around with bad gear.

I like minor things to keep some of the lesser-geared playerbase around.
Diablo 3 Quote
08-10-2012 , 01:56 PM
things like not increasing monster health in coop and decreasing the health of champion packs in general will make the game a breeze.

edit: i play hardcore. i'm sure this isn't that big of a deal to soft core players as the game is already easy because most of you are properly geared anyway
Diablo 3 Quote
08-10-2012 , 02:01 PM
yeah that part is bad. things that affect everyone such as that is bad because the better players exploits it far more than the bottom players, and it increases the item gap even more and floods market with even more items.

btw guys, whats the plan if you find a legendary plan? found one for venomhusk bow, but if legendaries are getting buffs, should be holding onto it. last 10 trades was 7.5mil on AH, but guess only 1 is for sale at 25mil
Diablo 3 Quote
08-10-2012 , 02:06 PM
might as well hold onto it
Diablo 3 Quote
08-10-2012 , 02:12 PM
i want to add that i think overall most of the changes are very good. i just hate how they are nerfing the game
Diablo 3 Quote
08-10-2012 , 02:28 PM
Why don't they just rename inferno to hell, hell to nightmare, nightmare to normal and normal to tutorial? It's like diablo 2 over again. I said this way back before the pre-1.0.3 patch when everyone was complaining about how hard the game was and disagreed with me when I said the changes would make the game bad/boring. Now they want to take it a step further and make it even easier? Might as well sell all your weapons now since even 1250 DPS 1-handed weapons will be pretty easy to craft. The only thing that might separate players with these changes is if legendaries can roll better than rares.

Looks like it's time to sell all gear again for the third time loooool.
Diablo 3 Quote
08-10-2012 , 02:31 PM
that is a good idea! haha you can identify the unidentified items though so that might a problem.
Diablo 3 Quote
08-10-2012 , 02:50 PM
I feel like farming *should* be easy
there should just be something to do in the game that isn't.
Diablo 3 Quote
08-10-2012 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by Bremen
I can't find a merchant to sell me a spirit stone Stuck at 2760
The only guy in the game who sells it is found in The Watchtower Level 2 - He starts a script to find his brother or something. Once you complete the event, he becomes a merchant, and he won't always sell it.
Diablo 3 Quote
08-10-2012 , 02:57 PM
pvp wont be easy

Diablo 3 Quote
08-10-2012 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by Silman
I feel like farming *should* be easy
there should just be something to do in the game that isn't.
I could say the same thing but replace easy with hard. Why *should* something be easy in a game? By doing this they make it even more mind numbing than before.

PvP will be easy. It's not like we are talking about a hard game here. Left click, right click and 5 buttons. 13 year old kids will eat it up. Even WoW allows you to use more buttons than this game.

Lamestream video games are becoming more of a joke year by year. Pretty soon we will be sitting here playing with just the left click button on the mouse as the only control. However, at least there are independent companies trying to make decent games out there (PoE for example is infinitely better than D3 at its current stage in the beta).
Diablo 3 Quote
08-10-2012 , 03:07 PM
annihilus-type world event sounds like a somewhat easy way to get lots of people excited about the game.

make it non guaranteed drop too
Diablo 3 Quote
