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Diablo 3 Diablo 3

07-09-2012 , 01:31 AM
Diablo 3 Quote
07-09-2012 , 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
No but they've said they're actively working on getting it out as soon as possible. The lettered subpatches were all pretty minor and came out quick IMO so even if there is a 1.0.4b it will just be for quick fixes to **** they broke with 1.0.4.
At best each sub patch is a week apart. Numbered patches can stretch for quite some time. Here's the back log since 1.0.2a.

1.0.3a 6/26/2012
1.0.3  6/19/2012
1.0.2c 6/12/2012
1.0.2b 6/6/2012
1.0.2a 5/31/2012
We're still on 1.0.3a too and there's no guarantee Tuesday will be 1.0.4 because 1.0.3b got delayed according to the sticky on the general dicussion forums. We have to figure 1.0.3b will come out this Tuesday, so 1.0.4 is at least a week or 2 out after this Tuesday.
Diablo 3 Quote
07-09-2012 , 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
From what I read on the interwebs Jay Wilson has no idea at any point.
Agreed. He reminds me of my old boss. Great guy, full of ideas, and totally clueless.
Diablo 3 Quote
07-09-2012 , 01:39 AM
Based on the way the patches have been put out so far I think they push 1.1 as fast as possible, but still at least 3+ weeks away.

If you guys are bored with the game sell all ur stuff on the RMAH and transfer to paypal balance. Buy gold at $1 per mil or less and regear and whirly barb, prettty damn fun!
Diablo 3 Quote
07-09-2012 , 01:39 AM
I consider a week to be quick patch wise fwiw.
Diablo 3 Quote
07-09-2012 , 01:47 AM
I don't see 1.10 saving anything. The way they described PvP only ensures it will be the least amount of fun possible. How can whacking away at 3 dudes on the other team (4v4 TDM) in an unbalanced uncompetitive environment have a long term fun factor?

I'm thinking it will be fun for like 10 minutes and then I'll never play it again if they decide to release it in the way they described. In the PvP interviews they made it very clear that PvP is an afterthought and it will not be balanced because PvE balance has priority. They also stated multiple times that they do not want PvP to be competitive.

Legendary buffs are cool but, I dunno. That doesn't necessarily mean they are going to add in a boat load of ilvl 63 legendary weapons and ilvl 62 legendary items. They might just buff a few existing lower level legendaries to match the stats of current ilvl 62/63 rares. Also it's not like that will introduce anything new because all of those affix combinations can drop right now off i63/i62 gear. The only difference is they will drop with an orange color instead of yellow and have a unique graphic.
Diablo 3 Quote
07-09-2012 , 01:57 AM
theyre gonna realize they have to make PvP very very good cause their PvE endgame is inexistant
Diablo 3 Quote
07-09-2012 , 02:07 AM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
wow i really thought 1.1 would be out in less than like 40 days

if you guys are right ill be ****in pissed
get ready to take a **** after being pissed then. Before game was even released, they said pvp would be out in 3 months after release. After release they estimated it would be 6 months.

They said legendary buffs would MOST LiKELY be buffed with patch 1.10. Which could possibly be the next patch after 1.04, but most likely there will be 2-4 more patches before.
Diablo 3 Quote
07-09-2012 , 02:09 AM
Originally Posted by solsek
Based on the way the patches have been put out so far I think they push 1.1 as fast as possible, but still at least 3+ weeks away.

If you guys are bored with the game sell all ur stuff on the RMAH and transfer to paypal balance. Buy gold at $1 per mil or less and regear and whirly barb, prettty damn fun!
considering the way they're nerfing stuff left and right, gearing up a barb for that build could be risky with a patch coming out possibly this tuesday 5am pdt
Diablo 3 Quote
07-09-2012 , 02:11 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisCrocker
get ready to take a **** after being pissed then. Before game was even released, they said pvp would be out in 3 months after release. After release they estimated it would be 6 months.
pretty sure ive read 99.9% of the stuff about diablo 3 from blizzard before the game came out, and they never said # of months.

Originally Posted by ChrisCrocker
considering the way they're nerfing stuff left and right, gearing up a barb for that build could be risky with a patch coming out possibly this tuesday 5am pdt
theyve said they dont want to nerf much anymore, see their weird decision to keep the bugged natalya bonus
Diablo 3 Quote
07-09-2012 , 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
pretty sure ive read 99.9% of the stuff about diablo 3 from blizzard before the game came out, and they never said # of months.

theyve said they dont want to nerf much anymore, see their weird decision to keep the bugged natalya bonus
i'm pretty sure i read it off a blue post about the months but im probably wrong then as it could have easily came off reddit or jsp where i read it.

and yeah I realized they said they were taking a diff approach with not fixing the bugged natalya bonus, but i'd still say there's a risk in them nerfing the barb build.

I'd actually like to see a cap on crit % like 30%, that way people can hit the cap and go for gears without finding the crit % essential. Like ammys, rings or bracers not needing crit %. although this would kind of hurt me a lot
Diablo 3 Quote
07-09-2012 , 02:44 AM
Capping crit is cool, but man did they not think about any balance in this game when they made it?

It was IAS that was needed on very piece of gear in the beginning, now crit chance and to some extent crit dmg (at least on weapons). At least they are making progress 1 month at a time though. Maybe they'll finally get the correct balance 7 months after release. If they only allowed most of the game content out in a closed beta, most of these these would have been resolved.
Diablo 3 Quote
07-09-2012 , 02:47 AM
crazy to think the game was delayed by 5-6 months.

they seriously needed to triple their manpower at the least. blame activision I guess.
Diablo 3 Quote
07-09-2012 , 03:18 AM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
I consider a week to be quick patch wise fwiw.
Yeah I have been surprised how much they have been able to accomplish each week since launch.
Diablo 3 Quote
07-09-2012 , 08:46 AM
They had 1.0.1 developed, tested and ready to release before the game was even out.

Also most of the patches do literally nothing. Changing a few drop rates or tooltips / minor balance is nothing special. The other things are mostly very small bug fixes.

If they heavily nerf crit damage/crit rate then they are basically over balancing the classes and buffing inferno indirectly big time. That is the only way to really boost your DPS. If you remove/super nerf crit then everyone is going to do much less DPS and there's nothing to replace it with.
Diablo 3 Quote
07-09-2012 , 09:16 AM
i'm pretty sure i've gotten to the breaking point with this game. i still log in when one of my buddies wants to play, but i am not even remotely interested in playing any other time.

i'll probably preorder torchlight 2 and hope that game gives me the diablo fix this game didn't.
Diablo 3 Quote
07-09-2012 , 10:56 AM
Diablo 1 and 2 had a lot of stuff in it that was only done that way because of technological limitations and budget limitations, but they're being continued in Diablo 3 as if they're game design choices

Max players 4 in D1 and 8 in D2 was a technological limitation

Having the player replay the same content with the difficulty made numerically higher in D1 and D2 was a budget limitation

Having people leave games and rejoin games and instance games was a technological and budget limitation, if Blizzard North had the capability of making D2 an MMO I'm sure they would've gone for that

Jumping out of games into chat rooms and back into games is basically like a cheap non-persistent MMO, it's a shortcut, it's not really a desirable game design feature or something that defines a genre, it's a corner-cutting measure

But here they are in Diablo 3, as if they're things that define the series and define the genre.

I'm not even sure I agree with that but I find myself thinking about it every time I play Inferno for the millionth time, or leave a game and join a game, or play with 4 players and wish I could fit another friend in.
Diablo 3 Quote
07-09-2012 , 11:07 AM
I am really disappointed that I don't want to play this game much anymore. I have played 1 hour in the last 5 days.... I keep coming to this forum in hopes that something new/exciting/cool is on the way, but I leave disappointed every time.

I wish there was some way to see how many people are playing this game on a week to week basis. Sure, I expect the number to drop each week, but I am guessing that number has dropped more than anyone anticipated it would.

D3 not being what everyone was hoping for could be the best marketing gimmick ever for Torchlight 2. The TL2 team is probably licking their chops on this one. I wonder how much TL3 will disappoint us, just like D3 has. Lather, rinse and repeat...
Diablo 3 Quote
07-09-2012 , 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by Verno
I wish there was some way to see how many people are playing this game on a week to week basis. Sure, I expect the number to drop each week, but I am guessing that number has dropped more than anyone anticipated it would.
Diablo 3 Quote
07-09-2012 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
theyre gonna realize they have to make PvP very very good cause their PvE endgame is inexistant
So after screwing up basically every part of this game, you're expecting them to suddenly get it right with PvP?

I wish I had your optimism..
Diablo 3 Quote
07-09-2012 , 11:37 AM
The problem with the PvP update is that people will be so jaded by the time it comes out, that all of its flaws on release will be magnified exponentially in everyone's heads.

Blizzard also has this ******ed philosophy that says PvP and PvE can't be too different or it will confuse their playerbase. I suspect arenas will just have a 50% damage debuff and they'll call it a day. They've stated time and time again that they have no intention of balancing around PvP. So be prepared to get raped by classes that have some sort of homing projectile to spam from behind LoS.

I think it's going to be a failure of epic proportions, and will be watching intently as the drama unfolds.
Diablo 3 Quote
07-09-2012 , 11:54 AM
Is there some kind of leveling service out yet? And if so, how much does it cost?
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy playing through the game, but I have 5 characters at or near lvl60 now and it's getting tedious, especially since I want to do at least 5 more chars.

Anyone an idea on prices or where I can find these, or at least where I can find someone to do the act bosses for me and then I can level in the best spot myself?
Diablo 3 Quote
07-09-2012 , 12:00 PM
Yeah agree with much of the sentiment of the thread. I really don't see how pvp can fix it either. Mainly, I don't see how my monk could ever touch any decent witch hunter, sorcerer, or demon hunter.
Diablo 3 Quote
07-09-2012 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by chuckleslovakian
Yeah agree with much of the sentiment of the thread. I really don't see how pvp can fix it either. Mainly, I don't see how my monk could ever touch any decent witch hunter, sorcerer, or demon hunter.
I bet monks will be in high demand for arena teams

to stand in a corner and spam their mantras
Diablo 3 Quote
07-09-2012 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by chuckleslovakian
Yeah agree with much of the sentiment of the thread. I really don't see how pvp can fix it either. Mainly, I don't see how my monk could ever touch any decent witch hunter, sorcerer, or demon hunter.
you know theres a rune that instantly teleports you to your enemy on your main skill? -.-
Diablo 3 Quote
