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Destiny 2 (and the original) Destiny 2 (and the original)

11-12-2014 , 07:33 PM
Not sure if he sells hawkmoon, but that, the last word, and fatebringer are the 3 imo
Destiny 2 (and the original) Quote
11-12-2014 , 07:36 PM
I'm up for nightfall or normal raids.
Destiny 2 (and the original) Quote
11-12-2014 , 07:39 PM
So what I am now thinking is instead of wasting time to try to get shards for my legendary pieces I should hit the raid sooner then later if I can just get the gear throughout level chests correct? I don't have a lot of time due to work to try to grind the highest strikes as much as I want to in terms of saving time with leveling up trying to get shards. It almost seems like buy the one exotic and then try the raid at the minimum level I can as long as I have a few that can carry me through it. Sound about right?
Destiny 2 (and the original) Quote
11-12-2014 , 07:41 PM
My rl friend evaubaut will prob be down to normal raid too if anyone needs people. He hasn't done it before
Destiny 2 (and the original) Quote
11-12-2014 , 11:20 PM
Anyone want to do the weekly?
Destiny 2 (and the original) Quote
11-12-2014 , 11:23 PM
Not sure who all here did that last section of the raid with me but thanks for being patient with someone who had no idea what was going on having never played it before. I didn't get any weapon or armor drops but got shards and now know what to expect on that last part at least. Next time I'd like to try it from the beginning unless you think my level is too low.
Destiny 2 (and the original) Quote
11-12-2014 , 11:32 PM
Towards end of weekly if anyone wants to join
Destiny 2 (and the original) Quote
11-13-2014 , 12:09 AM
Ugh, 3 exotic weapon bounties active, need to get those cleaned up this weekend.
Destiny 2 (and the original) Quote
11-13-2014 , 04:51 AM
gg dave got a beaver error and wouldnt let me rejoin l8r
Destiny 2 (and the original) Quote
11-13-2014 , 10:57 AM
Any chance they are adding matchmaking for dailies, weeklies and raids with this update?

Also anyone have any tips on moving forward from Level 24? I've been stuck on 24 for a week. I only can play 1-2 hours per day, so maybe I'm just not putting enough time in?
Destiny 2 (and the original) Quote
11-13-2014 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by 4 High
Any chance they are adding matchmaking for dailies, weeklies and raids with this update?

Also anyone have any tips on moving forward from Level 24? I've been stuck on 24 for a week. I only can play 1-2 hours per day, so maybe I'm just not putting enough time in?
I had the same problem here recently (I'm low 26 now). How many strange coins do you have? You can buy a piece from Xur this weekend for your character depending no how many you have. What is your vanguard rank? You only need to get to rank 2 to buy legendary armor. I got 1 piece on a drop and purchased 2 from the vendor (65 marks a piece I believe). This will be enough to get you to 26 if you do a few upgrades. The other "quickest" way I could think of would be to do the higher strikes if you can have someone carry you through who is a higher level.
Destiny 2 (and the original) Quote
11-13-2014 , 11:36 AM
Now that I think of it, it might not have been members from here who added me to the end raid last night? Were any of you guys in my group? I guess I just assumed it was from here when I randomly got added (waka level 30, gonzo something, danny something. We had a 30, I think 2 29s, a 28, 27, and me 26 lol. We started at the last section and they sort of threw me to the wolves having never played it before with no clue on what to do. It was very intense and a bit frustrating with my character being that weak, but we finally trucked through it after a bit over an hour...too bad I only got shards and the chatterwhit thingy. I'm thinking now I can potentially survive a full run to try to get gear from the chests. I would like to try that either tonight or this weekend if a few are free to help.
Destiny 2 (and the original) Quote
11-13-2014 , 12:05 PM
I'd certainly be in to help some people do the raid but I'm going to a concert tonight. I should be free this weekend to help.
Destiny 2 (and the original) Quote
11-13-2014 , 12:45 PM
Please excuse my [x] Brag

I had a monster game the other night, Control on Bastion. 53 kills and 10990 score! It's around the fourth highest score recorded this month across all system, and like 50th overall. It was a pretty epic game, my opponents weren't even complete duds. I had one 10 streak purely with Gjallahorn and another on a Pike.
Destiny 2 (and the original) Quote
11-13-2014 , 01:28 PM
Question of the day...

For drops (Raid in particular), are there things that affect the probability of the drop for you or is it all just purely random from the chest loot/end boss drop?

Vanguard Rank (Im at 3)
Decryption guy rank (I'm at 4 or 5)
Light level (I'm at 26)
Hard vs Normal

A few guys last night got some good drops and I only got shards and a chatterwhite...just curious
Destiny 2 (and the original) Quote
11-13-2014 , 01:57 PM
totally random... chests are either shards/energy and i've seen a few exotic weapons come from 1 or 2 of the chests. The bosses are random drops.
Destiny 2 (and the original) Quote
11-13-2014 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by Chip Niche
Please excuse my [x] Brag

I had a monster game the other night, Control on Bastion. 53 kills and 10990 score! It's around the fourth highest score recorded this month across all system, and like 50th overall. It was a pretty epic game, my opponents weren't even complete duds. I had one 10 streak purely with Gjallahorn and another on a Pike.
That crushes my ps4 score of 7200 that has stood for a bit.

Zone B?
Destiny 2 (and the original) Quote
11-13-2014 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by jmg5220
totally random... chests are either shards/energy and i've seen a few exotic weapons come from 1 or 2 of the chests. The bosses are random drops.
Thanks bud, that's what I thought.

Here is great article explaining the different levels. It's nothing new to most on here but a very good read for beginning.

It looks like I am actually doing it right by not upgrading my legendary too far since I will be replacing it with Raid gear eventually to try to hit 30. Basically getting to the lowest I can be to do the Raid is the way to go for someone who doesn't get to grind nearly enough to get shards. I have 6 pieces now after last night's raid finish so next step is to attempt it from the beginning with higher ups who can help since I am very low to do it and hit the 5 loot chests. Here is the part from the article I am referring which I got lucky and guessed right on my strategy in terms of saving time. Now I just need the drops lol.

"However, it is not smart to fully upgrade a Legendary piece of armor that is not obtained from the Raid, since it's maximum Light will not be 30. In order to reach Level 30, you'll need four pieces of gear that has +30 Light. This can be 4 Raid pieces or 3 Raid pieces and an Exotic. You should be able to reach Level 27 without spending one Ascendant Shard. This allows you do to the Vault of Glass and try to obtain Raid armor. Since you need a lot of Shards to fully upgrade 4 pieces, it is best to only start using Shards on Exotic armor or Raid armor and not 'waste' it on regular Legendary armor. You can consider upgrading a regluar piece of Legendary armor twice for a total of 12 Shards which should get you to Level 28 if you have an Exotic piece of armor. However, spending a lot more Shards to reach 29 is ill advised. It's a waste of Shards. Best to try and acquire Raid armor."
Destiny 2 (and the original) Quote
11-13-2014 , 03:54 PM
Raid question...It says you can only get loot once a week from finishing a Raid. Since I got warped in the last section last night (without playing any of the earlier sections), and we finished it do I assume I can't collect anything from the earlier chests if I did another run and need to wait for the week to reset?
Destiny 2 (and the original) Quote
11-13-2014 , 04:36 PM
I thought you could do the weekly heroic at different levels and still get coins. I did it on 28 for the 9 coin and thought if I did it on 26 you would still get 4 or so coins.
Destiny 2 (and the original) Quote
11-13-2014 , 04:40 PM
nope, it is 3 coins for 24, 3 for 26, 3 for 28

or do a higher level one and get all the coins from the ones you havent done below it
Destiny 2 (and the original) Quote
11-13-2014 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by CharlieKelly
I thought you could do the weekly heroic at different levels and still get coins. I did it on 28 for the 9 coin and thought if I did it on 26 you would still get 4 or so coins.
What Larry said basically.

The wife has league tonight which means good grind session for me in Destiny... I need a higher up or 2 to help me with the weekly heroic level 28 if someone is available. That would put me at 32 coins or possibly enough for a weapon and armor if I get lucky. Let me know if someone is available around 6-9ish Central US time. spimp13 s/n

Last edited by spimp13; 11-13-2014 at 04:55 PM.
Destiny 2 (and the original) Quote
11-13-2014 , 04:53 PM
wait, you cant get above level 27 without the gear you get from the raid?
im an idiot then. I definitely need to do the raid then.
also i need to get a headset, i feel like a monkey agreeing to Dave's playing suggestions by dancing
Destiny 2 (and the original) Quote
11-13-2014 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by IlliniLou
wait, you cant get above level 27 without the gear you get from the raid?
im an idiot then. I definitely need to do the raid then.
also i need to get a headset, i feel like a monkey agreeing to Dave's playing suggestions by dancing
haha...yeah I stopped at 26 just for this reason to try to save shards for raid gear. Problem is you can only get loot once a week from finishing a raid on normal or 2x drops on hard which for me would be impossible to be of any help. I just need to find out if I am allowed to get chest loot drops since I started a session at the last boss last night, or does that count as a full run and I will need to wait a week.
Destiny 2 (and the original) Quote
11-13-2014 , 06:11 PM
You are still eligible for all the other loot drops in the raid, just you will get nothing for the final boss Atheon (and maybe gatekeepers, depending on when exactly you joined). I think it was probably randoms who picked you up, lol Most of us will have the clan name on our emblems. If I can get done with work I should be on sometime before 9 central, and I need to run 1x Nightfall and 2x Weekly heroics at some point this week.

I can't say I agree with the advice to not spend any shards on non-raid Armor. I would def suggest going no higher than 28 if they are in short supply, but before that more levels are well worth it. We'd take you of course, being a 2p2er - but a 26 is ~50% effective against the level 28 enemies found in the normal vault. Also it makes it likely very tough to run the daily on hard 28 probably impossible to solo most days (lack of shard earning), makes weekly heroic much harder (lack of coin earning) and probably puts the nightfall completely out of reach (lack of "unknown rewards").

I would suggest if you have an exotic armor piece you like, fill it with shards first of all - it'll probably still be used anyway with raid set. Obv upgrade any legendaries where they only require normal materials too. Then spend the minimum necessary on other pieces to get 28. Personally I got to 29 before getting any raid armor on my main, which allows running hard mode raid for even more chances at shards. Like Larry said earlier, shards are rare at first but once they start coming they become fairly common - basically once you start running the raid regularly you'll see many shards, and it's not a bad reward if you actually need them
Destiny 2 (and the original) Quote
