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Dark Souls 3 Dark Souls 3

04-14-2016 , 09:01 PM
Prepare to rage if you walk straight down the path under the arch from the dilapidated bridge bonfire.
Dark Souls 3 Quote
04-14-2016 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Spoiler re: something you missed, you can click or not click

there's a bonfire on the right too

edit: also, you can get to dilapidated bridge bonfire after going right w/o going through the artillery zone
Man, I would be really pissed if I didn't get lucky on that run. There were a couple times I almost bit it and lost a gang of souls.
Dark Souls 3 Quote
04-14-2016 , 09:27 PM
Yeah I found that bonfire now going both left and right. I'm sure I missed a few things but it's sort of nice to know left is mostly done.
Dark Souls 3 Quote
04-14-2016 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Above post referring to an enemy that's killed me more so far than anything else, and it's not a boss:

in Crucifixion Woods
The ****ing black knight dude. He 2 shotted me at all times, and while his attacks are easy enough to dodge on their own, I found it really hard to figure out the right moments to dive in and counterattack - like, I would think he'd be doing a 2 attack sequence, then I counter after the 2nd and he does a 3rd. Twice I got him to being one hit from dying only for him to kill me from near-full health on a sequence I didn't anticipate properly.

You can go around him and drop down from the top, and I casted that thing that makes your footsteps silent, but I couldn't backstab him in two attempts (just did a normal attack) so I gave up trying.

After like 8-10 tries at killing him, what awesome item is this super badass dude holding? AN EMBER. Go **** yourself. I'm going to bed.
Lol this guy sucks

My attacks don't stagger him at all
Dark Souls 3 Quote
04-14-2016 , 11:12 PM
My night is now complete after I had a female npc ask me to touch her lol. Beat the boss in the indeed settlement and found the sort of hidden bonfire. I found a decent amount of items and opened up the next area so thinking that is my next stop tomorrow.
Dark Souls 3 Quote
04-15-2016 , 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by Cotton Hill
Death toll shot up to from 15 to 30 last play session, 11 of which came at the hands of that AW boss.

Awesome fight. Figuring out how the agro mechanic worked int he first phase and exploiting it was cool.

The 2nd phase was tough, his combos were quite numerous so he'd wear down your stamina if you tried to block through it, also his reach was ridiculous. Got him to this phase pretty consistently and eventually was just able to identify the best times to attack.
Maybe I just got lucky, but I only died once on this fight. It was right at the end of the first phase, when one more poke would have been enough for me to survive and heal up.

Yeah, he's pretty fast with his attacks in the second phase, but his slide didn't seem super powerful. Getting caught in the flames doesn't seem to punish you as hard as in the previous games either. I've got 8 +2 estus charges, so that probably went a long way because I was able to back up and wait for him to miss a combo and safely chug. Once at full health (being embered up is crucial imo), I wasn't worried about taking a stray hit here and there. Poked him to death with my +4 halbred
Dark Souls 3 Quote
04-15-2016 , 01:13 AM
Also, after grabbing a few more free levels from the dark dude, my hollowing went all the way up to 68ish and I still didn't notice any ill effects other than my guy's face looking a little janky.

I was worried for a bit tonight, because the cost to fully reverse it shot up to 40k souls. I managed to save up 20k trudging around the swamp but ended up losing them to the basilisks who seem much more powerful in this game. Getting cursed to death is one of the more annoying ways of dying still. Eventually I bought a purging stone so it reset, but I've still got the dark sigils or whatever on my account.

I'm sure they're coming at some point soon, but the lack of large titanite shards in this game is holding me back from being able to get more than one weapon up to speed. I've collected a grand total of two in my 15 hours of play, and I'm even sitting on a handful of chunks from the birds nest.
Dark Souls 3 Quote
04-15-2016 , 01:26 AM
Two? Wow, it sounds like you've farther than me (idk what the AW boss is) and I got about 15.

I have a similar # of hours to you so maybe I've just spent more time exploring.
Dark Souls 3 Quote
04-15-2016 , 03:07 AM
Finished Cathedral of the Deep tonight. Pretty sure the only place left for me to go is Farron Keep. I have to assume the lack of upgrade and flask materials to this point means there's a whole lot of game left. Rolling with Halberd +3 currently and thinking about going claymore.

Like someone else mentioned, I get the "unable to summon phantom" message WAY too often. It's the most tilting part of the game imo
Dark Souls 3 Quote
04-15-2016 , 07:11 AM
Played 2 hours last night. Game is so so good.

Prob 22-ish deaths so far.

Got to the first Bonfire at Wall of Lothric before the giant worm thing that devours the undead at the start of the fight. Spent like 15 deaths as a Lv 1 Wanderer fighting the Crystal Armadillo thing but finally beat him.
Dark Souls 3 Quote
04-15-2016 , 08:43 AM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Two? Wow, it sounds like you've farther than me (idk what the AW boss is) and I got about 15.

I have a similar # of hours to you so maybe I've just spent more time exploring.
Are you getting them from monster drops then?

I've found plenty of regular shards, just can't get my hands on enough large ones. It doesn't help that upgrades cost 2/4/6 as opposed to the significantly cheaper costs in the earlier games
Dark Souls 3 Quote
04-15-2016 , 09:20 AM
Goofy had to have meant just regular shards in that post and misread imo. I haven't found a single large shard and I'm pretty sure I'm slightly past where he is.
Dark Souls 3 Quote
04-15-2016 , 09:22 AM
In regards to large titanite shard farming....You're welcome!

Trade a firebomb to the crow on top of the firelink shrine
Dark Souls 3 Quote
04-15-2016 , 09:48 AM
I'll get to play a little today but I'm out of town most of this weekend so will be out of the game a few days.

I've downed a total of 8 bosses, along with several minibosses (no HP bar, no foggate, etc. but they don't respawn), 26 hours of playtime, ~65 deaths.

I have no way of knowing for sure but it "feels" like I'm at about the half way point, at least in the required progression, probably way less than half "done" when you consider all the side stuff.

I also got a confirmation on the NG+ question I asked earlier.

NG+ is apparently like DS2, in that you choose when to go to it, it doesn't instantly go to it automatically as most other Souls games have.

Last edited by Cotton Hill; 04-15-2016 at 09:56 AM.
Dark Souls 3 Quote
04-15-2016 , 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by spimp13
In regards to large titanite shard farming....You're welcome!

Trade a firebomb to the crow on top of the firelink shrine
I did that and got a chunk, not a large shard.

Trading a black firebomb got me three chunks

I'm pissed at myself though, once I found the nest last night my first instinct was to trade in the rubbish I picked up. Went to the menu and accidentally selected discard instead of leave. Ugh.
Dark Souls 3 Quote
04-15-2016 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by zdye724
I did that and got a chunk, not a large shard.

Trading a black firebomb got me three chunks

I'm pissed at myself though, once I found the nest last night my first instinct was to trade in the rubbish I picked up. Went to the menu and accidentally selected discard instead of leave. Ugh.
There are two different types of firebombs. Are you sure you tried the correct one?
Dark Souls 3 Quote
04-15-2016 , 10:42 AM
In regards to the area in the locked tower behind Firelink...

In the grave tower by the elevator there are two items in the shaft. The one on the north side is easy to get to, it's clear which platforms you fall to. The one on the South side seems f'ing impossible. You can't land on the item and there's a little ledge next to it that looks promising, but it seems impossible to land on either. Has anyone figured out how to get that item?
Dark Souls 3 Quote
04-15-2016 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by Cotton Hill
In regards to the area in the locked tower behind Firelink...

In the grave tower by the elevator there are two items in the shaft. The one on the north side is easy to get to, it's clear which platforms you fall to. The one on the South side seems f'ing impossible. You can't land on the item and there's a little ledge next to it that looks promising, but it seems impossible to land on either. Has anyone figured out how to get that item?
Rolling off the edge worked for me. I landed on that little ledge.

Last edited by goofyballer; 04-15-2016 at 11:49 AM. Reason: spoiler fail
Dark Souls 3 Quote
04-15-2016 , 11:49 AM
Yeah I'm an idiot zdye, missed the word 'large', sorry.

Heater, it's 'spoil', not 'spoiler'.
Dark Souls 3 Quote
04-15-2016 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by Cotton Hill
In regards to the area in the locked tower behind Firelink...

In the grave tower by the elevator there are two items in the shaft. The one on the north side is easy to get to, it's clear which platforms you fall to. The one on the South side seems f'ing impossible. You can't land on the item and there's a little ledge next to it that looks promising, but it seems impossible to land on either. Has anyone figured out how to get that item?
I ran and jumped and landed on it first try, maybe I got lucky. I also used the spook sorcery to avoid fall damage but as long as you don't die, that wouldn't matter
Dark Souls 3 Quote
04-15-2016 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
I ran and jumped and landed on it first try, maybe I got lucky. I also used the spook sorcery to avoid fall damage but as long as you don't die, that wouldn't matter
On a scale of 1-10, how good is the item on that ledge?

I tried getting it twice, not sure I feel like wasting more time on it tonight though
Dark Souls 3 Quote
04-15-2016 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Heater, it's 'spoil', not 'spoiler'.
IIRC, it's both.

For some strange reason, desktop web browsers and the mobile apps use different spoiler tags. So ideal is to nest both, therefore no-one is spoiled accidentally. such as.

[spoil][spoiler] text goes here [/spoiler][/spoil]
Dark Souls 3 Quote
04-15-2016 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by _dave_
IIRC, it's both.

For some strange reason, desktop web browsers and the mobile apps use different spoiler tags.
LOL, seriously? That's amazing.
Dark Souls 3 Quote
04-15-2016 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by zdye724
On a scale of 1-10, how good is the item on that ledge
I don't remember how good it is, but the type of item is

[spoiler]armor set, iirc[/spoiler]
Dark Souls 3 Quote
04-15-2016 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by _dave_
IIRC, it's both.

For some strange reason, desktop web browsers and the mobile apps use different spoiler tags. So ideal is to nest both, therefore no-one is spoiled accidentally. such as.

[spoil][spoiler] text goes here [/spoiler][/spoil]
Huh. Makes sense. I realized after goofy's post that I typed it out on my desktop for some stupid reason. I've probably just been on my phone too much lately.
Dark Souls 3 Quote
