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05-14-2016 , 02:21 AM
That dépends on cards mostly. Your zap not beeing high enought to kill goblins.à high level pekka is hard to manage when it 1 shot barbs
Clash Royale Quote
05-14-2016 , 02:53 PM
Clash Royale May 18th Update: Balance Changes

Royal Giant’s damage gets decreased by 4%!

We all can easily see that Royal Giant is a bit too great and his use rate is extremely high right now. A small damage reduction would be nice to reign Royal Giant a bit!

Freeze duration get decreased by 1 second

Freeze Spell is definitely an impressive card on both defense and offense, and Hog + Freeze combo would be devastating If gets done correctly! People are using this combo a lot in most Arenas! This change will make our game better, for sure!

Furnace Elixir Cost decreased from 5 to 4, HP decreased by 14%, lifetime decreased from 50s to 40s

Because Furnace has a very low use rate, Supercell decided to decrease its Elixir cost, HP and lifetime for balance.

Guards HP and damage increased by 5%

Although Guards are very great, this card’s use rate is still very low! Hope this change will help them somehow!

Fire Spirits Arena Damage radius get increased by 25%

Personally I have no idea about this change xD.

Miner’s HP increased by 6%

Miner’s use rate is extremely low compared with other Legendary cards at this time. Hands down it’s a pretty fun card and players are still figuring out the best uses for Miner! It’s better to give him some more HP!

Lava Hound HP increased by 3% + Lava Pups HP increased by 9%

Due to the 7 Elixir cost, Lava Hound is not impressive enough yet! Hope this change will make people use this amazing card more!

Elixir Collector HP decreased by 9%

Okay so Supercell still wants to nerf this card again, after the last lifetime nerf. Hands down its use rate at Arena 6 and above is extremely high as we can meet it in almost every deck! As Supercell don’t want any card to feel like an obvious choice, they want to nerf it again!

Knight HP increased by 10%

People rarely use Knight these days. He is a great basic card and that will be great If he can be also a mini-tank in game.

Bomber damage increased by 10%

Bomber is a very underrepresented troop in Clash Royale which offers a lot in the early and mid game. People just don’t use him in high Arenas!

Cannon HP decreased by 5%

Okay so seems like Supercell really hate Cannon. Another nerf to this ugly card!

Tesla HP increased by 5%

This is a great change IMO! Tesla is a great card and I really want to see people use it more in the future!

Golem and Golemite HP increased by 5%

Golem use rate is pretty low at this time! A small boost should help him become more viable!

Witch’s damage increased by 10%

Witch is an impressive early game pusher but people just don’t use her much in higher Arenas. More damage for her would be nice!

Skeletons HP and damage increased by 5%

This also affects Tombstone, Witch, Skeleton Army! More Skeletons = More fun!

Tombstone HP increased by 10%

Tombstone is a very underrated card in Clash Royale. This change will make it become a bit more viable!

Card Upgrade XP Fixed

XP gained after upgrading Epics and Legendaries is now in line with the equivalent levels of Commons and Rares.

What do you think about this new Clash Royale update guys? Please share your opinions!

4% damage nerf on royal giants seems fair.

Bomber buff : YEAH i ve been playing it already and it s pretty decent already, that will definitly be great now.

Tesla buff i dont like since i dont like buff to defenses.

Knight seems pretty decent already but i cannot find a proper use for it so i dont think the buff will change much

witch get a decent buff with her own buff and squeleton buffs

that elixir pump buff seems like a decent buff to fireball, not sure they ll ever manage to balance it without making it unusable

Last edited by eddymitchel; 05-14-2016 at 03:02 PM.
Clash Royale Quote
05-14-2016 , 03:58 PM
I just won 6 in a row with this strange deck I made, putting me up to my highest rank, 2063:

Lvl 3: Baby Dragon
Lvl 5: Giant, Hog Rider, Elixir Collector, Tombstone
Lvl 8: Archers, Spear Goblins, Zap

Only reason I have Baby Dragon in here is because it's the first card I had to break 2/5/8. Valkyrie is still probably the better card, but I was having my Valk/Hog opens walk right into Horde and getting wrecked. My thought process is I can get away with Zap over Arrows because I have Baby Dragon, and because I have double shooters. I did beat three decks with Horde during the run, and two with regular Minions, so maybe my theory is right.

I put Tombstone in, because I was sick of getting Hog'ed, and then somehow, amazingly I only faced 1 Hog Rider in that run. But it did make some Giant Skeletons/Mini Pekkas look dumb.

It's kind of like the Jason deck, except I'm much happier opening with Baby Dragon or Tombstone than Barbarian or Minion Horde. The Jason deck seems very reliant on Elixir Collector in the opening hand, I think, to make the pattern of 5-elixir counter into counter-push happen often enough.

Last edited by ddubois; 05-14-2016 at 04:08 PM.
Clash Royale Quote
05-14-2016 , 05:27 PM
Clash Royale Quote
05-14-2016 , 09:03 PM
What are counters for spam decks that play the barbarian hut, goblin hut, tombstone, etc.?
Clash Royale Quote
05-14-2016 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by synth_floyd
What are counters for spam decks that play the barbarian hut, goblin hut, tombstone, etc.?
Bomb tower, also poison/lightning/rocket are good if you can hit multiple huts + tower.

Best defence is to rush the opposite lane and keep attacking. Hut decks rely on keeping you busy until double exilir (when they have so many huts it overwhelms you). Hard for them to find 7 elixir for a barb hut when you're on the attack!
Clash Royale Quote
05-14-2016 , 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by synth_floyd
What are counters for spam decks that play the barbarian hut, goblin hut, tombstone, etc.?
Clash Royale Quote
05-15-2016 , 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by synth_floyd
What are counters for spam decks that play the barbarian hut, goblin hut, tombstone, etc.?
Its a matter of not letting them reach a critical mass of hut where you cant stop them or counter the other lane.
Hut deck are weak since you can outplay them easily.
Clash Royale Quote
05-15-2016 , 04:54 AM
Hut decks are not weak. They are just not as easy to play as lots of people think. Too many players drop barb hut when the opponent can have a hog in hand and lose to a push on the other side. Or drop huts close together before knowing if the opponent has lightning or poison.
Clash Royale Quote
05-15-2016 , 05:10 AM
ofc hut decks are weak , that s why you dont see them at high level at all since good players crush them.

The closest we have seen as a hut deck at high level , is chief pat playing goblin hut in a super control royal giant deck. that doesnt qualify as a hut deck , since it would be at least 2 kind of spawner.
Clash Royale Quote
05-15-2016 , 01:38 PM
Spammer setups are rare in mid 2000 range, and it's -EV to build a deck just to beat it.
Clash Royale Quote
05-16-2016 , 02:12 PM
Do you win these very often?
Clash Royale Quote
05-16-2016 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by grenzen
Do you win these very often?
Never. They don't exist
Clash Royale Quote
05-16-2016 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by hawkeye307
Never. They don't exist
That makes me a God.
Clash Royale Quote
05-17-2016 , 08:57 PM
Finally hit arena 7. Mainly f2p. Dumped $20 at some point.
Clash Royale Quote
05-18-2016 , 05:39 AM
Originally Posted by grenzen
Do you win these very often?
Had my second one recently. They are fully random on wins that give a chest. I have 1440 wins but not all of them gave chests but definitely more than 1000 chests.
Clash Royale Quote
05-18-2016 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by grenzen
Do you win these very often?
I've had 2. Still stuck balls.
Clash Royale Quote
05-19-2016 , 01:36 PM
Been in arena 7 for ages now, first had a hog-freeze deck and was around 2200-2400, changed to a royal giant deck since last update and been up to about 2400-2600 atm
but rlly struggling to break through higher up. Seems all Im up against is people with legend cards which I have none of... being a lvl 9 since last weekend /doh.

That sparky does my head in aswell, whats best to counter this? minions orso?

And anyone who has that miner? sneeky thing aswell and only cost 3 pink?
Clash Royale Quote
05-19-2016 , 01:55 PM
Sparky on its own is easy (can use zap to reset it's attack charge, anything to kill it), sparky with wiz behind is hard, sparky behind a giant I have no idea (seeing this combo a lot over 2500).
Clash Royale Quote
05-19-2016 , 02:06 PM
Thats how Ive seen it a few times, drop giant at the back, then a wiz and when they are at the bridge a sparky... *panic mode activated* lol
Clash Royale Quote
05-19-2016 , 06:06 PM
Sparky is overpowered when protected. Mainly you have to send sacrificial troops to it to get zapped. But with wiz + giant = GG
Clash Royale Quote
05-19-2016 , 09:11 PM
I just concede when I see sparky. I would need to include minion horde or zap to be able to deal with him and I prefer to keep arrows. Especially since minion horde is too easily countered itself.

Sparky sucks against good hog decks who have zap so he is not popular enough to need a counter.
Clash Royale Quote
05-19-2016 , 09:12 PM
What are thoughts on elixir collector? seems such a waste to me to play it for 5 elix and only get 7 out of it best case....
Clash Royale Quote
05-19-2016 , 09:16 PM
Not sure after the latest nerf but collectors were a guaranteed elixir gain. Those 2 extra are guaranteed unless you spent a rocker or fireball on it which is still an elixir gain. Only miner and barrel can actually stop it.

Only downside is the early hard push after you dropped it.
Clash Royale Quote
05-19-2016 , 09:45 PM
I still run elixir and most of the people I've run against in the low 2000's run it.
I think it's still fine.
Clash Royale Quote
