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11-14-2014 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
I'll take that as a no.
When you can defend pink walls at TH9/10, exposed/lurable CC and all 4 mortars on top of each other for easy lightning strikes (or easy elimination by troops in one fell swoop) you let me know.

Until then, the facts show the majority of your clan sucks, the majority of your "top" players (term used extremely loosely) gemmed their way there and don't understand base design 101 or how to raid for their loot efficiently.

You have TWO players out of your clan of FIFTY that I would consider skilled at this game, the rest are just chum for the rest of us to feed on.
Clash of Clans Quote
11-14-2014 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
Serious question, do you think you're good at trolling?
Well, he's on about his 5th 2p2 account....
Clash of Clans Quote
11-14-2014 , 07:53 PM
Hate to tell you Max but you can't tell if someone used gems just by their gold grab. You need to know when they started playing because the achievements didn't come in until people were already at TH7. It also depends on how they play. Not everyone farms and has builders busy 24/7. Plenty of people around that get upgrades just from waiting on their collectors to fill their storages. Someones level means absolutely nothing as you get xp for destroying town halls and donating troops. Unless you checked those stats in their profile as well.

And as pointed out walls are the biggest part of the amount of gold needed so if they are still on purple then they would not have needed that much.
Clash of Clans Quote
11-14-2014 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by MaxValue1234
When you can defend pink walls at TH9/10, exposed/lurable CC and all 4 mortars on top of each other for easy lightning strikes (or easy elimination by troops in one fell swoop) you let me know.

Until then, the facts show the majority of your clan sucks, the majority of your "top" players (term used extremely loosely) gemmed their way there and don't understand base design 101 or how to raid for their loot efficiently.

You have TWO players out of your clan of FIFTY that I would consider skilled at this game, the rest are just chum for the rest of us to feed on.
The whole point of the game is to win wars. Our win rate is something along the lines of 90%+. When we do lose it is normally down to the fact that it's an unfair matchup.

A farm clan is pointless now due to the new war bonuses. Or are you just in a farm clan because you suck at war?

You've judged 48/50 players to be crap because of a couple questionable bases? Right oh!
Clash of Clans Quote
11-14-2014 , 08:59 PM
Max value has min friends irl.
Clash of Clans Quote
11-14-2014 , 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by NDfan
Max value has min friends irl.
This just isn't true. No way he has any friends.
Clash of Clans Quote
11-14-2014 , 09:25 PM
Wow... just wow...
Clash of Clans Quote
11-14-2014 , 09:28 PM
This thread caught teh AIDs

Clash of Clans Quote
11-14-2014 , 10:08 PM
Zero to a hundred....real quick
Clash of Clans Quote
11-15-2014 , 12:59 AM
Clash of Clans Quote
11-15-2014 , 06:51 AM
Originally Posted by Westley
The whole point of the game is to win wars.
CoC release date: August, 2012
Clan Wars Introduced: April, 2014

Must I keep proving you guys wrong?

Our win rate is something along the lines of 90%+. When we do lose it is normally down to the fact that it's an unfair matchup.
You sound like a losing poker player that tells everyone he's up a little, or down a little, or break even over his span of play. You know, without having any actual factoids to back up what he's saying.

Your clans description says you war "Always". So if you guys have been warring 3x/week since April that would be roughly 30 weeks and thus 90 wars. You have won 50 wars.

So 50/90 = 90%+?

A farm clan is pointless now due to the new war bonuses. Or are you just in a farm clan because you suck at war?
I can raid every 20-30 minutes in a farming clan and snag 200k+ of each resource using a cheap army. Or I can be in a war and spend tons more on a GoWiWiPe so I can do two attacks over a span of 48 hours (prep and then attack time) for a bit more loot than I'd get in one of my farming attacks (but the volume of my farming attacks would obviously exceed the volume the war provides)

You've judged 48/50 players to be crap because of a couple questionable bases? Right oh!
"questionable" eh? I don't think there's any question bro, it's pretty clear.
Clash of Clans Quote
11-15-2014 , 07:18 AM
The always warring was a recent addition, decided upon because we were making so much profit from the wars. Most of them we crush so hard that a lot of us have the option to use our second attack to batch 1 star and gain a hefty loot bonus.

The past 5 or so wars I have used a dragon army in my first attack then barched my second and have been typically getting over 650k of gold and 650k elixer whilst spending maybe 430k elixer plus the 2100-2400 dark elixer I have been getting has been really helping my king come along. Not bad since I can just train my war army well I sleep.
Clash of Clans Quote
11-15-2014 , 07:32 AM
Originally Posted by loafes
The always warring was a recent addition, decided upon because we were making so much profit from the wars. Most of them we crush so hard that a lot of us have the option to use our second attack to batch 1 star and gain a hefty loot bonus.

The past 5 or so wars I have used a dragon army in my first attack then barched my second and have been typically getting over 650k of gold and 650k elixer whilst spending maybe 430k elixer plus the 2100-2400 dark elixer I have been getting has been really helping my king come along. Not bad since I can just train my war army well I sleep.
What he said..

I have been averaging 3k+ DE per war, generally with only one full attack. Which is helping my bk along nicely..

So is the point of the game to loot? so you can upgrade, so you can loot more?

What's the point of powerful troops if you just barch all the time?
Clash of Clans Quote
11-15-2014 , 07:50 AM
Originally Posted by Westley
What he said..

I have been averaging 3k+ DE per war, generally with only one full attack. Which is helping my bk along nicely..
I've got both my heroes above lvl 10 and have been upgrading them steadily without issue via raiding.

So is the point of the game to loot? so you can upgrade, so you can loot more?
The point of the game is not some fixed thing, it varies based on your personal goals and the stage you are in the game.

You can play it to grow your base and beat up on random bases, or you can play it to war as a team, or for trophy hunting.

Wars are just another way to obtain loot, so you can upgrade, so you can war (loot) some more. It's just a different method to the same goal as my farming.

What's the point of powerful troops if you just barch all the time?

Let's see, while I'm farming I can choose to:

Make one raid using golems, pekkas, witches, wizards every hour

Make three raids using mostly barbs and archers every hour

I think the math speaks for itself there.

I'm not against warring, I enjoy it from time to time. But currently I'm focused on shoring up my base and research before I dive back into wars.

Just because I don't play the game like you do doesn't make the way I play it incorrect. And you guys talk about my ego.
Clash of Clans Quote
11-15-2014 , 07:52 AM
Originally Posted by Westley
What's the point of powerful troops if you just barch all the time?
Originally Posted by loafes
Most of them we crush so hard that a lot of us have the option to use our second attack to batch 1 star and gain a hefty loot bonus.

Well, it appears the point is loot Westley.
Clash of Clans Quote
11-15-2014 , 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by MaxValue1234
Well, it appears the point is loot Westley.
The point is ROI in terms of loot and fun.
Grinding barch is not fun for me.. A strategic attack during war with an army designed to take on that exact base is a challenge and fun. If there are no new fresh stars to take and I can cook up a barch army for an easy 2.5k DE that would normally be 5+ attacks worth.. I'd be stupid not to.
Clash of Clans Quote
11-15-2014 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by MaxValue1234

Just because I don't play the game like you do doesn't make the way I play it incorrect.
This now makes me think you're just trolling considering your comments on other people's methods..

You do you.
Clash of Clans Quote
11-15-2014 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by Westley
This now makes me think you're just trolling considering your comments on other people's methods..

You do you.
He is trolling just ignore him. I can guarantee he's had multiple banned 2p2 accounts for similar behavior in other threads.

He gets his assertion that we are gemming proven completely false and ignores the posts. Then goes on the clown 1 member of our clan, who doesn't even play the game with the exception of his war attacks as justification for why we all suck.

Ignore him.
Clash of Clans Quote
11-15-2014 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by MarkoPolo

He gets his assertion that we are gemming proven completely false and ignores the posts.
I accused a lot of you of gemming, which ones did you prove false? Which ones were correct?

lvl 89 King Matthew - TH10 who bought his way up with gems

lvl 116 Matt - looks skilled and has great raiding stats

lvl 94 Kenny - Another lame gemmer who bought his way up

lvl 93 Herp Derp - only has 130 Million GG, probable gemmer

lvl 94 Rumplestilzkien - has 100 million less GG than me but better WT & Xbows = gems

lvl 94 Markinator - same as Rumple

lvl 103 - Laser - Someone who actually earned their way up and didn't just gem it

lvl 94 - jbip - same as Rumple (and lol @ his CC placement, what a gemming newb)

lvl 97 - Bob - lol pink walls

lvl 95 - imsakidd - oh look, another gemmer, congrats

lvl 95 - RichardRichard - nice pink walls bro

Lvl 91 - NoGoodToday - more pink walls
Clash of Clans Quote
11-15-2014 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by Westley
This now makes me think you're just trolling considering your comments on other people's methods..

You do you.
lolololol. You ***** came at me, saying I couldn't raid, etc. So I proved you wrong and pointed out that the "great" clan you think you have is made up of a majority of gemmers for your "top" players (i.e. lack any real skill in base design and attacking because they bought their way up rather than gaining experience) and the other half of your clan is a bunch of below level 50 newbs.

Then you guys told me I'm wrong for not warring because "it's the way the game is meant to be played" and I proved that wrong, so now I'm the one trolling, lol.

You guys are trolling because your clan sucks and nobody who has any real skill wants to be a part of it. You have one clan, yaaay. My posse has three
Clash of Clans Quote
11-15-2014 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by MaxValue1234
I accused a lot of you of gemming, which ones did you prove false? Which ones were correct?

lvl 89 King Matthew - TH10 who bought his way up with gems

lvl 116 Matt - looks skilled and has great raiding stats

lvl 94 Kenny - Another lame gemmer who bought his way up

lvl 93 Herp Derp - only has 130 Million GG, probable gemmer

lvl 94 Rumplestilzkien - has 100 million less GG than me but better WT & Xbows = gems

lvl 94 Markinator - same as Rumple

lvl 103 - Laser - Someone who actually earned their way up and didn't just gem it

lvl 94 - jbip - same as Rumple (and lol @ his CC placement, what a gemming newb)

lvl 97 - Bob - lol pink walls

lvl 95 - imsakidd - oh look, another gemmer, congrats

lvl 95 - RichardRichard - nice pink walls bro

Lvl 91 - NoGoodToday - more pink walls
You high bro? Your point about gemming had to with gold grab, yet you ignored the difference in gold spent in wallls and war loot.

GG, NH, WP now run back to your penny stakes home game.
Clash of Clans Quote
11-15-2014 , 12:28 PM
Aren't you supposed to gem? You get a bunch for free, are you just not supposed to use them? That seems like a.n odd strategy.

As for the raid v war talk, it's not an either or. You can get a lot of resources from both. What I do is I'll focus on farm but when I gain a shield I'll switch to my war attacks and get them done then.
Clash of Clans Quote
11-15-2014 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by MarkoPolo
You high bro? Your point about gemming had to with gold grab, yet you ignored the difference in gold spent in wallls and war loot.

GG, NH, WP now run back to your penny stakes home game.
I've warred too, so your war loot doesn't make up the difference. The walls make up the difference in ONE of the cases, but you guys are still running most of your higher-tier accounts using gems to get there.

I have 2,889 multiplayer battles. Your guys MIGHT have 10-20 more wars participated in than me, so while it's somewhat of a factor, it's not a HUGE factor (assuming the majority of the time the loot gained from war is in the 500-600K range then at 20 wars ahead of me that accounts for an additional 10 million in loot, when I'm hundreds of millions ahead of these guys)

I've posted the accused gemmers below with their battle stats compared to my 2,889, and bolded those who seem somewhat legit. The rest are gemmers dude, suck less.

lvl 89 King Matthew - TH10 who bought his way up with gems (580 battles, LOL)

lvl 94 Kenny - Another lame gemmer who bought his way up (1,296 battles)

lvl 93 Herp Derp - only has 130 Million GG, probable gemmer (1,332 battles)

lvl 94 Rumplestilzkien - has 100 million less GG than me but better WT & Xbows = gems (2,510 battles) I CONCEDE ON THIS ONE

lvl 94 Markinator - same as Rumple (1,742 battles)

lvl 94 - jbip - same as Rumple (and lol @ his CC placement, what a gemming newb) - (1500 battles)

lvl 97 - Bob - lol pink walls (2200 battles) DIDN'T ACCUSE HIM OF GEMMING, BUT LOL PINK WALLS

lvl 95 - imsakidd - oh look, another gemmer, congrats (1,923 battles)

lvl 95 - RichardRichard - nice pink walls bro (1,767 battles)

Lvl 91 - NoGoodToday - more pink walls (2,240 battles) SAME AS BOB, LOL PINK WALLS
Clash of Clans Quote
11-15-2014 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
Aren't you supposed to gem? You get a bunch for free, are you just not supposed to use them? That seems like a.n odd strategy.
I'm talking about your unskilled higher level accounts that just spent hundreds of $$$ on gems to get where they are at, and don't actually have clue 101 about base design, attack strategies, etc. but you guys try to play yourselves off like you've figured out the game and you're SOOOO good when 90%+ of your clan is a freaking joke and should just delete their accounts and stick to Candy Crush
Clash of Clans Quote
11-15-2014 , 12:56 PM
Can anyone help answer this I tried searching but couldn't find a definite answer

So I am upgrading a mortar from level 4 to 5. My clan will be at war on Monday and I know it won't be finished. Will that mortar that is upgrading still be available during the war at level 4 or not at all.

Thanks in advance
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