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12-09-2015 , 11:16 AM
Thanks, I'll look into barchers after I can do decently in war. Seems like most of the th9s just get 2 stars against other th9s but that's working for us, with the exception of one guy who is really good and has level 20 heroes who 3 stars.

Hadn't considered that about the xbows, ok I'll hold off and do the ones which help war first. Seems like everyone goes gowipe so I'll probably do teslas first then archer towers.

Not maxed: goblins, wallbreakers, pekka, rage, earthquake, poison, valkyrie
Clash of Clans Quote
12-09-2015 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by steve1238
Fish gonna fish.
Clash of Clans Quote
12-09-2015 , 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
Thanks, I'll look into barchers after I can do decently in war. Seems like most of the th9s just get 2 stars against other th9s but that's working for us, with the exception of one guy who is really good and has level 20 heroes who 3 stars.

Hadn't considered that about the xbows, ok I'll hold off and do the ones which help war first. Seems like everyone goes gowipe so I'll probably do teslas first then archer towers.

Not maxed: goblins, wallbreakers, pekka, rage, earthquake, poison, valkyrie
Rage and wallbreakers before you go th9. Keep grinding walls in the meantime.
Clash of Clans Quote
12-09-2015 , 12:23 PM
I've started to like wall breakers a lot. I use barch plus goblins and maybe some minions when farming and having 6-8 wall breakers with me makes a lot of bases more accessible.

For as much as Giants have bothered me at TH7 and now TH8, I don't find myself wanting to upgrade them and Gibarch. I will probably upgrade the WB's or Goblins before Giants.

I'll have level 4 hogs in 10 days or possibly sooner if I don't feel like waiting. Already have my heal upgraded so I am looking forward to a second legitimate war attack. Last war was a pretty bad matchup for out TH8's. We had a couple more 8's than they did and every one of theirs had maxed AD's, cannons, and mostly upgraded archer towers. Compared to our 8's that ranged from "basicallY TH7" to max. And the "basically TH7" weren't matches against 7's. Dragons had a tough go of it.
Clash of Clans Quote
12-09-2015 , 12:27 PM
Thanks. I don't use wallbreakers at all so wasn't planning to upgrade them.
Clash of Clans Quote
12-09-2015 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
Thanks. I don't use wallbreakers at all so wasn't planning to upgrade them.
You will use them as you progress through th9 and you'll be kicking yourself when you have to go back and upgrade them.
Clash of Clans Quote
12-09-2015 , 12:44 PM
Makes sense. What will my strategies be at th9? Originally planning to do lavaloon then goho. No idea after that.
Clash of Clans Quote
12-09-2015 , 03:32 PM
Best strats(imo) at th9 are GoHo and Lavaloon. There's Gowiwi which is base dependent but will usually get 2 stars if that's all you want, and GoVaLo/Ho which is really base dependent but can wreck if you have max or near max valks.

Def upgrade wbs. I left th8 without them because I didn't use them. I eventually upgraded them. They're so useful in farming and war, and can literally ruin a war attack if you send them in and screw up. That's how crucial they can be.
Clash of Clans Quote
12-09-2015 , 05:03 PM
Was farming last night and sent 8 WB's straight in to a giant bomb after my archers and barbs cleared the barracks on either side of it.

Welp. So much for that 300k/300k, settle for the snipe and on to the next base.
Clash of Clans Quote
12-09-2015 , 05:06 PM
I start all farm attacks with a row of barbs to clear traps. Wbs in small groups in between mortar blasts
Clash of Clans Quote
12-09-2015 , 05:13 PM
Thanks hero, not sure if I'll commit to upgrading valks, as 180k dark elixir is a lot.

Seems like going lavaloon right off the bat is going to be very hard on dark elixir as I'll be dumping 40k into my AQ, rushing to dark barracks 4 then 60k! for lavahound 2. If I decide to go for level 4 golems right after then...
Clash of Clans Quote
12-09-2015 , 05:38 PM
Honestly you'll probably just be attacking th8s for a while or really rushed th9s, but with an extra spell, extra camp space and an extra hero, they *should* be relatively easy to take out.
Clash of Clans Quote
12-09-2015 , 08:14 PM
Brayden assured me today he will be going Th11 immediately with his th8 defenses

No word from King Matt or Scott yet
Clash of Clans Quote
12-09-2015 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
Thanks hero, not sure if I'll commit to upgrading valks, as 180k dark elixir is a lot.

Seems like going lavaloon right off the bat is going to be very hard on dark elixir as I'll be dumping 40k into my AQ, rushing to dark barracks 4 then 60k! for lavahound 2. If I decide to go for level 4 golems right after then...
It takes a while to get everything. You can lavaloon with level 1 hounds though. Level 2 isn't really necessary unless you're taking on TH9's with level 7 AD's, around the ~2k DE war bonus range.
Clash of Clans Quote
12-09-2015 , 09:24 PM
and by lavaloon I'm sure you all mean golavaloon. Regular lavaloon is super unpredictable and not that good anymore.

As for walls, they're easy to finish before defenses/research if you just barch. Forget the fancy stuff.
Clash of Clans Quote
12-09-2015 , 11:29 PM
golavaloon? I figured that was for high level AQ only. I don't want to do that! I just want to drop everything and pray I win, I've been using dragons for so long.

re walls: obv since there's no time restraint yeah I could just barch and finish it before everything else, but I'd like to not be playing this game 5 hours a day.
Clash of Clans Quote
12-10-2015 , 12:02 AM
You can easily do lavaloon, max loons and lvl 1 hound, any TH8 without using spells.

Low TH9 is also cake, but it would be slightly harder without decent amount of practice.
Clash of Clans Quote
12-10-2015 , 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by GooseHinson
and by lavaloon I'm sure you all mean golavaloon.
Yeah sorry. I left off the go- because it was implied as much as the wizards in my mind. I've never done a straight lavaloon unless the Queen and CC are exposed, but in that case I just think of it as adjusting the comp to take advantage of a base's weakness, not worthy of its own abbreviation.
Clash of Clans Quote
12-10-2015 , 12:19 AM
Why can't I just let a lavahound die and then rage it to kill a low level AQ? Why do I need to golaloon low level th9s?
Clash of Clans Quote
12-10-2015 , 12:52 AM
Was this not posted yet?

Last edited by Bluegrassplayer; 12-10-2015 at 12:58 AM.
Clash of Clans Quote
12-10-2015 , 01:31 AM
Must be keeping the Dragon of Doom for TH12.
Clash of Clans Quote
12-10-2015 , 02:17 AM
I have to 2 star this by morning

Clash of Clans Quote
12-10-2015 , 02:19 AM
Gowipe with a jump spell, 2 freeze, 2 rage? (Cc has dragon and loons)

Attack from north?
Clash of Clans Quote
12-10-2015 , 02:28 AM
Queen walk from south or 6 golems with wizards, both seem doable with this base.

Didn't realize you're still a n00b, n00b.
Clash of Clans Quote
12-10-2015 , 02:29 AM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
Why can't I just let a lavahound die and then rage it to kill a low level AQ? Why do I need to golaloon low level th9s?
Of course you can. Lava loon is the easiest thing in the world to do and it doesn't require anything but lava and loons.
Clash of Clans Quote
