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Civilization V Civilization V

09-25-2010 , 10:56 PM
o new random seed upon reloads?
its an option, but not the default
Civilization V Quote
09-25-2010 , 11:16 PM
i bet you that it is not a coincidence that your save game is breaking on turn 128, when 128 = 2^7.
Civilization V Quote
09-26-2010 , 01:29 AM
frig just got off my comp and it's 2am!

playing my second civ and I'm loving it, I decided to do something different and made a standard map size and made everything random.

I made it with 7 civs and 20 city states, the city states started a world war after alexander killed of england, my allied city state went to perma war and is a key to me winning this game (going cultural) I get caught up after Budapest gets froggy and after 4 hours of this war I managed to save a 2 city states making two allies and liberating England (took london back).

tomorrow I guess I'll try and get England back on her feet so someone can keep alex busy.
Civilization V Quote
09-26-2010 , 02:09 AM
I just finished a game on the Terra map. I started on North America, and all of North and South America were uninhabited (except for three quickly-conquered city-states). I have never won a game of Civ without going to war once. EZGAME
Civilization V Quote
09-26-2010 , 02:19 AM
Sounds boring
Civilization V Quote
09-26-2010 , 02:36 AM
Civilization V Quote
09-26-2010 , 02:39 AM
I would have quit the game like 20 minutes in when i realized I was alone.

is there a science reduction in this game for the more civilizations that you know who know a tech?
Civilization V Quote
09-26-2010 , 02:48 AM
I was so excited about playing this game that I was even gonna buy a new PC just so I could play it but judging from the response here I should probably wait until they fix some bugs/balance or maybe even for an expansion?
Civilization V Quote
09-26-2010 , 02:49 AM
Originally Posted by UFO1947
Has anyone figured out how to rename cities yet?
Originally Posted by LeapFrog
yeah when you are managing them, you click up by the name. The bar, under it? Something like that. It can be done.
you can also rename units when you are choosing a promotion for then, same ninja-stealthed white edit button.
Civilization V Quote
09-26-2010 , 02:57 AM
Originally Posted by Wolfram
I was so excited about playing this game that I was even gonna buy a new PC just so I could play it but judging from the response here I should probably wait until they fix some bugs/balance or maybe even for an expansion?
The game is certainly not a new PC imo
Civilization V Quote
09-26-2010 , 03:56 AM
game is ok. don't dislike it, but feel the same kind of cheated when Civ3 came out, only worse. They dumbed down pretty much every aspect of the game except for getting rid of the stack of doom.

the game seems insanely easy, even for lower levels.
Civilization V Quote
09-26-2010 , 08:06 AM
How are people getting this game to play in windowed mode? I've not even made it past founding a 2nd city yet because it starts getting really laggy.

Finding it really hard to get into this game, so much so that I started another game of BTS last night.
Civilization V Quote
09-26-2010 , 08:40 AM
Originally Posted by Tweed _Man
How are people getting this game to play in windowed mode? I've not even made it past founding a 2nd city yet because it starts getting really laggy.

Finding it really hard to get into this game, so much so that I started another game of BTS last night.
perhaps ur graphics card isnt up to civ5 requirements, mine doesnt lag at all
Civilization V Quote
09-26-2010 , 08:42 AM
jst finished space race. wish civ would finally make some ending vids, its like u install the final bit of ur space ship...."you win the end" like gimme something fk. even jst 5 second clip of spaceship flying off to space lol. now to build a utopia ^^
Civilization V Quote
09-26-2010 , 08:46 AM
Originally Posted by sheepish_mo
perhaps ur graphics card isnt up to civ5 requirements, mine doesnt lag at all
Weird... just tried again and it's not lagging.

GFX card is an NVidia 8800GT so perhaps a little dated but I would have expected it to be up to the task.
Civilization V Quote
09-26-2010 , 09:04 AM
Originally Posted by Tweed _Man
Weird... just tried again and it's not lagging.

GFX card is an NVidia 8800GT so perhaps a little dated but I would have expected it to be up to the task.
think thats pretty much right on the fringe, says recommended nvidia 9800 but ur over minimum so ull get some run might jst suck a bit
Civilization V Quote
09-26-2010 , 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by Tweed _Man
Weird... just tried again and it's not lagging.

GFX card is an NVidia 8800GT so perhaps a little dated but I would have expected it to be up to the task.
I have an 8800GT 512mb and I'm running absolutely fine even several hundred turns in.

Just lower some settings.

It's definitely using lower detail textures because my screen updates sometimes when I click a place I haven't viewed in a while, but the playability isn't affected at all.

Intel Quad core CPU
NVidia 8800 GT 512MB
Windows XP Pro
3.25GB RAM (Windows max)
It's running from a 140gig Raptor drive with 11GB free.

Yeah it's not super pretty when tiles are updating, but I'm not getting any slowdown worth noting.
Civilization V Quote
09-26-2010 , 09:47 AM
Just lowed everything to medium, will try again later.

Has anyone tried multiplayer yet? I'm thinking maybe that will bring some of the fun back into the game.
Civilization V Quote
09-26-2010 , 12:03 PM
My Pc craps out around my third city and I actually had to play around 200 turns in strategic mode. Then it crashed after I took out China ( she kept telling me she wanted to wipe me from the face of earth ).

Will try again in windowed mode.
Civilization V Quote
09-26-2010 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by Lord Gimik
Yeah it's not super pretty when tiles are updating, but I'm not getting any slowdown worth noting.
FWIW I see the tiles taking several seconds to update with my GTX 260, so it's probably not due to the strength of your graphics card - just sloppy programming. There'll probably be a patch to fix it eventually.

I find it quite weird that this game has really high graphics requirements. The graphics aren't even that good. IMO they could have done something equally as pretty on 5 year old technology, but they needed to up the requirements to convince people that this game was somehow a progression on the last Civ.
Civilization V Quote
09-26-2010 , 02:09 PM
Oh, so it isn't my pc that causes the tile updates. Good to know actually.

Will still play in strategic mode 'cause the tiles piss me off.
Civilization V Quote
09-26-2010 , 03:40 PM
Problem: There are no unit animations when playing Civilization 5 (Civ 5) PC Multiplayer

Answer: (by 2K Greg, 2K Games Community Manager)

Right now there is no way to play multiplayer with unit move and attack animations. There is a technical reason for this that is complicated (it’s not just a checkbox they can throw in,) but the developers will be evaluating what it will take to allow animations in multiplayer in the future. No promises at this point, but I will pass along your comments.

Aside from the technical reason above, Firaxis producer, bigden mentioned that “Animations in multiplayer was something our fans actually wanted removed because of simultaneous turns (waiting for animations to play was slowing down the game). We’ll be looking at this in the very near future.”
Civilization V Quote
09-26-2010 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by SecondsOut
anybody with multiple monitors able to restrict the cursor to one monitor?

my mouse can just leave the game and on to my other monitor. so ridiculous, no other game I have does this

any suggestions?
I have the same issue - I just disable my second monitor when I play.

(For Win 7 - right click the desktop > personalize > change display settings > multiple displays : show desktop only on 1/2)
Civilization V Quote
09-26-2010 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by YouR_DooM

Aside from the technical reason above, Firaxis producer, bigden mentioned that “Animations in multiplayer was something our fans actually wanted removed because of simultaneous turns (waiting for animations to play was slowing down the game). We’ll be looking at this in the very near future.”
this seems ideal imo.
Civilization V Quote
09-26-2010 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer

I think even Civ Rev had a map at the end, this is a travishamockery

All I want is the real world with real civilizations starting roughly where they belong and then a map at the end showing the ebb and flow of my empire. How is it that stuff they got right in 1996 they **** up in 2010?
Civilization V Quote
