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Civilization IV-Beyond the Sword Civilization IV-Beyond the Sword

05-20-2008 , 08:59 PM
Immortal is the best difficulty to play on. I probably only win 1 in 5 games but it's always absolutely epic when I do.
Civilization IV-Beyond the Sword Quote
05-20-2008 , 11:54 PM
just decided to dl the beyond the sword expansion pack.

Anyone know if the Warlord one is worth it?
Civilization IV-Beyond the Sword Quote
05-21-2008 , 12:05 AM
Apart from a few scenarios there's nothing at all in Warlords that isn't in BTS.
Civilization IV-Beyond the Sword Quote
05-21-2008 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by JaredL
Alas, I'm still only playing Civ III but I wonder about this strategy. A lot of stuff I read suggests something like this, but I can't help but think that it guarantees that you will be technologically backwards.
At lower difficulties maybe this works fine, but already at prince level you rarely get tech trade in 1:1 ratio.

And for monarch and up u need to know AI tech paths to get some "good" deals.
Civilization IV-Beyond the Sword Quote
05-21-2008 , 11:38 AM
At higher difficulties you usually get atrocious trade ratios, but it's best trade most techs anyway. If you don't, it's only a few turns before the AI researches and trades the tech to everyone. It's oftentimes better to trade a tech away to 10 different AI's for 200 gold a piece rather than get nothing.
Civilization IV-Beyond the Sword Quote
05-21-2008 , 02:26 PM
If you are playing at a high difficulty tech trading, and knowing what techs the AI tends to ignore so you can get a monopoly on are very important.

One of the best early ones is to always research Aesthetics instead of Alphabet. The AIs ignore it for ages so you're pretty much guaranteed to be the only one with it. Then once you research alphabet for 4 or 5 turns you can get it in a trade for Aesthetics. Then trade Alpha/Aesthetics to all the other civs for pretty much every other early tech. The other reason it's nice is it's a key tech to getting Literature and pretty much guarantees you'll be able to chop the Great Library.
Civilization IV-Beyond the Sword Quote
05-24-2008 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by vilemerchant
Why don't we have a 2+2 BTS multiplayer game?
i'm down. it's a three day weekend. want to schedule one for sunday or monday? if we could get 5-6 people that'd be rad
Civilization IV-Beyond the Sword Quote
05-24-2008 , 07:58 PM
I'm down

sunday/monday so good
Civilization IV-Beyond the Sword Quote
05-25-2008 , 05:39 AM
thats the deuce. i'll check in tommorow and see if there is more interest, we can have a 2p2 FFA continents or something

hell, or even a teamer ..
Civilization IV-Beyond the Sword Quote
