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Call of Duty : World at war Beta Call of Duty : World at war Beta

11-02-2008 , 10:19 PM
I'm guessing the single player campaign will be pretty awesome and the multiplayer as lackluster as we've seen. I might just rent the game to find out if that's the case.
Call of Duty : World at war Beta Quote
11-02-2008 , 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by livinitup0
They sent me 2 codes....

I tried to use both of the codes (for 360) and they didn't work. Am I supposed to be entering them somewhere other than the "redeem code" screen in the marketplace?
Call of Duty : World at war Beta Quote
11-02-2008 , 11:01 PM
Originally Posted by HaroldT32
I tried to use both of the codes (for 360) and they didn't work. Am I supposed to be entering them somewhere other than the "redeem code" screen in the marketplace?
those are beta keys for the PC afaik
Call of Duty : World at war Beta Quote
11-02-2008 , 11:12 PM
Originally Posted by HaroldT32
I tried to use both of the codes (for 360) and they didn't work. Am I supposed to be entering them somewhere other than the "redeem code" screen in the marketplace?
i have a 360 code if you need one
Call of Duty : World at war Beta Quote
11-03-2008 , 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by postoakpoker
those are beta keys for the PC afaik
Nope 360 codes.....but I posted these a few days ago so I assume some lurkers grabbed them.
Call of Duty : World at war Beta Quote
11-03-2008 , 12:38 AM
****ing worthless lurkers
Call of Duty : World at war Beta Quote
11-03-2008 , 12:38 AM
the problem i have with this game cannot be fixed with a patch
Call of Duty : World at war Beta Quote
11-03-2008 , 12:56 AM
Anyone else find that it's very easy to rapid fire stuff? I played a few hours this weekend and I'm approaching modded controller speed with pistols. o.O
Call of Duty : World at war Beta Quote
11-03-2008 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by CheckRaise
i have a 360 code if you need one
pm plz! i would appreciate that a lot. Thanks.
Call of Duty : World at war Beta Quote
11-04-2008 , 07:25 AM
I like the game
Call of Duty : World at war Beta Quote
11-04-2008 , 08:15 PM
Beta is now on XBL Marketplace FYI.

Game isn't complete garbage, but not worth $60 IMO. It's COD4 WW2 version. Would've been better if they expanded upon the modern aspect by making a longer campaign, bigger maps for ground war, and new guns. I don't see the problem with the dogs since they're not that hard to kill. I don't remember what gun I was using, I think 2nd down in rifle category (maybe), but it was basically the G3 and I definitely liked that. Vehicles don't really belong in an FPS like this IMO and the tank seems too hard to take down. The only map I truly hate is the train yard one but not just because of the tanks.

Overall better than I though it would be but not good enough.
Call of Duty : World at war Beta Quote
11-04-2008 , 08:21 PM
Yeah just played for the first time. Actually liked it more than I thought I would. I didnt play COD 1-3, but am a 6th prestige in COD4, so yeah, played that a good amount too. Anyway, I thought some of the guns were cool, the sniping was ok, and I really enjoyed bazookaing the tanks, but I dunno, something seemed off about the shooting. I felt like my view was much more blocked by the guns. I don;t understand why I would want to go from COD4 with a red dot sight to COD5 with horrible giant iron sights and a suppressor as the only perk? Id rather just keep playing COD4.
Call of Duty : World at war Beta Quote
11-04-2008 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by PEGtheBEAST
Beta is now on XBL Marketplace FYI.

Game isn't complete garbage, but not worth $60 IMO. It's COD4 WW2 version. Would've been better if they expanded upon the modern aspect by making a longer campaign, bigger maps for ground war, and new guns. I don't see the problem with the dogs since they're not that hard to kill. I don't remember what gun I was using, I think 2nd down in rifle category (maybe), but it was basically the G3 and I definitely liked that. Vehicles don't really belong in an FPS like this IMO and the tank seems too hard to take down. The only map I truly hate is the train yard one but not just because of the tanks.

Overall better than I though it would be but not good enough.

IF ONLY IT WAS THEN MAYBE I WOULD BUY IT. Seriously, because it bears the Call of Duty name, is set in WW2, and follows COD4 does not make it COD4-WWII edition. Call of Duty 4 is LIGHTYEARS ahead in terms of...well, everything. Every single aspect crushes WAW, and I'm not talking about crap that will supposedly be fixed from the beta. The game is average, probably a 7-7.5 (at best) in my book.
Call of Duty : World at war Beta Quote
11-04-2008 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by PEGtheBEAST
Vehicles don't really belong in an FPS like this IMO and the tank seems too hard to take down.
I disagree, the tank seems just about perfect as far as balance. One man can't take it down alone, but two or three people working together can destroy it pretty easily. It shouldn't be too easy to kill; it is a tank after all. But it does force you to work together to defeat it. I know that I was usually able to tear it up on mercenary TDM because the other team didn't work together effectively.

One gripe I might have about the tank is that, as cool as the concept is, it is usually -EV to be the machine gunner. Even though you can duck down, the parts of you that are exposed are usually one-hit kill areas. And because it's a pretty big map, lots of people are using rifles. I've only ever gotten maybe 2 kills as the machine gunner before getting killed. Maybe if the only part of you that was exposed was the very top of your head it wouldn't suck so much.

However, using the tank as mobile cover could be an interesting aspect of the game...
Call of Duty : World at war Beta Quote
11-04-2008 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by HaroldT32
I don;t understand why I would want to go from COD4 with a red dot sight to COD5 with horrible giant iron sights and a suppressor as the only perk?
You must not have played the beta for very long...
Aperture sight in 5 = RDS in 4
Telescopic sight = ACOG
Call of Duty : World at war Beta Quote
11-04-2008 , 08:43 PM
Oh nice. Yeah I think I only got to 7th level or something. I was using the BAR.

Also it was really confusing because I checked the demo section on the marketplace, it wasnt there, then I entered my code and downloaded it, came back like 15 minutes later to play and it asked me to download an update and then it was in the marketplace. I must have downloaded it right as they uploaded the new file.
Call of Duty : World at war Beta Quote
11-04-2008 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by BCPVP
I disagree, the tank seems just about perfect as far as balance. One man can't take it down alone, but two or three people working together can destroy it pretty easily. It shouldn't be too easy to kill; it is a tank after all. But it does force you to work together to defeat it. I know that I was usually able to tear it up on mercenary TDM because the other team didn't work together effectively.

One gripe I might have about the tank is that, as cool as the concept is, it is usually -EV to be the machine gunner. Even though you can duck down, the parts of you that are exposed are usually one-hit kill areas. And because it's a pretty big map, lots of people are using rifles. I've only ever gotten maybe 2 kills as the machine gunner before getting killed. Maybe if the only part of you that was exposed was the very top of your head it wouldn't suck so much.

However, using the tank as mobile cover could be an interesting aspect of the game...

Did they greatly reduce the strength of the main gun? And yes, being the machine gunner is ****ing horrible
Call of Duty : World at war Beta Quote
11-04-2008 , 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by MuresanForMVP
IF ONLY IT WAS THEN MAYBE I WOULD BUY IT. Seriously, because it bears the Call of Duty name, is set in WW2, and follows COD4 does not make it COD4-WWII edition. Call of Duty 4 is LIGHTYEARS ahead in terms of...well, everything. Every single aspect crushes WAW, and I'm not talking about crap that will supposedly be fixed from the beta. The game is average, probably a 7-7.5 (at best) in my book.
I agree but I was just commenting on little things like the appearance. It seems like Treyarch tried too hard to make WAW like MW. COD4 just FEELS better, if you know what I mean.

Originally Posted by BCPVP
I disagree, the tank seems just about perfect as far as balance. One man can't take it down alone, but two or three people working together can destroy it pretty easily. It shouldn't be too easy to kill; it is a tank after all. But it does force you to work together to defeat it. I know that I was usually able to tear it up on mercenary TDM because the other team didn't work together effectively.

One gripe I might have about the tank is that, as cool as the concept is, it is usually -EV to be the machine gunner. Even though you can duck down, the parts of you that are exposed are usually one-hit kill areas. And because it's a pretty big map, lots of people are using rifles. I've only ever gotten maybe 2 kills as the machine gunner before getting killed. Maybe if the only part of you that was exposed was the very top of your head it wouldn't suck so much.

However, using the tank as mobile cover could be an interesting aspect of the game...
The tank just feels like a helicopter that can actually aim where you want it to. I haven't used it, but I did shoot one twice with the bazooka and they did nothing. It's just that COD4 felt really good without vehicles and with this game being somewhat similar to it I just don't like it much. I guess it doesn't matter much since I won't be buying this game.
Call of Duty : World at war Beta Quote
11-05-2008 , 12:41 AM
I am happy they have ctf but I would be a lot more happy if the flag wasn't touch return or the maps were smaller or something. It was really difficult to cap on some maps and people just seemed to kind of camp. Also the respawn time after death should be consistent, I didn't understand it.

I kind hate the map on the beach at night but I don't know them very well.

I liked the graphics better than Cod 4. Haven't used many guns but the only one I actually like is the first default one you get. I can't shoot anything with an automatic and the clips seem really small.

It also felt a lot harder to shoot people at close range than cod4. Normally if I was close to someone in cod4 they come into knife me and I strafe around and shoot them and it worked nearly every time.

I think I may end up liking it better but I was always kind of a halo person anyway.
Call of Duty : World at war Beta Quote
11-05-2008 , 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by MuresanForMVP
Did they greatly reduce the strength of the main gun?
Not sure if it's been made any weaker, but it does seem weaker than you'd expect a tank's main gun to be. I assume this is to give the guy on foot a chance if the guy in the tank isn't accurate with his shots.
Call of Duty : World at war Beta Quote
11-05-2008 , 01:00 AM
Originally Posted by PEGtheBEAST
The tank just feels like a helicopter that can actually aim where you want it to. I haven't used it, but I did shoot one twice with the bazooka and they did nothing. It's just that COD4 felt really good without vehicles and with this game being somewhat similar to it I just don't like it much. I guess it doesn't matter much since I won't be buying this game.
Try out the tank a few times before you knock it too much. It can be a lot of fun, especially dueling the enemy tank.
Call of Duty : World at war Beta Quote
11-05-2008 , 01:15 AM
i agree that vehicles have no place in these games, its bad enough that cod 4 had air strikes and helicopters but i absolutely hate player controlled vehicles in fps games
Call of Duty : World at war Beta Quote
11-05-2008 , 02:55 AM
Originally Posted by CheckRaise
i agree that vehicles have no place in these games, its bad enough that cod 4 had air strikes and helicopters but i absolutely hate player controlled vehicles in fps games
they can add an interesting/more "realistic" dynamic to the right games if implemented properly. plus it's just fun as **** to drive around in a jeep or whatever and run people over.
Call of Duty : World at war Beta Quote
11-08-2008 , 02:57 AM

Weird glitch that happened to me on Makin. Pretty stupid considering how easy I got stuck, it's not like I was on some obscure part of the map trying to get on top of a roof.
Call of Duty : World at war Beta Quote
11-08-2008 , 03:44 AM
Pretty hilarious that you managed to get a 5kill streak without the ability to move.
Call of Duty : World at war Beta Quote
