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Breaking controllers, etc. Breaking controllers, etc.

07-06-2008 , 08:06 PM
By the way, this thread is hilarious... and LOL Sober
Breaking controllers, etc. Quote
07-06-2008 , 10:08 PM
broke a slew of ps2 controllers playing hu madden for rollz in college.
Breaking controllers, etc. Quote
07-06-2008 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by theDireWolf
I'm on my 4th or 5th ps3 controller, but I just got a dualshock so I haven't been smashing it as much.
That seems so unfulfilling. They're too light. It's like getting pissed and throwing a tissue or something.

I've been good for a really long time, but just tilted off a weeks grind in about an hour, I was yelling **** so loud I got a text from a neighbor asking if I was ok, and I'm pretty sure my dog is now hiding in fear in the yard somewhere.

I'll be a grownup someday.
Breaking controllers, etc. Quote
07-07-2008 , 12:27 AM
super monkey ball on gamecube cost me 2 controllers
Breaking controllers, etc. Quote
07-07-2008 , 12:30 AM
Video games have never gotten me angry enough to throw, but poker has forced me to keep easily throwable (and not potentially damaging) things around the desk area.
Breaking controllers, etc. Quote
07-10-2008 , 04:00 AM
When I was probably 8 I could not beat M. Bison with Dhalsim on SF2 for SNES. I tried for what seemed like forever and eventually smashed the controller by repeatedly whipping it against the floor of my bedroom with the cord. My mom came in fuming at the destruction I was causing and threw the SNES on the floor and stomped on it until it was broken. Outrageous but true.

I also smashed an NES controller in a similar way trying to beat Mike Tyson on Punch Out!!! a few years later.
Breaking controllers, etc. Quote
07-10-2008 , 04:06 AM
Yeah, whirling controllers by the cord is always something that seems like it'll be satisfying in the heat of rage, and then it's always a big disaster.

I've escaped COD4 rage by simply leaving the server if I get a kill:death deficit of >5, especially in the first few minutes (I generally keep a kdr of 2:1).

I don't play many 'difficult' games, and I always play on the easiest difficulty. It's a handicap, I know. This is why I prefer to play 50,000 tables of low limit rather than 4 tables of a high limit.
Breaking controllers, etc. Quote
07-10-2008 , 04:12 AM
<-- broken at least 3-4 N64 controllers.

Because the stupid joystick is a piece of junk that breaks after 3-4 years.
Breaking controllers, etc. Quote
07-10-2008 , 05:30 AM
Our a few of our 360 controls are going out because of running forward so much in COD4
Breaking controllers, etc. Quote
07-10-2008 , 06:18 AM
I still have an N64 controller where the joystick is stuck just slightly off-center. Re-calibrating with L+R+Start fixes the constant slow tilt, but makes small movements nearly impossible.
Breaking controllers, etc. Quote
07-10-2008 , 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by Ctrl.Dominate
When I was probably 8 I could not beat M. Bison with Dhalsim on SF2 for SNES. I tried for what seemed like forever and eventually smashed the controller by repeatedly whipping it against the floor of my bedroom with the cord. My mom came in fuming at the destruction I was causing and threw the SNES on the floor and stomped on it until it was broken.
this is a great story. i love the idea of someone unexpectedly responding with explosive anger in response to another's explosive anger.
Breaking controllers, etc. Quote
07-10-2008 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by astroglide
this is a great story. i love the idea of someone unexpectedly responding with explosive anger in response to another's explosive anger.
I don't see it as that. I see it more as the Mom teaching a lesson. A tale of consequences.

The only thing I've done with a controller is twist them. Not to hard but they get twisted. My roommate in college destroyed a controller after I beat him in Madden on the Gamecube. He had a serious anger control issue...
Breaking controllers, etc. Quote
07-10-2008 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by Sober
I still have an N64 controller where the joystick is stuck just slightly off-center. Re-calibrating with L+R+Start fixes the constant slow tilt, but makes small movements nearly impossible.

one of my 360 controllers must be like that for the left stick, because a lot of times if I'm standing still, I'll start drifting off to the left.
Breaking controllers, etc. Quote
07-10-2008 , 05:04 PM
I know COD4 is a good game, since even the worst multiplayer game has never really tilted me... Even when I'm seeing my death from everyone's POV there's still a voice in the back of my head going 'yeah I died - but damn, that looked nice'.

One tip for people who like playing TDM with randoms - pick the worst players you play against, give them positive feedback, then (according to the Xbox console at least) you'll have a better chance of playing against them in the future.
Breaking controllers, etc. Quote
07-11-2008 , 06:39 PM
I've thrown one controller out of my window when I was 12-13. Fun times.
Breaking controllers, etc. Quote
07-12-2008 , 10:48 AM
CS 1.5 ... ... I think 1 mouse and 2 keyboards. I didn't wreck keyboard at any time once, it just went broke after long cs sessions and constant hitting. Buttons started to fly etc haha that was great.

Warsow / Quake 3 CPMA

Mouse. Every time someone ****ing railed me I would smash my mouse as hard as I could. Eventually it broke lol
Breaking controllers, etc. Quote
07-12-2008 , 06:16 PM
Definitely Halo 2 at my college. We played on a network where it was only against other kids at the school, so you pretty much knew all the guys who you were playing against. While I broke the odd controller or two, I was one of the better players at the school and dished out infinitely more pain than I received; I'd be interested to know how many controllers I caused to be broken. The best would be hearing the guy above us roaring through the vents how gay we were when we'd fly a banshee to the top of the level with both sniper rifles. The legend of CM Stainz will live forever. Oh good times....
Breaking controllers, etc. Quote
