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Best Single Video Game Level Best Single Video Game Level

01-12-2013 , 08:06 PM
Intro to Half-life. Come at me.
Best Single Video Game Level Quote
01-12-2013 , 08:11 PM
**** you hipster
Best Single Video Game Level Quote
01-12-2013 , 08:15 PM
tony hawk 1 at the warehouse dropping in over the halfpipe
Best Single Video Game Level Quote
01-12-2013 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by gumpzilla
That part was definitely hard, but again, it's like the only memorable part of all of Ep 1 and 2 to me. Very cool section.
I actually didn't like HL2 EP1 that much, EP2 was much better though. And the reason the end of EP2 is so good it's just ****ing bat **** crazy. Plus gravity gun imo.

Originally Posted by IHeartAsians
Best Single Video Game Level Quote
01-12-2013 , 10:46 PM
The fifth colossus in Shadow of The Colossus. I guess it doesn't have much replay value, but the first time through you think you're starting to feel like you've got the game down, and then they throw this guy at you and it's just like wtf? Sense of accomplishment when you figure it out and pull it off is amazing...or at least it was for me.
Best Single Video Game Level Quote
01-12-2013 , 11:53 PM
Isn't the consensus best level from HL1 "We've got hostiles"?

goofyballer- Yeah, and while the level involves the parts before and after that(apparently, I obviously looked up a walkthrough to find the name/number of that chapter), the specific part I'm talking about is just the mortar part. Ditto on it being one of the few times where a video game made me feel something, and it's pretty much the only time where a game made me feel something by actually using the interactive nature of the medium.

Like, nerds everywhere cried when Aeris died in FF7, but that would've been just as sad if it had been a movie. This was different. This was a complex and nuanced metacommentary on player agency and the gritty modern military shooter subgenre.

If I was posting in this thread before playing Spec Ops, I probably would've written the AC-130 mission from CoD4, which I must have replayed 30 times. Heh.
Best Single Video Game Level Quote
01-12-2013 , 11:55 PM
there are probably better answers but first thing comes to mind is the CIA level in the first splinter cell
Best Single Video Game Level Quote
01-13-2013 , 12:32 AM
Water temple, Ocarina of Time. It was hard enough to solve this three dimensional puzzle but having to understand how the water level changed how the levels of the dungeon related to each other was pure brilliance. I think this level is hated by most but it's still the best designed level of the whole Zelda series.
Best Single Video Game Level Quote
01-13-2013 , 01:05 AM
I made a great custom level on super mario for the ti 83+. I used the black boxes as the ground but would throw in some random holes that looked exactly the same. There were also a lot of high/low splits and if you chose wrong you'd run into a wall and have to restart the whole game
Best Single Video Game Level Quote
01-13-2013 , 03:09 AM
Treasure room, Super Castlevania 4.

Honorable mention - Clocktower level.
Best Single Video Game Level Quote
01-13-2013 , 03:46 AM
I've been racking my brain but I can't think of better, even though I'm sure there are plenty.

Saints Row 2 and 3 had some really great levels, but the side mission stuff is so much fun. Insurance Fraud and the one where you have to destroy a ton of property are worth the price alone.
GTA VC mission where you ramp the motorcycle through the buildings is one of my favorites.
GTA IV bank robbery is great.
GTA SA when you get the jet-pack.
The Spec Ops portions of COD MW 2 and 3 are by far my favorite things in all of the COD franchise. Sniper Fi and Suspension in #2 and Hit and Run, Toxic Paradise and Flood The Market I had a blast all 500x's I had to play them to finish them in Veteran.
Best Single Video Game Level Quote
01-13-2013 , 06:29 AM
Originally Posted by Quadstriker
You're going to get some Bads riled up by saying Turbo Tunnel.
Originally Posted by Go Get It
People terrible at games were all like "Never got past that level" because... they were terrible.
Best Single Video Game Level Quote
01-13-2013 , 08:43 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Spec Ops: The Line's "The Gate", the segment where you control the mortar. Nothing really comes close.
I have no plans on playing spec ops so by watching it on youtube I probably am missing some of the pacing. Still, I can see how this level would be really moving to play through. I do think games are only going to progress as a distinct artform if they are able to differentiate themselves from other artforms. Like you said, ff7 made gamers feel but it's the artform of movies that made them feel not the actual game part. This was Eberts whole point when he wrote those articles that angered the gaming community. Obviously he doesn't play games and hasn't seen the few games like spec ops that hint at how video games have the potential to become their own artform. I have always thought that if the point of art is to transmit human experience then video games have the potential to be the purest of art forms.

Obviously it's a hard thing to sustain for a whole game but there are a handful of games that have tried. Some on my list would be fallout 2, modern warfare 1, mass effect (sort of), and walking dead. That's a pretty short list and I would love to see more attempts at this in the next generation.

I also liked how this spec ops level was a riff on modern warfare 1's consequence free AC-130 level. When I first started watching the youtube vid I though hmm what a rip off of the AC level. But I think that's kind of the whole point. When the AC level came out I think there was some discussion on the gamification of war and how pushing buttons to kill little men on the screen makes it much easier for the modern soldier to associate their act of murder with the benign acts of video gaming that I am sure many of them are familiar with. Spec ops reminds us that there are real consequences to pushing those buttons.

Great pick
Best Single Video Game Level Quote
01-13-2013 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by ianlippert
Water temple, Ocarina of Time. It was hard enough to solve this three dimensional puzzle but having to understand how the water level changed how the levels of the dungeon related to each other was pure brilliance. I think this level is hated by most but it's still the best designed level of the whole Zelda series.
God I love that game, absolutely awesome, I was prob exactly the right age to enjoy it when it came out but I'd still pick it up today and play it.
Best Single Video Game Level Quote
01-13-2013 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
I made a great custom level on super mario for the ti 83+. I used the black boxes as the ground but would throw in some random holes that looked exactly the same. There were also a lot of high/low splits and if you chose wrong you'd run into a wall and have to restart the whole game
Well that certainly sounds like the WOAT. Player death or success should be decided by skill, not luck.
Best Single Video Game Level Quote
01-13-2013 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by Quadstriker
People terrible at games were all like "Never got past that level" because... they were terrible.
lol, the first time I played it I died after you see the portal and I went back and ran into it every time after and never did anything else on other play throughs.

Though I died a bunch forgetting which barrier it was in front of.
Best Single Video Game Level Quote
01-13-2013 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by soccer09
tony hawk 1 at the warehouse dropping in over the halfpipe
The warehouse is one of the woat levels imo. School II and Venice all the way. The school has the Carlsbad Gap (RIP) and Venice has that sexy double set.
Best Single Video Game Level Quote
01-13-2013 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by ianlippert
I have no plans on playing spec ops so by watching it on youtube I probably am missing some of the pacing. Still, I can see how this level would be really moving to play through. I do think games are only going to progress as a distinct artform if they are able to differentiate themselves from other artforms. Like you said, ff7 made gamers feel but it's the artform of movies that made them feel not the actual game part. This was Eberts whole point when he wrote those articles that angered the gaming community. Obviously he doesn't play games and hasn't seen the few games like spec ops that hint at how video games have the potential to become their own artform. I have always thought that if the point of art is to transmit human experience then video games have the potential to be the purest of art forms.

Obviously it's a hard thing to sustain for a whole game but there are a handful of games that have tried. Some on my list would be fallout 2, modern warfare 1, mass effect (sort of), and walking dead. That's a pretty short list and I would love to see more attempts at this in the next generation.

I also liked how this spec ops level was a riff on modern warfare 1's consequence free AC-130 level. When I first started watching the youtube vid I though hmm what a rip off of the AC level. But I think that's kind of the whole point. When the AC level came out I think there was some discussion on the gamification of war and how pushing buttons to kill little men on the screen makes it much easier for the modern soldier to associate their act of murder with the benign acts of video gaming that I am sure many of them are familiar with. Spec ops reminds us that there are real consequences to pushing those buttons.

Great pick
I picked up Spec Ops because of all the raving over how engaging the story was, and now I'm beginning to think I might be a callous monster since I didn't feel anything after finishing except a little boredom. It's an extremely tightly scripted and linear game, with one or two scenes where you can choose one of two equally questionable actions with no recourse to not choose - like one of those childhood games of which would you rather eat. As a result, I never cared about the characters or the story, everything felt forced on me and hence unable to make me feel guilty or responsible in any way.

Also, the QTE cutscenes seem to jump around a lot and in this particular scene, the fact that my character was responsible wasn't even immediately clear until your companions mentioned the cause. That's a common occurence in my experience.

Also, the shooting and cover mechanics are just terrible, so that didn't help my immersion. I applaud the effort to tackle a serious storyline in a big budged FPS, but the training wheels need to come off and the developers need to not make the gameplay take a backseat to get my attention.
Best Single Video Game Level Quote
01-13-2013 , 03:25 PM
Bark at the Moon - Guitar Hero

OK, it's not the best level in a game ever, but I thought it perfectly wrapped up that game, was super challenging and gave me a great sense of accomplishment when I beat it, and I felt like I was a goddamn rockstar when I played it.
Best Single Video Game Level Quote
01-13-2013 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by jawhoo
Bark at the Moon - Guitar Hero

OK, it's not the best level in a game ever, but I thought it perfectly wrapped up that game, was super challenging and gave me a great sense of accomplishment when I beat it, and I felt like I was a goddamn rockstar when I played it.
I remember playing GH3 ttfaf on hard and being super happy about it. I was never able to beat Devil went down to Georgia on hard, literally only song I never was able to beat on hard.

But yeah after beating some songs for the first time on hard/expert in GH that **** felt great. Also the first time I perfected a song, on medium, that was cool too.
Best Single Video Game Level Quote
01-13-2013 , 04:20 PM
first level from shadows of the empire, badass
Best Single Video Game Level Quote
01-13-2013 , 05:23 PM
weevil- How many of the Call of Duty-style modern shooters have you played? A lot of what you seem to identify as flaws were like, the point. This discussion would probably be better in the Spec Ops thread rather than this one, though, idk if we had one at the time.
Best Single Video Game Level Quote
01-13-2013 , 05:31 PM
Super Mario(nes) World 1 Stage 1
Best Single Video Game Level Quote
01-13-2013 , 06:31 PM
Many levels on Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven. Amazing game.
Best Single Video Game Level Quote
01-13-2013 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by IHeartAsians
Super Mario(nes) World 1 Stage 1
Best Single Video Game Level Quote
