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02-12-2011 , 03:36 PM
is bf2 any good anymore, anyways? its pretty damn old
Battlefield 3 Quote
02-12-2011 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by General Tsao
is bf2 any good anymore, anyways? its pretty damn old
It depends, I bought it for 2$ during the xmas sale, so for me it's a super yes ( I also still had my old account with the unlocks ).

It shows some problems, especially now that it's integrated in Steam when it was originally designed to work only with gamespy. Obv the graphics suck compared to fresh AAA titles, and it lacks some basic elements that today are considered standard ( like a kill-cam ), or has some annoying exploits.

But if you find a few people to play with, it's still worth the monies. If you play solo I wouldn't recommend it tbh - it's a team based game, and most people aren't very communicative these days.
Battlefield 3 Quote
02-12-2011 , 05:46 PM
I don't know if these guys still run bf2 servers, but texasteamplayers (apparently team player gaming now) used to pretty strictly enforce squad-based play and communication (ban for lone-wolfing!). If there's anywhere in bf2 world where you can find 63 other people with mics who are willing to work together I'd imagine it's here. That is if they still have servers:
Battlefield 3 Quote
02-12-2011 , 05:55 PM
TTP always had the best servers.
Battlefield 3 Quote
02-12-2011 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by YouR_DooM
He does have the legit original game, right? Because BF2 runs on dedicated servers. I don't see how "the host" can terminate the connection unless your buddy has a cheating program and he need the right server.

Also, I doubt it's hard to find people to kill on a legit 64 man server.
Yeah I don't really know what was going on. I know they were sitting there waiting for like 3 minutes in the lobby. Then it went to start the game and it zoomed out to just a big open land, and then the 3min countdown started again and he was wondering what was going on. Someone said the host canceled the game or something.

I just assumed since it was on PC that someone could manipulate that?
Battlefield 3 Quote
02-12-2011 , 06:29 PM
I've actually never witnessed a 3 minute timer ( or don't remember, but I played today ), so maybe it was something special.

It usually is select server - wait 40 secs for the map to load - map appears, choose class, party and spawm - play
Battlefield 3 Quote
02-12-2011 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by demon102
I thought the BC 2 was a really great game with awesome maps, it is my first BF game tho. My only complaint about the game and this is HUUUGGE, there were just to few maps. Way to few. If they would have just doubled the amount of maps the game would have had so much more playability. 2 months in I was just sick of the same old 6 maps for Rush and got sick of the game cuz of this.

Any clue how many maps this game will have? Id like to get this game but Im not messing around with some silly game that has just a handful of maps.
fwiw I traded in BC2 a while ago but recently repurchased the VIP edition with all the downloads for cheap and it now has about twice as many rush maps (some old BC1 maps that were great and some conquest maps that were converted to rush like atacama desert which has both teams spawn with attack choppers) not sure how much of that is free with the vanilla version

Originally Posted by YouR_DooM
BF:BC is the dumbed down console version of BF and a COD copy.
it's not a COD copy...Battlefield 2 was doing the modern combat thing before COD4 existed
Battlefield 3 Quote
02-12-2011 , 07:03 PM
He's talking about BF:BC, which in terms of how they absolutely made the game play suitable for 12 year old speds, is pretty much a COD copy.
Battlefield 3 Quote
02-12-2011 , 09:47 PM
I have put tons of time into BF2 - going so far as to buy the Zboard and having the BF2 keyboard - looking forward to BF3 - (2nd Lieutenant)

I will say - I got so damn tired of the guys who use the jets to blow the piss out of us I stopped playing maps with Jets - (wake island, for example) but stuck with the Karkand map till the end - though for the last year I pretty much only liked the Infantry Only fights -

Battlefield 3 Quote
02-12-2011 , 10:07 PM

This is the stream. I think they are doing some kind of "I wannabe a real soldier" and playing like they are in some kind of real war.
Battlefield 3 Quote
02-12-2011 , 11:01 PM
Project Reality is an extensive BF2 mod, focused on... (drumroll)... making the game more realistic! I played it for a while - fun mod but you absolutely have to have a good team all with microphones and constantly communicating. The games can be a bit slow as the maps tend to be massive, vehicles are sparse and you have to move much more carefully as spawn times are long, and walking back from the main takes a long time. I really look forward to seeing what their dev team comes up with for BF3.
Battlefield 3 Quote
02-12-2011 , 11:09 PM
That map looks new, and pretty sick. Reinstalling BF2


Their main site for those interested:

Looks like their next installment will be an ArmA 2 mod. Bleh. Clunky game.

Last edited by AKSpartan; 02-12-2011 at 11:15 PM.
Battlefield 3 Quote
02-12-2011 , 11:59 PM
Ok, so BF2 isn't as good as I remembered. Move speed is loltastically fast and hit detection is pretty bad. I fired probably 40 rounds at a guy (in bursts of course) with a MG with my crosshairs directly on his chest and got 0 hitmarkers.
Battlefield 3 Quote
02-13-2011 , 07:03 AM
Originally Posted by AKSpartan
Ok, so BF2 isn't as good as I remembered. Move speed is loltastically fast and hit detection is pretty bad. I fired probably 40 rounds at a guy (in bursts of course) with a MG with my crosshairs directly on his chest and got 0 hitmarkers.
I actually have no problems with those 2 things. Move speed is ok and hit detection wirked well with anything that is a normal rifle ( I mostly use the unlock medic weapons and the assault class ) or a pistol. Haven't tried the MG tho.
Battlefield 3 Quote
02-16-2011 , 12:27 AM
huge fan of BF BC2, tried MW2, BO, etc but for teamwork and tactical multiplayer BC is the best, and is the only shooter I haven't ended up selling since COD4. That said I am obv very psyched about BC3! I wish it wasn't so far off. I wasn't real thrilled by Vietnam so waiting for this is gonna be painful.
Battlefield 3 Quote
02-16-2011 , 07:50 AM
Originally Posted by _Goldseraph_
huge fan of BF BC2, tried MW2, BO, etc but for teamwork and tactical multiplayer BC is the best, and is the only shooter I haven't ended up selling since COD4. That said I am obv very psyched about BC3! I wish it wasn't so far off. I wasn't real thrilled by Vietnam so waiting for this is gonna be painful.
I sure hope that BC2 fans will be disappointed by BF3...
Battlefield 3 Quote
02-24-2011 , 07:25 PM
New trailer with gameplay footage:

The new lighting looks really good. Graphics are nice too.

The sight used in the video looks very similar to the holographic sight from COD.
Battlefield 3 Quote
02-24-2011 , 07:31 PM
graphics look insanely good!!
Battlefield 3 Quote
02-24-2011 , 07:34 PM
oh god
Battlefield 3 Quote
02-24-2011 , 11:12 PM
God damn that looks sick!!! There is no way Im not getting this.

I really hope this can be a COD contender, the last game was a blast.
Battlefield 3 Quote
03-02-2011 , 07:20 AM
God damn. I think I might have something to replace MW2.
Battlefield 3 Quote
03-02-2011 , 08:21 AM
Originally Posted by demon102
I really hope this can be a COD contender, the last game was a blast.
I really hope not. BF2 has never been anything like COD.
Battlefield 3 Quote
03-02-2011 , 10:56 AM
looks amazing

Doom I dont want it to be like COD, Im pretty sick of that series. Id just like a new fps that can take its place and this series is pretty awesome from the little that Ive played of it.
Battlefield 3 Quote
03-02-2011 , 11:03 AM
Oh ok, that sounds good doodoo
Battlefield 3 Quote
