Originally Posted by jah7_fsu1
+1 to the WTF feeling. I played 50 hours of BC2 with no mic and no idea what the hell I was doing. Once I got a mic and someone explained certain things to me I loved it.
No offence, but if you REALLY took 50 hours to figure it out, you probably need a helmet when going out of the house. Obv this only applies if we aren't talking about advanced tactics which aren't explained in tutorials anyway. But it really takes a session to figure out you have to blow up the freaking bombs / deplete the enemy tickets.
I have no trouble believing someone takes a few days to figure things out, but if after that time you haven't used google or read an FAQ, things don't look too bright for your gaming future.
On one point I fully agree tho: BF feels crappy without someone to play with. On the other hand, I don't play COD alone either, so I have the same feeling about that game.