But many of the more subtle skills are more likely to be found in the less intelligent because it is easier for them to not notice how silly or artificial a certain accepted mode of behavior is.
I suspect another reason is that intelligence sometimes crowds out wisdom, especially in young. (I'll elaborate below your second quote.)
There is plenty of other inductive evidence of this phenomenon, by the way. Here are a few recent examples that required genius+ level intellectual prowess coupled with a staggering lack of wisdom:
1. The creation of genetically modified corn and its introduction into agriculture in settings that allow the modified strains to be introduced into the wider world by insects, wind, and other natural forces
2. The manufacturing of (and possible genetic tampering with) smallpox weapons in the former Soviet Union after smallpox vaccination had ceased worldwide
3. A personal favorite of mine, the berating of fish by poker logicians who explain theory in detail at the table, including loud, expositive dissertations on how the fish utterly failed to apply sound poker principles with his abysmal play of the hand, and how he should expect to lose his ass if he keeps on playing this way, the stupid moron, how the hell could he possibly call two bets cold with that trash, didn't he know he was drawing to two outs that might not even be good if he hit them, etc.
When I was in fifth grade I was berated for wearing pants with cuffs as they were "out" that year. I will never forget how angry that made me since it was clear that there was no intrinsic reason to wear cuffs or no cuffs except for what some irrelevant person decided was in.
What you didn't realize at the time was that humans are social animals with strong hierarchical tendencies. Actually, if you had thought about it, you probably would have realized it; but your preference for "objective" activities (probably amplified by your ego telling you how much better and more logical were your preferences than those of your cohorts) interfered with your ability to recognize how this related to the problem you were faced with: you didn't submit to the common idea of what clothes were "right" at an age when this is important to humans, and you were castigated for it. The guy who decided what's in isn't irrelevant: he was directly relevant to you. You just didn't like it.
So the taunts pissed you off, but the fault (albeit unsurprising because of your age) was in you: your antagonists were stupid (by comparison to you) and you're smart by comparison to almost anybody, right? So shouldn't you either have ignored their taunts (who cares what lesser minds think?) or spent a few minutes perusing a J Crew (or equivalent) catalog and dressing to kill so that you could more easily manipulate them into treating you in a manner you'd have found more amenable.
The point is, there are sociological formulae that are almost mathematical in efficacy. Here, I'll prove it:
Are you a guy who wants to get laid during your college years but haven't had much luck so far? Learn* to club dance. Work at home as scientifically as possible, but remember that it's perfectly fine "look like an idiot"** when you get on the floor. Do what you can to follow the beat of the music, and when in doubt, assume the more energetic your movements, the better.
Don't waste your time trying to figure out
why dancing will get you laid. It probably has to do with some birdlike tendency in women to appreciate the vigorous mating gestures and obvious display of self-assuredness by the yadda yadda - but
who cares? The point is
it works. This is an applied science. Use it or don't, but don't piss and moan about it just because it doesn't fit with your preconceived view of how things "ought" to be.
Best regards,
*I put "learn" in quotes because there are multiple ways to dance that will work fine. You don't need to be rigorous in your approach, and you won't really become proficient at anything substantive in any traditional, "hard" way.
**This is natural and actually helpful, as too much technical skill may look forced and can harm your chances of getting laid.