confusion about the difference between rakeupdate and rakereduction led me to make 2 accounts..
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 416
so i had an account with rakeupdate for one site that i play at, and i decided to make another account on a different site that also had rakeback. so i googled RB for it and got to and followed the steps there up until it told me to enter my email. i entered a different email that the one for my rakeupdate account, and when i went to confirm the account in my email it linked me to, at which time i realized both sites were pretty much one and the same (right?) so now i have two accounts with yall. any way to consolidate the accounts or does it not matter?
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 1,168
Can you send us a ticket from both accounts on and let us know which account of the two you would like to keep and we will migrate them for you.