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FTP freeroll issue with RTR FTP freeroll issue with RTR

02-17-2009 , 08:05 AM

I've qualified for the Full Tilt freeroll for Feb 22nd but when i try and register for it i get a message from Full Tilt saying 'Unfortunately you have not qualified for the RaketheRake freeroll.'

I have checked in .pdf of qualified members and my username (puffinburger) is there.

What gives?
02-17-2009 , 04:00 PM
they should send out an email this week to everyone who qualified. just wait.
02-18-2009 , 05:21 AM
Originally Posted by Fermion5
they should send out an email this week to everyone who qualified. just wait.
Indeed TY Fermion5

They are due out today.

We will also add instructions on what you need to do to make sure they sort out your problem.

Best wishes

02-19-2009 , 07:01 AM

I recieved the e-mail today but i'm still being told i haven't qualified after i click 'click here to register'.
02-19-2009 , 10:07 AM
Hey Tosspot

And at the top of the email you got from us... in font 16

It should say

if you have problems registering, then send an email to

Subject: I could not register for the RakeTheRake FT Freeroll - 79882804

Text: My Screen name at Full Tilt is: ??????
They will be able to fix the issue for you.

Best wishes

02-19-2009 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by RakeTheRake
Hey Tosspot

And at the top of the email you got from us... in font 16

It should say

They will be able to fix the issue for you.

Best wishes


Yes i saw that and i did email them shortly before starting this thread. E-mails to RTR (in my experience) often take an age to get a reply and i'd like to register before it fills up.
02-19-2009 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by Tosspot

Yes i saw that and i did email them shortly before starting this thread. E-mails to RTR (in my experience) often take an age to get a reply and i'd like to register before it fills up.
hey T

Do you mean "emails to FT often take an age"...surely not us?

Kind regards


PS you'll definitely get a spot....although there are way more eligible participants than places...we havent yet got close to filling it.
02-20-2009 , 09:14 AM
Originally Posted by RakeTheRake
hey T

Do you mean "emails to FT often take an age"...surely not us?

Kind regards


PS you'll definitely get a spot....although there are way more eligible participants than places...we havent yet got close to filling it.

Yes sorry, i realise that this is FT not replying to me. Still had no reply and still cant register
02-20-2009 , 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by Tosspot

Yes sorry, i realise that this is FT not replying to me. Still had no reply and still cant register

Can you PM me your screen name at FT please and i will email them on your behalf as well

Kind regards

02-22-2009 , 09:30 AM
I have the same problem, can you help?
PM sent!
02-22-2009 , 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by bresha
I have the same problem, can you help?
PM sent!

If you sent an email to them, yesterday or before then they should be able to add you. They have added other people already. If you have only just sent them an email then i am not sure the right department will be working today or be able to take care of it at this notice.

You should email them anyhow just in case

Kind regards

02-22-2009 , 11:05 AM
I sended email in Friday but still when I click "Click here to register" in tourney lobby I receive message "Unfortunately you have not qualified for the RaketheRake freeroll."!
Hopefully it will be solved in time!
02-22-2009 , 01:57 PM
Hey I really need to get my problem fixed as well, I def qualified for the tournament being that January was my first month, it says my name on the file on the RTR site, and I had generated far more then the 500 points I would need even if it wasn't my first month. When I go to register it says I haven't qualified can someone help me fix this quickly because the tournament is starting soon. Doesn't seem fair that I get screwed out of the tournament I had to reschedule my day to make sure I can play in it.
02-22-2009 , 02:45 PM
If anyone can clarify what is going on here I really need help soon this tournament is going to start up in about an hour or so. I really need to get someone to tell me how they were able to get entered into this tourney because I am locked out of it right now and I can't figure out who to ask to get me in there.
02-22-2009 , 03:16 PM
You may want to check the tournament lobby to see if your in the list as the don’t always actually fix the problem, but instead the just add you manually when you send a complaint email.
02-22-2009 , 03:26 PM
ya but I did just send it and no I am not in the lobby yet. I am sure Full Tilt hasn't responded that quickly and hopefully they will get me in, but I know I am just going to get screwed on this. Total BS is happening right now
02-22-2009 , 03:49 PM
cant believe I am actually not going to get to play in this freeroll today, it is really starting to piss me off because there is a huge chance to win a substantial amount of money in this tourney. I really hope there is something they can do about this because it is really getting to me now.
02-22-2009 , 04:18 PM
I'm also left out here so I guess we all should be compensated by RakeTheRake!

One of main reasons I have chosen RakeTheRake was this freeroll so I must express my disappointment and demand compensation!
02-22-2009 , 06:59 PM
Hi guys

We are sorry that you couldn't enter. Unfortunately the problem doesn't lie with us but FT.

That is why in the email that we send out we advise players to register immediately and if they have problems then to email the FT team immediately so that the FT team have a few days to react. Unfortunately it doesnt seem like they work Sundays.

We have emailed them about why players have registration issues and their response is as follows

Unfortunately this has been the nature of the web registration process if computer logs on as different users and cookies are in place sometimes it can reduce the chances of it working properly under another user. I have never run into this problem unless it is genuinely an issue with the web services. Unfortunately this is currently the only option we have available at the time. I have received 152 emails from unique individuals
Bresha, if you sent an email to the correct email address (in our email) on Friday then they should have been added and you will need to take that up with FT.

Naturally we will add you both to next month's freeroll regardless for your troubles.

Kind regards

02-22-2009 , 08:05 PM
Sorry, it is my mistake, I misspelt my FTP name in mail I sent to them!
02-23-2009 , 07:10 AM
Originally Posted by bresha
Sorry, it is my mistake, I misspelt my FTP name in mail I sent to them!
Thank you. It's very good of you to point that out
You are still entered for next month anyhow

Kind regards

02-23-2009 , 04:25 PM
My whole point here is that i never received an e-mail telling me how to go about signing up for the tournament. I had to look through a forum site, that I am sure not everyone who uses RTR knows about, and spend a lot of my free time trying to get into this tourney which never happened. I do feel I should be compensated something for not getting a shot at a large freeroll as part of what the site gives you for using them. Honostly whatever small compensation I could possibly receive will not makeup for the loss of that tournament anyway. I don't think it is too much to ask for in this situation.
02-24-2009 , 05:15 AM
Originally Posted by standouts
My whole point here is that i never received an e-mail telling me how to go about signing up for the tournament. I had to look through a forum site, that I am sure not everyone who uses RTR knows about, and spend a lot of my free time trying to get into this tourney which never happened. I do feel I should be compensated something for not getting a shot at a large freeroll as part of what the site gives you for using them. Honostly whatever small compensation I could possibly receive will not makeup for the loss of that tournament anyway. I don't think it is too much to ask for in this situation.
Hiya, as per the earlier post and the PM sent


Again we are sorry about that but you would need to seek compensation from Tilt not us.

The emails we send came from

they were sent to

Also the tournament details can always be found here

Best wishes

We do appreciate your frustration. Please make sure your email account is set to receive emails from the address avove just in case they currently go to spam/junk.

Best wishes

02-24-2009 , 04:28 PM
ok man thanks for the response I will e-mail Full Tilt about it, but I know all that is gunna happen is I got screwed out of my tourney.
