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Whats a good winning rate? Whats a good winning rate?

04-13-2008 , 01:10 PM
Hi guys,
This is a sort of half PT thread, but I thought it might be more sooted for this forum.

Anyway, I downloaded pokertracker today.
I wanted to check out my win-rate playing 50NL, and it comes out as
"10.03 BigBets/100 hands" over 7000+ hands (enough sample size?)

I can't find the statistic that is ptBB(I think this may be the same thing)... but is this a good win rate? What is the ~win rate of a good reg?

Aside that, I noticed I have a VPIP$ of well over 20. What does this actually measure? The amount of times I've entered the pot PF? Is this a good or bad number?

Last thing, I notice that the position I'm making the least $ from is the button, I presume I'm overplaying it, as I should certainly be making the most money there. Can anyone provide a tip to maybe tighten up?
Whats a good winning rate? Quote
04-13-2008 , 01:33 PM
See the master sticky for a discussion on win rate. See the link below for how to analyze your PT numbers. Also, mpethybridge started a thread that should be towards the top of the forum on analyzing PT stats.
Whats a good winning rate? Quote
04-13-2008 , 02:16 PM
FAQ, and u are running hot.
bigbets is ptbb = 2* big blinds
Whats a good winning rate? Quote
04-13-2008 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by knn05
See the master sticky for a discussion on win rate. See the link below for how to analyze your PT numbers. Also, mpethybridge started a thread that should be towards the top of the forum on analyzing PT stats.
Ok- thanks for this; Didn't notice the sticky before.
Whats a good winning rate? Quote
