Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 1,767
I'm working on a problem in the poker theory forum and need some data for the average rake at various online cash games.
I've found the rake schedules but need the actual average rakes collected.
For those with a database, I'd appreciate it if you could you please provide the some basic data in the games you play. No personal data needed.
Sorry, I haven't used HM or PT software for years so I can't help with how to find or filter data but it's pretty basic so I'm hoping it's not too diffictult to find.
Here's some sample data I made up so values will be consistent, replace $ with € as needed.
Site: Poker Stars
game: NLH
stakes: $10
Blinds: 0.05/0.10
max players: 6
max buy-in: 100 BBs
sample size: 9,567 hands
Avg Rake: $1.10
Rake rate: 4.5%
Rake cap: $1.50
To make it easier just quote the form In the post below and fill in what you can.
You may need to put in character outside of the quotes for it to not reject the post.
I'd prefer not mixing different stakes/games so please copy form if you want to report results for multiple games.
Thanks so much for your help!
Last edited by TakenItEasy; 04-06-2015 at 12:45 AM.