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What kind of 4-bet range do you have? What kind of 4-bet range do you have?

07-31-2016 , 05:42 AM
A lot of regs have a very high 3-betting % (15%+ over a decent sample size), atleast on the site that I play (NL25) and I was wondering, what kind of 4-betting ranges do you have against light 3-bets as well flatting range?

I´m very lost tbo with this and most of the time it feels like when I´m flatting or 4-betting, it´s a flip which one I do (when I´m not 4-betting with a premium hand).

My 4-betting range is very valueheavy atm at 2,22%, (3-bet % is 10,5.) My 4-bet was below 2% and 3-bet above 12% at one point but I´ve been trying to adjust both.
This is from 10k hands only so far.

I´d love to hear
- what kind of 4-bet/3-bet flatting ranges you have IP and OOP
- how you play against these in general

Also, what kind of stats would you have in your HUD for 3-bet, 4-bet situations, 3-bet %, fold to 4-bet %?
And if you have any tips how I can best use my db for these spots, that would be cool too.

Very broad I know but any thoughts about 3-betting / 4 betting are welcome!

Last edited by HOPlop; 07-31-2016 at 05:47 AM.
What kind of 4-bet range do you have? Quote
07-31-2016 , 07:41 AM
3bet should be very similar to 4bet in percentage right?

I 4bet light w hands like A2s,A3s,A4s,A5s,K3s,K4s,K9o vs. aggro 3better.

Flatting 3Bet is so dependant that I don't think I can give a decent answer.
What kind of 4-bet range do you have? Quote
07-31-2016 , 07:43 AM
Originally Posted by ChipsNcrisps
3bet should be very similar to 4bet in percentage right?

Not sure if I understand correctly but don´t think so...
What kind of 4-bet range do you have? Quote
07-31-2016 , 11:34 AM
I think this boils down to villain's f4bet %. I know it's a stat that takes a while to produce, but if villain 3bets a wide range and folds too much to 4bets, then I'm going to have a bluff heavy 4bet range and will flat more premiums. Vice versa is villain defends 4bets too much. In this scenario, I'm more willing to flat a wider range and only 4bet a value heavy range. Of course once villain starts to adjust, this will need to be tweaked.
What kind of 4-bet range do you have? Quote
07-31-2016 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by GLUIPERIG
I think this boils down to villain's f4bet %. I know it's a stat that takes a while to produce, but if villain 3bets a wide range and folds too much to 4bets, then I'm going to have a bluff heavy 4bet range and will flat more premiums. Vice versa is villain defends 4bets too much. In this scenario, I'm more willing to flat a wider range and only 4bet a value heavy range. Of course once villain starts to adjust, this will need to be tweaked.
As a simple example, if villain has 15% 3 bet and folds to 4 bet 70% then in a typical BTN steal position, we raise to 3BB, Villain 3 bets in BB to 10BB, we can 4 bet to 20BB and plan to fold to any further action with a positive expectation with any two cards (.7*10.5BB)-(.3*20BB)=1.35BB EV per hand.

Obviously, don't take this to mean you can 4 bet ATC vs wide 3 betting ranges at will.
What kind of 4-bet range do you have? Quote
