It's nice that you post preflop statistics, but what about postflop reads? That's really what this hand is about. Almost nothing that happened preflop matters in this hand except he can't have AA and probably doesn't have AK.
His donk bet typically means that he has a draw of some kind. Given his gap between vpip/pfr and his odd stack size, he's probably a fish. And that's typically what fish do with draws or weak TP type of hands. With the Ah still out there somewhere and us having TPVGK, I'm torn between raising the flop for value (heart draws, weaker Ax will all call) and just calling down. And this is where the postflop reads are absolutely crucial. Against an unknown, I'm probably raising the flop to between $2.50 and $3 and aiming to GII on good cards.
Once we call though, I'm fine with calling the turn. Probably calling the river as well since it's tough for him to triple barrel and call a jam with A9 or AT or A6, and those hands are pretty much the only ones that may call a river jam that we beat. The others (a bluff heart draw) aren't calling a river jam or raise for that matter.