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What to do in this kind of gross situation? I flopped straight, turn flush possible. What to do in this kind of gross situation? I flopped straight, turn flush possible.

01-18-2013 , 03:02 AM
2/5c game. Through grinding I was about $9.50, villian was deep stack same as me.

I had AJ, villian raises to 15c on button. I called.

pot was 35c.

Flopped Kd,Q,T

I checked. Villian betted out 15c, I check-raised to 45c, villian re-raised to 1.35 I re-reraised to 4. Villian called.

Pot was $8.35

Turn was 8

Gross. I had $5.35 left. I made a mistake, In the heat of the moment (was multi-tabling 4 zoom tables during office hours) decided to prob-bet $2.5, Villian re-raised all-in. I folded. I don't see how shoving or betting out any amount will help me as If I shove only better hands will call (Flushes), If I prob bet, I might give hands like KKs, and QQs chance to outdraw to a fullhouse.

Its just so sick, the only thing I can do here is to check and give up? How do I handle such situations esp OOP? Also similarly, if you flopped flush and turn pair board how would you handle it? check-check or check-call a reasonably small bet on river?
What to do in this kind of gross situation? I flopped straight, turn flush possible. Quote
01-18-2013 , 03:11 AM
For starters raise flop more. He bets less than half the pot and then you made such a tiny raise he could easily call with flushdraw with odds.

And lol at turn bet-fold. That's about worst option you could do. Frankly shove is still better option.

If you are worried about KK/QQ getting boat you don't think they would call a shove? This level villains do not fold sets that easily. Especially when it's not even pot sized shove(though KK/QQ would likely ship it on flop but this being uNL who knows what the button clickers are thinking).

But you could have got into better situation by not misplaying flop. Raise to 0.6$. If villain comes over the top to that too you could have raised even more and then it would be trivial stack off as opponent can't draw with odds so even if you stack off it's still profitable. Even now it's bit off iffy iffy if he has just flushdraw to go for him. If he assumes you stack off when he hits flush he needs 19.34% equity and with 9 outs 19% or so. So he doesn't really have implied odds to call with flushdraw.
What to do in this kind of gross situation? I flopped straight, turn flush possible. Quote
01-18-2013 , 03:15 AM
How many FD can he have on the flop to call a 4B? ATs and maybe 98s. I'm not folding that turn because it's unlikely that he called that with just AT.
What to do in this kind of gross situation? I flopped straight, turn flush possible. Quote
01-18-2013 , 03:22 AM
Originally Posted by leproso88
How many FD can he have on the flop to call a 4B? ATs and maybe 98s. I'm not folding that turn because it's unlikely that he called that with just AT.
Adxd is possible. Jdxd(JdTd being particulary good likely). Yes they really SHOULDN'T call because eventhough there's over 100bb left for turn it's justabout dead even assuming all 9 cards are live, 4bettor will stack off always when you hit flush and is drawing dead(ie wasn't 4betting flop with set which is albeit fairly safe bet since he didn't 3bet which removes virtually all KK/QQ combo's away).

But this IS just NL5 so it's not within realm of unreasonability he would have been fooled "I would still have over 100bb so I have good implied odds" and call with fd. Especially due to tiny flop raise which made 3bet and 4bet smaller than they could have been.

So I wouldn't be suprised if he shows up with something like 9d8d but nice thing is that in the long run even if you go bust everytime he hits flush you aren't loosing money and that's not including other holdings so certainly he's making money even if he just ships all the time vs made flush.

edit: Obviously not 9d8d but something silly like that. Button raise so he can have practically any xdxd combo on the flop. Maybe he's the kind to overplay flushdraws here with Adxd or Jdxd.
What to do in this kind of gross situation? I flopped straight, turn flush possible. Quote
01-18-2013 , 03:47 AM
Originally Posted by leproso88
How many FD can he have on the flop to call a 4B? ATs and maybe 98s. I'm not folding that turn because it's unlikely that he called that with just AT.
He could have have Adxd or Jdxd like someone else said. Anyway I just dont think he would be shoving my turn bet without a flush draw anyways it is just too unlikely. There are more flush draw combos possible then set/two pair combos (which are his other possible holdings). I think he would almost 100% fold all his two pairs on my turn bet or possibly the flop. That leaves only sets and flush draw combos.

Its possible he might have shoved trip kings or queens for the sake of it but more then likely a flush imo. Anyway sick spot, I should have raised more on the flop no doubt.
What to do in this kind of gross situation? I flopped straight, turn flush possible. Quote
01-18-2013 , 03:52 AM
This isn't a "gross situation" imo.

What to do in this kind of gross situation? I flopped straight, turn flush possible. Quote
01-18-2013 , 04:01 AM
Originally Posted by pokerprince89
He could have have Adxd or Jdxd like someone else said. Anyway I just dont think he would be shoving my turn bet without a flush draw anyways it is just too unlikely. There are more flush draw combos possible then set/two pair combos (which are his other possible holdings). I think he would almost 100% fold all his two pairs on my turn bet or possibly the flop. That leaves only sets and flush draw combos.

Its possible he might have shoved trip kings or queens for the sake of it but more then likely a flush imo. Anyway sick spot, I should have raised more on the flop no doubt.
Thing is though if you would close your eyes after he calls flop and shove blind you won't be doing mistake. You won't lose money in the long run even when you go broke vs flush since he will be missing it often enough that you'll make profit.

Doing hero c/f can however be disaster and b/f is just "lol".
What to do in this kind of gross situation? I flopped straight, turn flush possible. Quote
01-18-2013 , 04:02 AM
I think the hand is played fine if you shove turn. He doesn't have as many FD combos as you think imo. A lot of his likely fd combos are blocked by the board and he likely doesnt 3b flop with them. OTOH he does 3b flop with a lot of his sets and straights, making turn an easy ship.
What to do in this kind of gross situation? I flopped straight, turn flush possible. Quote
01-18-2013 , 04:08 AM
Originally Posted by TheWise
This isn't a "gross situation" imo.

What am I winning? set kings, queens? Even with Kings and Queens if he had wanted to shove he would have shove flop instead of waiting turn. For me the reason he called flop and waited for turn is for a flush card to peel.

You don't know micro players they will call absurd amounts on the flop just to hit their flush on the turn or river.

Of course straight even when flush is possible is a strong hand in most context but considering the flop re-raising action, him having two diamonds in his hand with some pair or straight draw is very likely.

Vs someone like Isildur of course this is 100% shove but not against micro players.
What to do in this kind of gross situation? I flopped straight, turn flush possible. Quote
01-18-2013 , 04:11 AM
By your logic they also wont 3b flop with a fd very often as they like to call and wait to hit.
What to do in this kind of gross situation? I flopped straight, turn flush possible. Quote
01-18-2013 , 04:17 AM
Originally Posted by neok
I think the hand is played fine if you shove turn. He doesn't have as many FD combos as you think imo. A lot of his likely fd combos are blocked by the board and he likely doesnt 3b flop with them. OTOH he does 3b flop with a lot of his sets and straights, making turn an easy ship.
Adxd alone is many combos. not to mention jdxd. He could be thinking im 4 betting flop with set/KQ and he just cant fold his straight and flush draw combo in his mind. shoving on flop or maybe calling both seems logical with such a hand. He also could have AJ already.

Though I see where you're coming from. It's just that it is a bloated pot which affected my decision. If this pot was say $4, I would have just shipped $3 if I had that remaining. But $5+ into an $8+ pot in a 5nl game seems too much.
What to do in this kind of gross situation? I flopped straight, turn flush possible. Quote
01-18-2013 , 04:23 AM
Originally Posted by neok
By your logic they also wont 3b flop with a fd very often as they like to call and wait to hit.
I don't know, maybe im just talking myself out of this one. But again, if he had say a set, would he have slightly more then min re-shove my turn bet? In his mind I would have called if I have any straight or flush according to you. So his possibly putting another $5+ into a $8+ pot with 25% chance of hitting a fullhouse. That's a loser in the long run.

I just think more likely hes doing it with a straight which I would chop or a flush which I lose totally with no outs to outdraw.
What to do in this kind of gross situation? I flopped straight, turn flush possible. Quote
01-18-2013 , 04:55 AM
Originally Posted by pokerprince89
I don't know, maybe im just talking myself out of this one. But again, if he had say a set, would he have slightly more then min re-shove my turn bet? In his mind I would have called if I have any straight or flush according to you. So his possibly putting another $5+ into a $8+ pot with 25% chance of hitting a fullhouse. That's a loser in the long run.
You think he would fold a set on a turn?-) With the stacks you have left simply calling isn't sensible. It's fold or shove to make damned sure 4th diamond doesn't come giving you nuts with something like Adxx you might be bluffing with or even worse freezing action causing river to go check-check.

Micro villains won't fold a set for sure with that little left. And even they generally recognize after your bet that they might just as well shove since you ain't folding if you have anything, even if it's just Ad.

Thing is you don't make his flop call good even if you go broke but c/f'ing can lead into disaster when you fold vs his set/2p that decides to "protect" his hand/split straight.
What to do in this kind of gross situation? I flopped straight, turn flush possible. Quote
01-18-2013 , 06:05 AM
shove over his 3b.

now shove
What to do in this kind of gross situation? I flopped straight, turn flush possible. Quote
01-18-2013 , 06:11 AM
Originally Posted by VithelTone
shove over his 3b.

now shove
Don't you think 8,9$ shove would be tad too inefficient to pot of 2.15$?-) You can't have bluffing range with that sizing(albeit at micro's balance isn't that important) plus you risk chance of opponent not being complete drooler and actually fold there.

Now if he had raised larger in a first place then shove would start to look better as 3bet would be larger as well so pot would be bigger and remaining stack smaller.
What to do in this kind of gross situation? I flopped straight, turn flush possible. Quote
01-18-2013 , 07:02 AM
Originally Posted by pokerprince89
What am I winning? set kings, queens? Even with Kings and Queens if he had wanted to shove he would have shove flop instead of waiting turn. For me the reason he called flop and waited for turn is for a flush card to peel.

You don't know micro players they will call absurd amounts on the flop just to hit their flush on the turn or river.

Of course straight even when flush is possible is a strong hand in most context but considering the flop re-raising action, him having two diamonds in his hand with some pair or straight draw is very likely.

Vs someone like Isildur of course this is 100% shove but not against micro players.
No, it's 100% shove especially against micro players. Experience will tell you. Everyone in this thread is already telling you. Just ship.
What to do in this kind of gross situation? I flopped straight, turn flush possible. Quote
01-18-2013 , 07:26 AM
Originally Posted by pokerprince89
Vs someone like Isildur of course this is 100% shove but not against micro players.
BTW actually it's the micro players you DO want to shove rather than Isildur. Why? Micro players are more likely to make mistake by calling too much rather than folding too much.

There's reason why micro villains are considered calling stations rather than folding stations(albeit I once played HU vs flop folding station(and let me tell you that's worst kind of villain you could hope for in micro HU) and there's this ridiculously nitty player I would not be too happy to go into reraise war without AdJd(he's nitty enough I would not expect him to go broke with KK on that flop!) but guys who fold too much rather than call too much are far and wide.

Against somebody like Isildur you might consider c/c or bet very weak to induce bluff shove but for micro villain's valuebetting is name of the game. They ain't doing the valuebetting for you so do it yourself. And you'll be suprised by hands they call you with.

(reminds me of hand I prolly misplayed but so did opponent. I 3bet pre, he calls. I barrel Q83J9 board(river filling flush draw to boot) with AK all the way and he still called shove on river with 22 . Okay so my postflop line was not that good either(hell it was atrocious!) but what hell HE was thinking? Put me on crazy AK 3barrel bluff when I had not shown one big bluff yet? Sheesh! My line was obviously mega-lol-bad against this guy who calls with any pair :lol
What to do in this kind of gross situation? I flopped straight, turn flush possible. Quote
01-18-2013 , 08:53 AM
You don't provide info about villain. If he is a reg then he will never 3b flop IP with a fldr so turn is a shove, imo you have him beat. If he is fishy lag style then shove over his 3b otf he will call even with 2p or strong fldr or sth.
What to do in this kind of gross situation? I flopped straight, turn flush possible. Quote
01-18-2013 , 09:02 AM
Villain basically shoves his entire flop range OTT lol. If he calls OTF with sets, 2pair and lower straights then he shoves those too just to get the money in.
What to do in this kind of gross situation? I flopped straight, turn flush possible. Quote
