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What am I doing wrong with my blinds? They are killing my sessions. What am I doing wrong with my blinds? They are killing my sessions.

12-28-2009 , 08:37 AM
Can anyone help explain why I am losing so much money from my blinds? I understand that the blind positions are generally supposed to be negative, but I feel that I am spewing too much money from these positions. After each session, I find that most of my losses are coming from the blinds. I feel like I play my blinds pretty tight. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?

Thanks for looking.

Last edited by nautuna; 12-28-2009 at 08:38 AM. Reason: fixed pictures
What am I doing wrong with my blinds? They are killing my sessions. Quote
12-28-2009 , 08:44 AM
Because you are forced to put .05 cents in the pot every time you play?

1895 hands x .05 = -90~ dollars from posting the big blind. Without counting the 90 dollars you posted, you are up $72 from playing in that position, which is way higher then any other position you play by far. The same can be said somewhat from playing the SB.
What am I doing wrong with my blinds? They are killing my sessions. Quote
12-28-2009 , 08:48 AM
hmm... so i guess my blind play is fine?
What am I doing wrong with my blinds? They are killing my sessions. Quote
12-28-2009 , 08:50 AM
probably better then 90% of nl5 players

playing out of position against total idiots can be frustrating, if maybe you have some hands where you thought you misplayed or didnt know what to do then we could look at them, but from the numbers it looks A-OK.
What am I doing wrong with my blinds? They are killing my sessions. Quote
12-28-2009 , 10:01 AM
You should be losing from the blinds. I don't reccomend defending blinds in 5NL
What am I doing wrong with my blinds? They are killing my sessions. Quote
12-28-2009 , 10:28 AM
You're not doing anything wrong; you're going to lose from the blinds no matter how well you play. Seems like you're losing a lot less than most players.
What am I doing wrong with my blinds? They are killing my sessions. Quote
12-28-2009 , 10:29 AM
Your Blind play seems not to be your problem. It is more like every position else imo. When I read tat screen shot right and position 5 is HJ and 6 is CO you shoukd def play more laggy from there.

But that it just what I see with a first look and here you can find way more and better help
What am I doing wrong with my blinds? They are killing my sessions. Quote
12-28-2009 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by ready 2 win
Your Blind play seems not to be your problem. It is more like every position else imo. When I read tat screen shot right and position 5 is HJ and 6 is CO you shoukd def play more laggy from there.

But that it just what I see with a first look and here you can find way more and better help
no i believe you are looking at it incorrectly. 6 is UTG and 5 is UTG+1. Seat 1 is CO and 2 is Hijack.

I do believe I can play a bit more laggy from seat 1 and 2, but at this limit, I am more unwilling to play 76s and K10/Q10 type hands from the CO and hijack. This is because I feel that it is more likely that I will get called more often and be OOP vs the opponents at this limit. So basically, I pretty much play my UTG+2 to Hijack with the same opening range.

Last edited by nautuna; 12-28-2009 at 11:07 AM.
What am I doing wrong with my blinds? They are killing my sessions. Quote
12-28-2009 , 10:54 AM
If you get called often when you raise with KT/QT you may be out of position, but you are way ahead of their range. However I do not think that your problem is based solely on preflop play.
What am I doing wrong with my blinds? They are killing my sessions. Quote
12-28-2009 , 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by nautuna
no i believe you are looking at it incorrectly. 6 is UTG and 5 is UTG+1. Seat 1 is CO and 2 is Hijack.
Sorry, I do not use PT myself so I was a bit confused about that. Anyway I would still considering playing more hands as open raise in later position. To have the same opening range UTG+2 as Hijack sounds to me not like a solid plan.

Originally Posted by Cangurino
However I do not think that your problem is based solely on preflop play.
Yeah. Only playing more hands in late position will not solve the problem. To open KT for example in the CO is standard but OP have to know how to play hands like that when he got called from BTN and/or Blinds. And this seems to be the problem to me.
What am I doing wrong with my blinds? They are killing my sessions. Quote
12-28-2009 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by ready 2 win
Yeah. Only playing more hands in late position will not solve the problem. To open KT for example in the CO is standard but OP have to know how to play hands like that when he got called from BTN and/or Blinds. And this seems to be the problem to me.
Yes, this is EXACTLY what I think is hurting my play. I feel as if I am always in very marginal spots when I get flatted OOP. And I feel that I have lots of trouble deciding when to double barrel or not. I guess my postflop play OOP is pretty terrible. This is why I try to play the majority of my hands from the CO and button.
What am I doing wrong with my blinds? They are killing my sessions. Quote
12-28-2009 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by nautuna
Yes, this is EXACTLY what I think is hurting my play. I feel as if I am always in very marginal spots when I get flatted OOP. And I feel that I have lots of trouble deciding when to double barrel or not. I guess my postflop play OOP is pretty terrible. This is why I try to play the majority of my hands from the CO and button.
You shouldn't even cbet automatically when you're OOP.
What am I doing wrong with my blinds? They are killing my sessions. Quote
12-28-2009 , 11:34 AM
i would say your loss rates from the blinds are veeeeeeeery good
What am I doing wrong with my blinds? They are killing my sessions. Quote
12-28-2009 , 11:39 AM
Firstly I think your bb/100 in the blinds is basically always going to be in the red.

I'd suggest moving to FR and keeping everything else the same. You're bleeding more than some from the blinds and you can fix this without changing any aspect of your game by playing FR where the blinds come around less often.

I don't know why you'd prefer 6-max when you opt to play so tight, but I'd suggest that you could opt to 3-bet KQs 1010 99 88 safely for value and C-Bet a high % of the time and try flatting with AJ KQ so long as you can play w/o living in fear of your opponent having AK all of the time. These hands should all play fairly easily from the blinds and once you're comfortable adding other suited broadways (especially against shorter stacked opponents who are stealing) will be another simple adjustment you can make.
What am I doing wrong with my blinds? They are killing my sessions. Quote
12-28-2009 , 11:55 AM
^^ Wut?
What am I doing wrong with my blinds? They are killing my sessions. Quote
12-28-2009 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by nautuna
Yes, this is EXACTLY what I think is hurting my play. I feel as if I am always in very marginal spots when I get flatted OOP. And I feel that I have lots of trouble deciding when to double barrel or not. I guess my postflop play OOP is pretty terrible. This is why I try to play the majority of my hands from the CO and button.
You are doing a great job of widening your range on the button, but you are playing too tight from the cutoff and definitely way too tight from the hijack. You want to see a gradual increase in % of hands played as you improve your position. You are going to be too easy to read if you make that big jump on the button. Don't be afraid of being flatted by the CU or Button, they are most likely way too loose and you will make money when you hit. Always be mindful of their stats. If someone that is 10/5 calls wary. If he is 59/16, relax.

I do have a couple of questions about your blinds...What are you doing pre flop from the bb? Are you raising, calling a raise, checking? Try using the filter on PT3 to see how you are doing in each situation. Try filtering calling raises in the BB and see how much you are winning or losing. Do the same for the other scenarios and you will be able to make any necessary adjustments. You are winning $ 50% of the time you go to showdown but you do not make it to showdown very often. I am guessing that you are checking to see a flop a large majority of the time from the bb. Check it out.
What am I doing wrong with my blinds? They are killing my sessions. Quote
12-28-2009 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by *Split*
i would say your loss rates from the blinds are veeeeeeeery good

I don't like the way you're playing pretty much the same range from UTG through UTG+3, though.
What am I doing wrong with my blinds? They are killing my sessions. Quote
12-28-2009 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by *Split*
i would say your loss rates from the blinds are veeeeeeeery good

I haven't looked at mine in a while, but i'd be really happy if i lost .18 total from the blinds
What am I doing wrong with my blinds? They are killing my sessions. Quote
12-28-2009 , 01:49 PM
I think I'm winning from the SB...
What am I doing wrong with my blinds? They are killing my sessions. Quote
12-28-2009 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by Imagy
Firstly I think your bb/100 in the blinds is basically always going to be in the red.

I'd suggest moving to FR and keeping everything else the same. You're bleeding more than some from the blinds and you can fix this without changing any aspect of your game by playing FR where the blinds come around less often.

I don't know why you'd prefer 6-max when you opt to play so tight, but I'd suggest that you could opt to 3-bet KQs 1010 99 88 safely for value and C-Bet a high % of the time and try flatting with AJ KQ so long as you can play w/o living in fear of your opponent having AK all of the time. These hands should all play fairly easily from the blinds and once you're comfortable adding other suited broadways (especially against shorter stacked opponents who are stealing) will be another simple adjustment you can make.
Thanks for the response... but I posted my question in the micro stakes FULL RING forums for a reason, as all of my screenshots and questions are from full ring play.
What am I doing wrong with my blinds? They are killing my sessions. Quote
12-28-2009 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by PizzaAggie
I do have a couple of questions about your blinds...What are you doing pre flop from the bb? Are you raising, calling a raise, checking? Try using the filter on PT3 to see how you are doing in each situation. Try filtering calling raises in the BB and see how much you are winning or losing. Do the same for the other scenarios and you will be able to make any necessary adjustments. You are winning $ 50% of the time you go to showdown but you do not make it to showdown very often. I am guessing that you are checking to see a flop a large majority of the time from the bb. Check it out.
Well, I 3bet AK+ QQ+ from the blinds (big and small). I have actually decided not to 3bet AQo anymore from the blinds, as I have started to feel that AQ has been giving me more problems OOP when I don't hit the flop. For the blind vs blind play, I'll raise A8+ and KJ+. If I'm in the big blind and no one has open raised, I'll see the flop for cheap. I'll lead out on any open ended sd or flush draw that I have (usually two streets). And I'll also lead out any time I hit top pair. That's basically how I play my blinds.

Originally Posted by Cangurino
You shouldn't even cbet automatically when you're OOP.
Yes, I realize this. But I seem to lose the majority of my hands where I don't cbet OOP.

For example, I can have a hand like KTo from hijack and get flatted from the button. Flop is 662. I'm checking here because this flop is very unlikely to hit my range, but the villains at these levels are willing to stab at every pot where weakness has been shown (especially when they are in position). And I must say, their stabs are quite expensive as well (pot sized bet usually). I hate the line of having to check/call the flop, only to face another heavy-ish bet on the turn.

Last edited by nautuna; 12-28-2009 at 05:44 PM.
What am I doing wrong with my blinds? They are killing my sessions. Quote
12-28-2009 , 05:44 PM
You have several possibilities of countering that (on a paired flop): Either cbet 1/2 pot and then give up (this only has to work 1/3 of the time to show profit). Or occasionally check-raise with air/overcards. Finally, if you hit the flop hard you should sometimes play the same line as when you miss, i.e., bet flop, check turn (in order to check-raise).

Bear in mind, while it is hard for you to hit the flop, it isn't exactly easy for them, either.
What am I doing wrong with my blinds? They are killing my sessions. Quote
12-28-2009 , 05:55 PM
looks to me like you complete the sb an awful lot.
What am I doing wrong with my blinds? They are killing my sessions. Quote
12-28-2009 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by sofocused978
looks to me like you complete the sb an awful lot.
Yes, I suppose I do complete my sb alot. I only complete when I have two semi-broadway cards and it is blind vs blind. From what I've noticed from 5nl FR vs 5nl 6max play, you don't get played back as much for completing your small blind, so I'll abuse it for now. I probably get raised 1 in every 5 times I complete my sb. Post flop play blind vs blind at this level is pretty easy as well, as villains don't really try to stab at pots that often in limped pots, which allows me to steal on the turn pretty effectively. I guess this is where all of my sb completions are from.
What am I doing wrong with my blinds? They are killing my sessions. Quote
12-28-2009 , 06:31 PM
Everyone has said it but things look ship shape.
What am I doing wrong with my blinds? They are killing my sessions. Quote
