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Wanna become pro, but Im stuck in school... Wanna become pro, but Im stuck in school...

07-17-2009 , 09:59 PM
pussy :\
Wanna become pro, but Im stuck in school... Quote
07-17-2009 , 10:49 PM
Stay in school. I dropped out twice and am going back in a month.

School is just super easy and even though I'll be commuting it won't suck up too much time.
Wanna become pro, but Im stuck in school... Quote
07-17-2009 , 11:19 PM
go to a party school for college, play part time, and thank me later
Wanna become pro, but Im stuck in school... Quote
07-17-2009 , 11:24 PM
The question on whether you should turn pro or stay in school is not one you should contemplate for too long. If you don't have that burning fire or that inner confidence to make such a decision on your own, you are not ready to live this lifestyle profitably and/or healthily. Stay in school.
Wanna become pro, but Im stuck in school... Quote
07-17-2009 , 11:24 PM
ive been playing full time for 3 years, and part time for 6months before that. i honestly have as much desire to play and lean to get better as i did when i first started.
it really depends on how much fire you have within yourself to play this torturous game full time.

also agree with who said not to quit unless you are beating 10/20+.
Wanna become pro, but Im stuck in school... Quote
07-18-2009 , 01:08 AM
If your good enough you should just go pro. How long will it take you to accumulate 1 million dollars at those stakes?

Thing is.. online poker may not be round forever.. but college will. If you can make 100-300k/year play 2-4 to 5-10, Go for it and play! Anything less and I'd stay in school.

And btw.. you can very well goto school and still be working for $10/hr.
Wanna become pro, but Im stuck in school... Quote
07-18-2009 , 01:48 AM
Originally Posted by wickedgoodtrader

Thing is.. online poker may not be round forever.. but college will.
Yea but he aint gonna be 18-21 years old forever. Stay in school and have fun doing it.
Wanna become pro, but Im stuck in school... Quote
07-18-2009 , 02:15 AM
18 is too young to just play full time poker. You need to go out first and get some life exp. Spend a few years in uni and enjoy the time, go to parties, fk chicks and get new friends. Cant even go to vegas until you are 21.
Wanna become pro, but Im stuck in school... Quote
07-18-2009 , 04:59 AM
man, finishing school is a must.

now if you were at universtity then you could drop out since you can easily go back and finish your diploma or study something else once you feel like poker isn't as nice for you anymore.

going pro that young sounds bad too
Wanna become pro, but Im stuck in school... Quote
07-18-2009 , 05:05 AM
Originally Posted by pFEy
This thread helped me a lot on the one hand and didnt on the other hand. I would instadrop out of school if, like I said, I would be sure that poker never dies. Also Im scared as hell to be like 30, having no graduation and working for like $10/hour.
this sums up my thoughts exactly.
Wanna become pro, but Im stuck in school... Quote
07-18-2009 , 05:10 AM
stay in school. i dropped out... but im going back when i get my license back.

someone link him to my old thread from like 10 months ago.

you arent even good enough to make enough money to drop out.... what makes you think you should do it dropping out playing 2/4 3/6 nl... lol
Wanna become pro, but Im stuck in school... Quote
07-18-2009 , 07:43 AM
Originally Posted by tcorbin16
you arent even good enough to make enough money to drop out.... what makes you think you should do it dropping out playing 2/4 3/6 nl... lol
ehm what..?
Wanna become pro, but Im stuck in school... Quote
07-18-2009 , 07:52 AM
even if u make 200k a year, u really think poker will be anywhere this profitable in 10 years? 20? lmao.
Wanna become pro, but Im stuck in school... Quote
07-18-2009 , 07:57 AM
I finished my school and I am now at the uni, studying slow but at least it gets your mind away from poker for some of the time, also it keeps you socialy involved with people outside of the poker community

On your side I would also finish school first and serve my time since I you won't get around that for sure. Don't forget that you have to serve immediately if you "drop out of school.
Wanna become pro, but Im stuck in school... Quote
07-18-2009 , 08:43 AM
dont ever leave college to play poker. it has nothing to do with money either. college years should be some of the best years of your life. enjoy them! you may very well look back and long for those days after you graduate. i know i do, despite the good life that poker affords me.

learn all you can, enjoy your college years. poker isnt going anywhere.
Wanna become pro, but Im stuck in school... Quote
07-18-2009 , 09:07 AM
Originally Posted by klumpskaft
ehm what..?
based on all of the advice i recieved and his current skillset/bankroll... i strongly believe that it is NOT a good idea for this kid to drop out. he has a dream... but has a long way to go in terms of improving as a player and finding out what variance really is all about.
Wanna become pro, but Im stuck in school... Quote
07-18-2009 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by dtan05
even if u make 200k a year, u really think poker will be anywhere this profitable in 10 years? 20? lmao.
200k a year is alot... supose you live in some tax free area , and you do that a few years in a row then that is a sick amount of money. supose he makes 600k the next few years then that is like 10 years of work working a pretty well paying job. Some of you guys overestimate how much money can be made in the real world.

And I think mid stakes will probably stay profitable the next 5 years or so at least.
Wanna become pro, but Im stuck in school... Quote
07-18-2009 , 10:15 AM
I think poker will eventually die and I don't see why you cannot play in parallel with studies. So I'd continue studying. dragonystic has it right too about the college years being the best ones of your life.

I'd stay in school.
Wanna become pro, but Im stuck in school... Quote
07-18-2009 , 10:36 AM
why do so many people think poker is gonna die? i dont get it.
Wanna become pro, but Im stuck in school... Quote
07-18-2009 , 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by dragonystic
why do so many people think poker is gonna die? i dont get it.
It pays too well. Simple supply-demand economics. But this has been argued to death in other threads.

Also just take the trend of how the games have developed in the last 5 years and see where it takes you if you extrapolate.

And by "die" I mean "will no longer be EV+ for many of us". Or basically, winrates will go down to the point where getting a job in the real world will be a viable alternative again.
Wanna become pro, but Im stuck in school... Quote
07-18-2009 , 10:53 AM
ya, maybe.

although extrapolating over the past 5 years seems kinda silly. since the events causing the downswing in player pools is a nonrepeating event. barring worldwide legislation against it, i dont see why the trend of the past 5 years will continue. at some point things will plateau. actually i think they already might have.

also, it seems likely that at some point in the future, online poker will be regulated in the US, which would again elevate the number of players.

i actually think the biggest threat in the future will be bots.
Wanna become pro, but Im stuck in school... Quote
07-18-2009 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by Jurrr
It pays too well.
thats just dumb

so soccer will die soon because players earn 200k€/week?
Wanna become pro, but Im stuck in school... Quote
07-18-2009 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by dragonystic
i dont see why the trend of the past 5 years will continue. at some point things will plateau. actually i think they already might have.
As people play better they play more GTO. Edges get smaller, variance gets higher, winrates get lower. I don't see why that trend should stop. Ever.

Originally Posted by cashy
so soccer will die soon because players earn 200k€/week?
If you think soccer is such a profitable and great career then you are mistaken. You have to start from age 4 and work all your life at it. Then you have a super super minuscule chance of becoming a professional soccer player by age 18 and an even lesser one to become the next Ronaldo.

Most of us, however, have been only learning/playing poker for a few years in parallel with doing a bunch of other stuff and we still earn comparable to lawyers/doctors/etc.

That is an obvious disbalance and is going to be resolved over time.
Wanna become pro, but Im stuck in school... Quote
07-18-2009 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by cashy
thats just dumb

so soccer will die soon because players earn 200k€/week?
we can discuss things civilly cant we?

in any case, i agree that its not a particularly good point. what % of poker players make good money off of it? 0.001%? something tiny like that.

i think its pays in accordance with how difficult it is.
Wanna become pro, but Im stuck in school... Quote
07-18-2009 , 11:03 AM
As people play better they play more GTO. Edges get smaller, variance gets higher, winrates get lower. I don't see why that trend should stop. Ever.
cmon. the game has been around for hundreds of years. not every player is motivated to get as good as they possibly can. only a small % of the players take advantage of every edge.

there will always be poor players, or players who think they are better than they actually are. or people who just want to flat out gamble.
Wanna become pro, but Im stuck in school... Quote
