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Video: 50nl. Tear my game apart Video: 50nl. Tear my game apart

10-04-2009 , 01:37 PM

I thought I'd make a video to see if I can get some constructive criticism from you all. Hopefully you can help me identify and fix some leaks. Bit of a huge file so thankyou to those of you who take the time to download and comment.

There's no commentary for 2 reasons. 1) I couldn't work out how to get it to record. 2) I'm not so great at explaining my thought process. I may try to work out the technical aspects and post another one soon with some commentary.

HUD key:
vpip pfr agg no_hands
3bet fold3bet fold_bb_to_steal
cbet foldcbet checkraise_flop

While I was playing, I noted a couple of hands I wanted some input on. Feel free to comment on anything and everything. Really looking for some good criticism.

3.00: BB, AJ suited:BTN had ~40% ats. I only call because villain will continue with better and fold worse. I felt it was a good flop to check raise as the only thing he could realistically continue with is PPs. Pairs are a decent part of my range here that I hope to represent.

11:12: AA EM position: Standard pre. I pot the flop as very drawy. Turn bet size OK? Check back river standard here?

13:40 A8 suited on the BTN. Although PFR only has 50% fold to 3bet, should we be squeezing here?

15:14: AT suited. I didn't cbet as he folds all non aces, continues with bigger (and worse) aces and I hope to remove the ace from my range getting him to call lighter on later streets.

25:24 KT suited. Should I be trying to bluff the river here?

47:15: 88 utg. Should we be calling the 3bet pre? Is this a fold on the turn (or even the flop?)

Also interested in peoples opinions of my "table selection" method. I find if I start new tables, they fill rather quickly with 50bb fish, who are then quickly replaced with solid regs when the inevitable happens. Should I be searching out juicy tables rather than just starting them. My short handed play is certainly not my best.
Video: 50nl. Tear my game apart Quote
