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uNL Stats Checkup Thread uNL Stats Checkup Thread

07-18-2010 , 05:54 PM
If anyone could help me out that would be great.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-19-2010 , 05:55 AM
Originally Posted by ThinValueFold
Okay so I stopped playing rush poker. I have my HEM HUD to show the following,

Name, Hands, VPIP, PreFlop Raise, Agg. Factor
EP, MP, CO, BTN, SB - Raise first in
3bet, Fold to 3bet, Flop Cbet, Fold to Flop Cbet, Turn Cbet, Fold to Flop Cbet
SB fold to steal , SB call to steal, SB raise to steal
BB fold to steal, BB call to steal, BB raise to steal

I took this idea from Verneer - Moving through uNL in 2010.

Graph at 10NL

My stats

I found players playing back at me or calling me down real light even when I didnt think they should.

First off, your sample size is way too small to give any real in-depth analysis.

Your positional vpip/pfr looks pretty good so I'd have to say that you seem to be on the right track with than one.

I think that optimum style at the micros means that your red line will go down but yours seems to be plummeting at a rate I would be uncomfortable with. Hows your cbet on the flop compared to the turn? Are you firing one bullet and then giving up?

Players will call down light at the micros - this is one of the ways we make the monies. One way to play this is to bluff less and value bet more including getting one more value bet on the river when before you may have checked behind.

Know your opponents - nits, lags, weak-passives, tags, regs, etc - and know the optimum style against each one.

Be a table selection nit - there's good games to be found so don't be happy with just sitting at a table full of regs/nits.

And play another 15k hands or so and then report back!
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-19-2010 , 06:22 AM
Originally Posted by usmcholdem
hey everyone,

So I decided to give online poker another shot this month (long time live player) and have had some success at 50nl Rush. I was hoping someone could give my stats a once over for any obvious leaks.

At 50k hands I decided to give 100nl a shot and lost 10BI's over 20k hands. Lost with AA vs KK four times, two of them I had the AAs. Then lost AA vs AA to runner runner flush... then tilted and yada yada yada... here I am back at 50nl.

Anyways, I think I might have altered my game since I returned to 50NL, as you can see by the dramatic decrease in Non-Showdown winnings around 50k. Does this mean I was more effective before 100nl? Heres my stats.

Lastly, if there are any other winning rush players out there (over a similar sample size) and would be interested in a study group type thing (ie. Hand history and stat review/ mutual sweat sessions) PM me. Im always interested in imporving my game...

Let me know if i should post more stats and thanks is advance....

The most obvious thing I can see is that you're not playing enough hands from the button - my vpip runs closer to 30, whereas yours is actually smaller than the cutoff position.

The button should be your most profitable position so I would widen your opening hand ranges and widen your steal ranges for the blinds. If there are nits in the blinds then steal each and every time until they adjust.

I would also recommend that you increase your 3betting ranges too in both the blinds and the button. Watch this video to give you and idea of how to widen your 3betting range:

I also think that your blind play could be a major leak. Check out this thread (as well as all the other COTWs!):

I seems to me that you're calling way too much from these positions and not 3betting enough.

Oh and one more thing - your cbet% looks good for the flop but you seem to be giving up on the turn with your cbet % halved! If I'm playing you then I would be very inclined to float, float and float some more and take pots off you on the turn when you check. So increase your double barrelling!

That's about all I can see. I'm be no means an expert on stat reading but I hope that helps.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-19-2010 , 12:08 PM
feel like my game is fairly solid. but just not getting the results i want. not big sample tho.
worried bout my fold to cbet%. what u think?
anything look bad/good/rubbish?? thanks.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-19-2010 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by wrdy1984
feel like my game is fairly solid. but just not getting the results i want. not big sample tho.
worried bout my fold to cbet%. what u think?
anything look bad/good/rubbish?? thanks.
How's your SD/NSD winnings?
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-19-2010 , 08:59 PM
Hi guys (and girls?),

I was a former winner in micro (1-3$) Multitable sitngo's and then I discovered cash games and fell in love with them. The thing is, I started playing cash like 4 months ago. I am now suffering a tremendous downswing so I felt this was a good time to get my stats reviewed. I havent played a lot. I was a marginally winning player some time ago but now Im not. From hand 37k or so I started tilting when I ran through some KK vs AA, oversets and busting aces like 4 times ina row with ppl having improbable holdings each time (like a guy putting 1/6th of his 100bb stack PF with T7s). Im no longer confident in my game and
dont know how to get it back.

At least, with the rakeback, im not losing money!

Thanks in advance, any thoughts will be carefully reviewed and am grateful for each and every one of them

uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-19-2010 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by jamez_kerry
How's your SD/NSD winnings?
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-20-2010 , 01:39 AM
Who here can help me fix my leak, and maybe also identify some strong points of my game? I read The Poker Blueprint about a month ago and i started up playing regularly after that, trying to apply it to my game and keep the book in front of me while i play. I am a relatively consistent live winner at 1/2 (though i find it to be a VERY different game than online so i'm not sure how it applicable my success is there aside from exhibiting some decent knowledge of ABC poker). I feel that while i hit a good patch of variance early on i was playing very well but my game has slipped recently (still working on tilt management, with very little success!).

Here are my charts and #'s, if there are any figures missing just let me know and ill add them on.

The only 2 things that REALLY stand out to me is that i lose a lot of money on the button and i lose a lot of money at showdown. This tell me that i think i have a hard time letting some hands go especially when i work up a big pot, and maybe call a lot lighter for the limit i am at. Still though, i have trouble identifying these spots until after my sessions when i go and look back on hands that i lose etc. I understand the samplesize isn't the greatest but its decent enough to get some sort of read on it.

Thanks a bunch.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-20-2010 , 10:53 AM
Hey guys having some real 50nl troubles, Ive been playing for long enough to understand the game and I realise the "red line" isnt important but I think I am a case where it is:

Its quite a deep sloping line enough that I cant make up for it in showdown pots. I am running terribad too which never helps, id love some advice:

uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-20-2010 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by jamez_kerry

The most obvious thing I can see is that you're not playing enough hands from the button - my vpip runs closer to 30, whereas yours is actually smaller than the cutoff position.

The button should be your most profitable position so I would widen your opening hand ranges and widen your steal ranges for the blinds. If there are nits in the blinds then steal each and every time until they adjust.

I would also recommend that you increase your 3betting ranges too in both the blinds and the button. Watch this video to give you and idea of how to widen your 3betting range:

I also think that your blind play could be a major leak. Check out this thread (as well as all the other COTWs!):

I seems to me that you're calling way too much from these positions and not 3betting enough.

Oh and one more thing - your cbet% looks good for the flop but you seem to be giving up on the turn with your cbet % halved! If I'm playing you then I would be very inclined to float, float and float some more and take pots off you on the turn when you check. So increase your double barrelling!

That's about all I can see. I'm be no means an expert on stat reading but I hope that helps.
Thanks for the great feedback, analysis and posting the links. Definitely appreciate it.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-20-2010 , 11:02 PM
I'm not so good at reading graphs. Does this mean I'm running ridiculously above EV?

uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-21-2010 , 03:39 AM
Yeah, you are. You're also probably calling down too light/trying to bluff too much. (Or you could be valuebetting extremely thin and they just fold rivers)
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-21-2010 , 09:05 AM
Originally Posted by z0mgtiltz
Yeah, you are. You're also probably calling down too light/trying to bluff too much. (Or you could be valuebetting extremely thin and they just fold rivers)
thanks--I appreciate it
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-21-2010 , 05:25 PM
i cannot find any apparent leak in my stats. everything seems to be in order, but still i´m losing money in the long run.

and look at my stats. looks like my money won without showdown exactly neutralizes my money won with showdown. even after 114k hands !!!

suggestions ?

uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-22-2010 , 12:54 AM
Long time reader, just coming back from a 2.5 years hiatus, used to play 200nl, been just doing micros lately 10nl - 25nl. I feel like I suck now I have never really analyzed my game, but I feel I dont play as well as I did 2.5 years ago.........was a winning player had quite a few 4-5 figure tournament cashes. Heres some charts and graphs what am I looking for, right off the bat I think my vpip sucks, my red line doesn't appear to change direction either do I need to be bluffing more with draws? Any Advice?

uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-22-2010 , 03:09 AM
Originally Posted by Asheh

repost your stats with CC%, Unopened PFR, Flop cbet, turn cbet
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-22-2010 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by Don Domenico
i cannot find any apparent leak in my stats. everything seems to be in order, but still i´m losing money in the long run.

and look at my stats. looks like my money won without showdown exactly neutralizes my money won with showdown. even after 114k hands !!!

suggestions ?

Try the full ring forum.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-22-2010 , 10:46 AM
my rebuilding project on stars progresses nicely, 2 sessions on 2NL, started with 11$, got 30ish atm; a couple more sessions, at about 50$ I'm gonna start taking shots at 5NL. a little sharp 10BI rule, but im confident enough to beat 5NL, and if i lose a couple buyins, im just gonna rebuild on 2NL.

uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-22-2010 , 02:47 PM
Hey guys after a long layoff I have started up again and after playing a few sessions I am really struggling and think that my play is really rusty. I didn't manage a pic but here are some key stats.

VPIP 30% / PFR 21% / 3bet% of 8.5 / Att to steal 37% / Fold to 3bet is 60% / From the BTN I am 44/32 and from UTG I am 21/21 and inbetween rises marginally by position / W$WSF is 44 / WTSD is 28 / AFq is 44 / Total AF is 1.77

Thx guys
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-25-2010 , 02:00 AM
hi ,can anyone look at my stats and give few ideas what to change or not to change in my game.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-25-2010 , 06:00 PM
Ok so this is 5nl, 10nl and 25nl..

Obviously something must be wrong that my redline is THAT bad..right?

Sorry..I have no idea how to make it bigger.

Last edited by jokah03; 07-25-2010 at 06:12 PM.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-26-2010 , 12:06 AM
FIRST 10K HANDS @ NL25 - Anyone help me with a quick review?

Am i cbetting enough/folding to cbets to much etc
Turn agg% and double barraling enough.
Any leaks or any tips? Much appreciated!

Last edited by RFLEX90; 07-26-2010 at 12:09 AM. Reason: wrong image.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-26-2010 , 12:17 AM
All hands from 50NL 6-max. Most of these hands are recent

uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-26-2010 , 02:04 AM
8k+ hands at 10NL. Not enough to converge, but I'm 7BI over EV and still breakeven. Any comments would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-26-2010 , 02:58 AM
kilowaro i would say youre too loose from the button even though you show a profit there
i dont know if the blinds at yourt ables are usually nits but from what i see thats really loose
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
