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uNL Stats Checkup Thread uNL Stats Checkup Thread

01-21-2009 , 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by Dragon Slayer
Thanks for the help Grindcore

Any comments/help is mucho appreciated.
In case anyone missed it my stats, dont know if theres much you can tell with it.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
01-22-2009 , 03:14 AM
Alright, I've gotten off to a slow start getting back into the game and would appreciate it if someone could take a look at my stats to see if anything jumps out.

uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
01-22-2009 , 03:44 AM
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
Guys, I've played like 80k hands or something this month and need to plug some seriously leaks.

50NL, 24058 hands, -0.26 bb/100, 2.56 evbb/100
25NL, 12415 hands, 16.38 bb/100, 9.81 evbb/100

50NL: 16.9/13.2/1.7, 3.6 3bet, 34.3% WTSD, 51.0 W$SD
25NL: 16.6/13.3/1.6, 3.3 3bet, 34.2% WTSD, 53.6 W$SD

Okay self analysis: Very low AF, very low 3bet%, slightly too tight on VPIP/PFR, WTSD TOO HIGH YOU ****ING CALLING STATION, pretty acceptable W$SD though.

I'm not too miffed at the high WTSD since my W$SD sorta compensates. I'm not missing value all that much, I don't check behind with TP all the time or something, and I do make bluffs, but, as you can see from the AF, I don't raise too often with a decent made hand or a marginal one, and I just try to snap off bluffs. Basically my raise range is a bit polarized, if that explains my stats.

But basically I want stats like 19/15/2.5, with 5.5-6% 3bet or so, right? Is my AF really really terrible? is 3.6 3bet a big leak? Is 16.5/13.5 or so too tight?

I've posted this before, but I play a game that is quite passive, and it's working for me, but I wonder if I'm just running good or if I am playing all right but could be doing much better? Do you have to have good tag stats (which I don't have) to be successful, both at uNL and beyond? I've been taking shots at 100NL as well, and obviously plan on getting better so I can win there regularly. Should I get a coach or something? Any help will be appreciated.
Hard to say without stats but it really seems like you should be valuebetting thinner. Your W$SD is high because you're not folding out worse hands with thin valuebets. 1.7 AF is strange especially with those preflop stats. Even if you know what you're doing and giving up the initiative on purpose this seems wrong. Then again games are more aggressive the higher you go, so it's easier to get away with some passivity.

Obv, you should be 3betting more often. Flatting a wide range is a viable strategy but actually tougher to play and 3.6% is extreme even then. That and just open more hands. Cut down on the number of tables if you have to You're probably missing out on a ton of easy money.
You can be successful with a wide range of preflop stats, there are winners at 100NL between 18-28 VPIP but 22-23 is probably the most common.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
01-22-2009 , 08:17 AM
Thanks. I just had a quick session loosening my game a lot, running at: 20.9/17.5/2.13, 7.3%3bet.

Worked very well, but only had 600 hands. Basically I'm trying to raise BTN and SB almost ATC vs fullstacks/vpip less than 20-25, and also isolating almost ATC vs limpers. Is this the right way to go about it? Obviously avoid calling stations and such. I tried to 3bet light a few more times especially vs LP raisers also. Worked out great as one would expect. I was just worried people will start playing back, but I guess they're not too comfortable with 4bet bluffing.

Funnily enough my W$SD dropped to like 44%, but I think I ran sorta bad. My EVbb/100 is like 20, double of my actual winrate, so whatever.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
01-22-2009 , 08:20 AM
Originally Posted by SlamminP
Screw this double barreling ****. I have spewed so much money in the last 24hrs listening to the advice in this thread. Donks call you down with middle and low pair. If they call your flop Cbet, they have low or middle pair. **** this ****.

It might be profitable against TAGs.
this lol.

this is the basic line to run against fish....

cbet flop... c/f turn ( or call if you hit) value bet river or check/f if they donkbet/spew/whateverthehecktheydo
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
01-22-2009 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by eightsix
VP$P 31
PFR 14
W$WSF 40
AF 1.97
AFq 47.96
3BET 5.65
FOLD 3B 60.53
Att to steal 28
Fold BB to steal 84
Fold SB to steal 62

I've been playing for about 3 weeks on Pokerstars at 10 nl.
After 2500 hands at 10nl, my stats are as follows. I know I am very fishy. I'm still about even. Please tell me what this says about me. Any advice is welcomed.
I think you're playing way too many hands from SB against a steal, at least in this sample.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
01-22-2009 , 05:39 PM

I would suggest playing tighter UTG and MP and looser from CO and BTN. Besides that I dunno, nothing jumps out. Probably a postflop problem...
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
01-23-2009 , 03:25 AM
Nothing in the postflop numbers jump out, WTSD, nothing like that?

Although one thing I did just notice is that I'm a net loser with everything other than pairs, even my big aces, I'm just breaking even with AK, AQ, and AJ. This is abnormal I assume, correct?

Last edited by Dudd; 01-23-2009 at 03:41 AM.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
01-23-2009 , 08:36 AM
Originally Posted by Grindcore
I'd say ~40%, depending on your PF stats aswell. The tighter you are, the more often you'll have a valuehand, and the more often you'll be able to bluff as a result of that aswell. If you play 15 vpip you can probably go 60+ without spewing. As a lagtard you'll be bluffing like 80% of the time if you go 60+.

Also, if your barrel% on the turn is low, your river% should be much higher. For a 21/18ish player, cbet-stats like 70-40-80 seem quite good.
Allright so I guess I have some leaks in barreling (and even in cbetting) because my cbet-stats are 80-35-65 and preflop stats 20/17.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
01-23-2009 , 08:40 AM
Any one up for session reviews/trades whatever? I play 5 NL. Pm me your aim/yahoo/msn I don't really check this thread.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
01-24-2009 , 03:32 AM
Hi all. following thac advice!

First of all i wanna say, im giving this subject serious thought.(i know this is an old subject!)

Im winning (not in the way i want to) in a steady rate at 50nl.

The problem of this issue is my non-showdown winnings. Im clear, the problem is i have weak-tight tendencies.
How do i know this?

if your showdown vs non-showdown graph looks like this: (my own graph)

Then you have serious leaks post-flop(like me!).

Now look at this player graph:

This is how your graph should look. This is a complete player.Winning money in both ways (showdown and non-showdown). sorry man(.........) i needed your graph!

There is a player the ancient-ones speak of as the prototype(weak-tight as my graph) of these kind of players. His name Fgators.

Now the question arises, am i the next fgators?(i cannot go up another level with these kinds of leaks, ill probably get killed!)

look at this thread for more information.(the differences between winning players and the fgators of the poker world!)

I have become more aggressive post-flop but still my red-line is going down. i need to stop bleeding money in non-shw situations.

Any winning player(plz thac, grindcore or anyone HELP! )with his red-line going up, please i need(and all the players with this kind of graph!) serious help.

1. What can i do to help my red-line go up?
2. How to find my leaks(that are specific to my red-line)?
3. What changes do i need to make in my post-flop play, to become a complete player?

Any suggestions are appreciated. TY in advance.(i know this is short but this is a cry for help)
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
01-24-2009 , 06:02 AM
Last 12 or so days.

Recently I've suddenly started freefalling from the button but I think its just variance, but what can I do to work on my blinds and red line?

uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
01-24-2009 , 06:09 AM
to lorddante:

If you play like a maniac i guarantee that ur red line will look like that BUT, ur blue one will go up the window...
Ur looking at it in the wrong way...
imo, for a solid player, the red line should be a break even or slightly positive...
The red line mostly shows how good you are postflop.
My red line looks like this:

Please notice how in the last 20k hand my red line stays neutral.
I am a(25nl ready to move up) 6max nl player w/ 19/16 stats but my play can alter between 26/22 and 15/13 depending on the table conditions.
The point is that prior this last 20k hands ive played some HU about 5k hands on 1-2 tables which helped my post flop game a lot.

Cliffnote: the more you know where ur at in the hand and where to bluff (aka a better postflop play) the more ur red line will grow.

Last edited by jackdaniel; 01-24-2009 at 06:18 AM.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
01-24-2009 , 07:26 AM
When will people realize it is impossible to have red line positive or breakeven on uNL if u table select to have lots of loose passive players.
U can't just bluff them off their hand and win a non showdown pot because they call with bottom pair no kicker and u have to get to showdown to win a hand against them.
When i was losing player and listened advice that was given for higher stakes and basically tried to double/triple barrel donks with A high i had my red line up in the sky but was overall losing player.
If u want to become that go ahead and bet every street with ATC i guarantee with my life that your red line will be positive.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
01-24-2009 , 07:36 AM
On uNL your profits comes from showdown hands.

I had couple session when my non sd winnings was around 0, but I had 2 nits on my right and 2 fishes on my left - so it`s perfect seat. Nits just played fit or fold, and fishes...always valuetowning them

You shouldn`t focus on "Why my red line is below 0" at microstakes. You`ve got probably other leaks. Focus on them, and Your profits will be bigger.

If You`ve got ur red line positive, most of the time ur showdown winnings are smaller.

Just forget about red line
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
01-24-2009 , 12:17 PM
Ok guys here is my first 20k hands all at 25nl 6max, can you give me some feed back where i could improve thanks.

uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
01-24-2009 , 01:50 PM
I can't seem to beat 25nl...I think my play has been good enough to beat 25nl because I think have a much better than average grasp of the main principles of the game and I have good self control/discipline. are the last ~37k hand


The past 5k hands or so I have been trying to play postflop along the guidelines that FEES outlines in his book. This may be why it is flattening out. I'm wondering if it is a coincidence that the green and blue lines seem to be going down at the same point that the red line is flattening out. Is there a connection here or just chance? *EDIT*: I should also note that I increased my PF 3betting a lot in the past 5k hands.

Here are a bunch of my stats...basically all of the reports in HEM:


I seem to be losing the most when I'm up against either 1 raiser or 1 raiser and at least one caller.

Any suggestions would be appreciated!
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
01-24-2009 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by jackdaniel
to lorddante:

The point is that prior this last 20k hands ive played some HU about 5k hands on 1-2 tables which helped my post flop game a lot.
Cliffnote: the more you know where ur at in the hand and where to bluff (aka a better postflop play) the more ur red line will grow.
Do you recommend i play HU to improve my post-flop play.

Note: The second table of my post is from a 50nl player!, so is still a micro-player.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
01-24-2009 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by LordDante
Do you recommend i play HU to improve my post-flop play.

Note: The second table of my post is from a 50nl player!, so is still a micro-player.
don't freak about losing money without showdown. you should be adapting to the games you're in, not trying to force your red line to go up.

here's aejones 2008 graph, doesn't look like he should be too concerned with his red line...
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
01-24-2009 , 08:49 PM
can somebody please give me an impression of how i play? i am running really bad atm and hope that someone spots leaks in my game !
i am way too stupid to add a screenshot so i will copy my stats manually.

hands: 19178
vpip: 23,0
pfr: 17,6
3bet : 5,4
wtsd : 22,5
w$wsf: 41,3
w$@sd: 48,1
af: 3,92
flop: 6,06
turn: 2,42
river: 1,82
steal pct: 41,8
cbet: 77,1
fold to cbet: 66,7
fold to 3bet: 66,4
fold sb to steal: 88,8
fold bb to steal: 77,6
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
01-24-2009 , 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by ohly
can somebody please give me an impression of how i play? i am running really bad atm and hope that someone spots leaks in my game !
i am way too stupid to add a screenshot so i will copy my stats manually.

hands: 19178
vpip: 23,0
pfr: 17,6
3bet : 5,4
wtsd : 22,5
w$wsf: 41,3
w$@sd: 48,1
af: 3,92
flop: 6,06
turn: 2,42
river: 1,82
steal pct: 41,8
cbet: 77,1
fold to cbet: 66,7
fold to 3bet: 66,4
fold sb to steal: 88,8
fold bb to steal: 77,6
i think you are in the same problem like me in many times. i play kinda fancy after flop but i cant believe to my enemys raises. i just cant fold and make many hero calls. i think thats why you have 48,1 W$SD... if im right then you win small pots after flop and lose kinda bigger pots at showdown so you are loosing in total.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
01-25-2009 , 01:13 AM
Can someone please help with interpreting this graph from Holdem Manager? What relation does the winnings line have to the all-in EV line? The stake played is .5/.10 NLHE one session of 613 hands (just got holdem manager set up on my new comp soon I will be transferring databases.) Holdem Manager is such a great tool I just wish I understood it better.

I'm running at:
Hands:610 (sorry about such a small sample)
VPIP%: 27
Agg: 3.71
Agg%: 34.9
bb/100: 29.02

If anyone needs more info please let me know.

Thanks for all your help.

Last edited by dvsbmx; 01-25-2009 at 01:20 AM.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
01-25-2009 , 02:43 AM
Originally Posted by dvsbmx
Can someone please help with interpreting this graph from Holdem Manager? What relation does the winnings line have to the all-in EV line? The stake played is .5/.10 NLHE one session of 613 hands (just got holdem manager set up on my new comp soon I will be transferring databases.) Holdem Manager is such a great tool I just wish I understood it better.

I'm running at:
Hands:610 (sorry about such a small sample)
VPIP%: 27
Agg: 3.71
Agg%: 34.9
bb/100: 29.02

If anyone needs more info please let me know.

Thanks for all your help.

in the first post it says you need atleast 10k hands before you post here.... 600 hands means absolutly nothing....

imo 10k hands isnt even accurate... but 600?!?!?!? lol comeon
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
01-25-2009 , 07:50 AM
Originally Posted by wems
in the first post it says you need atleast 10k hands before you post here.... 600 hands means absolutly nothing....

imo 10k hands isnt even accurate... but 600?!?!?!? lol comeon
LOL at you my friend, 600 hands is enough for his VPIP to be converged, for example

OP: what's your PFR?
OP: check the HEM FAQs, they explain a lot of graphs in stats there.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
01-25-2009 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by ohly
can somebody please give me an impression of how i play? i am running really bad atm and hope that someone spots leaks in my game !
i am way too stupid to add a screenshot so i will copy my stats manually.

hands: 19178
vpip: 23,0
pfr: 17,6
3bet : 5,4
wtsd : 22,5
w$wsf: 41,3
w$@sd: 48,1
af: 3,92
flop: 6,06
turn: 2,42
river: 1,82
steal pct: 41,8
cbet: 77,1
fold to cbet: 66,7
fold to 3bet: 66,4
fold sb to steal: 88,8
fold bb to steal: 77,6
Biggest thing I see is your flop aggro is way huge and your steal pct is a little high.

I imagine you are winning tons of small pots preflop and on the flop and giving up or loosing big pots on later streets. Look for good situations to c/c flop.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
