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uNL Quick Checkup Thread uNL Quick Checkup Thread

01-15-2012 , 07:05 PM
I guess it depends on how big fish u think he is. I would deffenitly call now on turn. But I think its awfull to call with KK pre against someone u would name as a "fish" at 10nl. 3bet pre! if u're scared they will fold to your 3bets and miss value out of your big hands. then 3bet more.
uNL Quick Checkup Thread Quote
01-15-2012 , 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by t_roy
Merge - $0.10 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 5 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3

BTN: $9.87
Hero (SB): $17.30
BB: $16.86
UTG: $8.39
CO: $9.94

Hero posts SB $0.05, BB posts BB $0.10

Pre Flop: ($0.15) Hero has K K

fold, fold, BTN raises to $0.30, Hero calls $0.25, BB calls $0.20

Flop: ($0.90, 3 players) J 4 4
Hero bets $0.70, fold, BTN raises to $2.10, Hero calls $1.40

Turn: ($5.10, 2 players) 7
Hero bets $3.00, BTN raises to $7.47 and is all-in, Hero ???

BB was a fish that plays tightish pre but is a total station post, so I called pre trying to get him to come along. Pretty sure that the turn is a fold, but I'm not quite sure. Thoughts?
3bet pre. Even if bb is a fish, you are getting an extra 2bb into the pot and are oop vs 2 villains. You are actually making bb play well, because he is probably getting the right pot odds to play whatever hand he is calling with.

As played, I think you have to call turn getting almost 4:1 unless BTN is super weak-tight (no stats?). You are very likely beat, but there is no way he is putting you on a premium pair here. If he has A4, that sucks (and a reason you should have 3bet) but he could also have AJ. Why on earth did you donk into him on the turn?
uNL Quick Checkup Thread Quote
01-15-2012 , 10:00 PM
BU was 18/14 over 300 hands. BB fish was 54/10 over 100 hands. I had seen BB make some atrocious calls post flop. Many fish at this level seems to play fine pre but play terribly post. That was the original read I had on the BB. Obviously based off of later hands, my read was off but whatev. I have to assume that the BU is pretty weak tight like most 10NL players.

Donk on the turn was to get value. Why else? He's calling with a ton worse and I can't count on him betting himself.
uNL Quick Checkup Thread Quote
01-15-2012 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by t_roy
BU was 18/14 over 300 hands. BB fish was 54/10 over 100 hands. I had seen BB make some atrocious calls post flop. Many fish at this level seems to play fine pre but play terribly post. That was the original read I had on the BB. Obviously based off of later hands, my read was off but whatev. I have to assume that the BU is pretty weak tight like most 10NL players.

Donk on the turn was to get value. Why else? He's calling with a ton worse and I can't count on him betting himself.
You think he's checking back most of the time after raising on such a dry flop?
uNL Quick Checkup Thread Quote
01-15-2012 , 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by t_roy
BU was 18/14 over 300 hands. BB fish was 54/10 over 100 hands. I had seen BB make some atrocious calls post flop. Many fish at this level seems to play fine pre but play terribly post. That was the original read I had on the BB. Obviously based off of later hands, my read was off but whatev. I have to assume that the BU is pretty weak tight like most 10NL players.

Donk on the turn was to get value. Why else? He's calling with a ton worse and I can't count on him betting himself.
The BU is the one who raised you on the flop. So a weak-tight player raised you on a dry flop and you donk into him on a blank turn? Are you trying to fold out a worse hand or get called (raised) by a better hand? If he is really weak-tight, he see monsters under the bet and is folding worse hands (pairs) and only calling with better (JJ, A4).

Also, you have 300 hands on the BU. You should have some reads on how he plays postflop. At a minimum, how aggressive is he post-flop? More likely he is a TAG.

Last edited by SCF; 01-15-2012 at 11:56 PM.
uNL Quick Checkup Thread Quote
01-18-2012 , 03:37 AM
line check

villain is playing 22/15/3.4% 3b over 700 hands, cbet in 3b pots 0/2

utg was a fish who opened wide and didnt fold much to 3bets, didnt fold much in general

$0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players

UTG: $40.66 (162.6 bb)
MP: $25 (100 bb)
CO: $33.35 (133.4 bb)
BTN: $34.14 (136.6 bb)
SB: $33.18 (132.7 bb)
Hero (BB): $34.06 (136.2 bb)

Preflop: Hero is BB with Q Q
UTG raises to $0.65, 3 folds, SB raises to $2.40, Hero calls $2.15, UTG calls $1.75

Flop: ($7.20) 7 K K (3 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $4.10, UTG folds, SB calls $4.10

Turn: ($15.40) Q (2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $8.20, SB raises to $16.40, Hero folds

uNL Quick Checkup Thread Quote
01-18-2012 , 09:02 AM
pre i think is OKAY argument for either option (4betting, flatting). I'm probably gonna check this flop incase his being a bit tricky. His very rarely gonna call worse then QQ on this board when he checks to you. fwiw ur range is pretty face up when u cold call the 3bet (1010-QQ, AK, possible AQS)

as played erm shove? if he has KK good game. KQ is super unlikely for obviosu reasons. and does 77 or k7 3bet there? the answer is no.
uNL Quick Checkup Thread Quote
01-18-2012 , 09:04 AM
pre: ok
flop: not too bad but i think i would prefer to check and keep the pot small going into the turn.
turn: you have the 4th nuts and KQ just as likely as KK given that only one Q and only 2 Ks remain. K7 he never ever has in this spot. you HAVE to stack off here as AK is the most likely hand he has. i think id doesnt make a big difference where u shove but do not fold this. evar
uNL Quick Checkup Thread Quote
01-18-2012 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by blakkman08
pre: ok
flop: not too bad but i think i would prefer to check and keep the pot small going into the turn.
turn: you have the 4th nuts and KQ just as likely as KK given that only one Q and only 2 Ks remain. K7 he never ever has in this spot. you HAVE to stack off here as AK is the most likely hand he has. i think id doesnt make a big difference where u shove but do not fold this. evar
This. You very likely folded to AK. Possibly even a spazzy AA or AQ.

I'll also emphasize that KQ is unlikely because KQo is very unlikely to be in a 3.4% 3-bettor's range (even if he is widening his range to 6% because of UTG's play, he's probably 3-betting 99 and ATs before KQo). KQs is in a tight 3bet range, but KQs is not possible on that board.

If he flopped quads, then pay him; pay that man hiz money.
uNL Quick Checkup Thread Quote
01-18-2012 , 09:25 PM
i disagree with checking the flop because when villain checks hes going to be giving up a good amount of the time and with the fish behind me id like to get 2/3 streets vs him.

this is a fake hh, i ended up shoving and he showed KK . but for a "weak" tag, he does rep KK quite well.

i think his flop check is pretty bad with any value hand as most hands that hes going to get 2+ streets of value are going to call just as often is not more than they will bet. this is especially true due to the fish being in the pot.
uNL Quick Checkup Thread Quote
01-18-2012 , 09:31 PM
what do you want to get value form xactly?

edit: i misread your comment. forget it, call and wp nh too bad ul etc
uNL Quick Checkup Thread Quote
01-18-2012 , 09:38 PM
however i still think checking flop and betting on turn and river vs the fish is better because he will be like 'wooot he checked the flop? i call' and never bet himself

you want to keep the pot small vs the sb though because when he comes back to life u re likely dead and if he plans to give up he will do so on the turn as well
uNL Quick Checkup Thread Quote
01-19-2012 , 03:01 AM
Originally Posted by blakkman08
however i still think checking flop and betting on turn and river vs the fish is better because he will be like 'wooot he checked the flop? i call' and never bet himself
what do you expect the fish to call turn/river that he wont call flop/turn and probably the river? AT that turns a T?
uNL Quick Checkup Thread Quote
01-19-2012 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by WhySoCurious
i disagree with checking the flop because when villain checks hes going to be giving up a good amount of the time and with the fish behind me id like to get 2/3 streets vs him.

this is a fake hh, i ended up shoving and he showed KK . but for a "weak" tag, he does rep KK quite well.

i think his flop check is pretty bad with any value hand as most hands that hes going to get 2+ streets of value are going to call just as often is not more than they will bet. this is especially true due to the fish being in the pot.
WP, then. He got very lucky that you hit a boat on the turn. If you had something like AQ, JJ-88 (or basically any other hand in your range), he's not getting paid off. His flop check is not terribad, but I think his c/r on the turn is pretty bad - he gets value from only QQ (which is raising him anyway if he leads out). Anything else has to be afraid of AK after his c/r. Instead, he should be betting turn and river.

It sucks running a boat into quads (been there), but he has AK so much more often than KK.
uNL Quick Checkup Thread Quote
01-19-2012 , 12:53 PM
i much more concerned about the oop 3betting rane of the other guy tbh. if you stove a 3% 3bing range thet will be something like AA KK AK QQ JJ maybe AQ of which you are ahead of only two of which only one will pay you two maybe three streets. and the rest has you crushed drawing to two outs. given that i would much rather check to see if he checks again on the turn and then safely take the unsuspecting fih to valuetown with his 66 or whatever the hell it is he s holding instead of really bloating the pot with a hand thats a perfect example of way ahead way behind against a crazy tight range
uNL Quick Checkup Thread Quote
01-19-2012 , 09:47 PM
Two hands that gave me some trouble during my session today.


Villain is like 16/6 at the time of this hand through ~14 hands. No reads.

I think his sizing is a bit too big to be value unless it's scared value (not sure what hand would be scared value here though), which leads me to think he's weaker than a c/r would normally indicate in this spot.

[converted_hand][hand_history]Merge, $0.02/$0.04 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players
Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #11659262

UTG: $2.76 (69 bb)
MP: $3.74 (93.5 bb)
Hero (CO): $4.28 (107 bb)
BTN: $1.86 (46.5 bb)
SB: $4.38 (109.5 bb)
BB: $4.11 (102.8 bb)

Preflop: Hero is CO with 4 4
2 folds, Hero raises to $0.12, 2 folds, BB calls $0.08

Flop: ($0.26) 4 9 7 (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $0.18, BB calls $0.18

Turn: ($0.62) 8 (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $0.44, BB raises to $1.94, Hero ???


Villain is a fish, only 23/10 through ~120, but will call down loose post flop, particularly during the current session.

I check back turn because I doubt he's folding anything that calls flop, and my equity against pairs or better is pretty meh, so I figure I'll take a free card, planning to bet river A,K,or hearts.

Worst heart in the deck on the river. When villain checks I think I can probably value, but I wimp out because of the double paired board. Should I value bet this?

[converted_hand][hand_history]Merge, $0.02/$0.04 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 5 Players
Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #11659252

Hero (BB): $4.13 (103.3 bb)
MP: $3.10 (77.5 bb)
CO: $3.01 (75.3 bb)
BTN: $4.52 (113 bb)
SB: $6.13 (153.3 bb)

Preflop: Hero is BB with A K
2 folds, BTN raises to $0.10, SB calls $0.08, Hero raises to $0.44, BTN folds, SB calls $0.34

Flop: ($0.98) 6 7 6 (2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $0.64, SB calls $0.64

Turn: ($2.26) 3 (2 players)
SB checks, Hero checks

River: ($2.26) 7 (2 players)
SB checks, Hero checks

Can post results of both, but don't want to yet since it might influence opinions.
uNL Quick Checkup Thread Quote
01-20-2012 , 01:00 AM
Villain 61/19, standard right?
maybe larger sizing on flop and turn would be better?
    Poker Stars, $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 5 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite.

    MP: $23.10 (46.2 bb)
    CO: $41.80 (83.6 bb)
    BTN: $40 (80 bb)
    Hero (SB): $50.25 (100.5 bb)
    BB: $108.75 (217.5 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is SB with T T
    MP calls $0.50, CO calls $0.50, BTN folds, Hero raises to $2.50, 2 folds, CO calls $2

    Flop: ($6) T A 2 (2 players)
    Hero bets $4, CO calls $4

    Turn: ($14) 9 (2 players)
    Hero bets $8.50, CO calls $8.50

    River: ($31) J (2 players)
    Hero bets $35.25 and is all-in, CO calls $26.80 and is all-in

    uNL Quick Checkup Thread Quote
    01-20-2012 , 11:55 AM
    Yeah bigger on turn and flop to make shoving river easier.
    Pretty standard tho.
    uNL Quick Checkup Thread Quote
    01-20-2012 , 05:54 PM
    Originally Posted by QandA201
    Two hands that gave me some trouble during my session today.
    Hand 1. In response to your question, scared value could be a set that is afraid of the straightening board. That said, I wouldn't read to much into the bet sizing when the villain is this much of an unknown - it's clear that he just clicked the "Pot" raise button.

    I think this is a tough spot because villain is an unknown. My guess would be that an unknown villain is value betting {99-77,98,97,87,65} here and you are slightly ahead of that range because of the 2-pair combos, so I guess it is a call/stack-off blank river.

    Hand 2: I think this is marginal either way. I probably bet here and fold to a shove. He seems pretty awful to flat the BTN raise and then call a 3bet OOP in the small blind. He could be doing this with pocket pairs (good for us) or suited connector type hands (bad for us because there are a lot of 7x and 6x hands in that range). I think he is calling with any pocket pair and shoving over you with a boat.

    If he did hit a boat, his checking the river is pretty awful after the turn checks through. If you have been beating up on him, I could see a fish doing this if he thinks you couldn't resist a stab on the river, but most fish want to get some value from their boats and will bet here.
    uNL Quick Checkup Thread Quote
    01-21-2012 , 06:33 AM
    Villain is playing 20/17, 70% fold bb to steal, 3bet 10%, 40% fold to flop cbet

    I'm playing 34/28, I had been stealing very wide.

    Merge - $0.25 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 3 players
    Hand converted by PokerTracker 3

    Hero (SB): $33.37
    BB: $39.66
    BTN: $29.27

    Hero posts SB $0.10, BB posts BB $0.25

    Pre Flop: ($0.35) Hero has K K

    fold, Hero raises to $0.75, BB calls $0.50

    Flop: ($1.50, 2 players) 3 9 4
    Hero bets $1.20, BB calls $1.20

    Turn: ($3.90, 2 players) A
    Hero bets $3.00, BB calls $3.00

    River: ($9.90, 2 players) T
    Hero bets $6.00, BB calls $6.00

    Is this standard 3 streets of value?
    uNL Quick Checkup Thread Quote
    01-21-2012 , 07:51 AM
    A hits your range, and I think he will float with many A high hands on the flop. So I don't see many worse hands villain calling the river, maybe c/f is better?
    uNL Quick Checkup Thread Quote
    01-21-2012 , 09:21 AM
    Villain is new to the table. Only 35 hands but he's running 60/35. This is the first time he's been 3bet.

    We're happy getting it in here right?

    $0.05/$0.10 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite.

    Hero (BTN): $10 (100 bb)
    SB: $9.99 (99.9 bb)
    BB: $10.67 (106.7 bb)
    UTG: $9.85 (98.5 bb)
    MP: $10.15 (101.5 bb)
    CO: $9.56 (95.6 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is BTN with T T
    UTG raises to $0.40, 2 folds, Hero raises to $1.30, 2 folds, UTG raises to $3.70, Hero raises to $10 and is all-in
    uNL Quick Checkup Thread Quote
    01-21-2012 , 05:38 PM
    Originally Posted by ProgrammerG
    A hits your range, and I think he will float with many A high hands on the flop. So I don't see many worse hands villain calling the river, maybe c/f is better?
    Well I was thinking that the A does hit my range but Villain may be thinking i'm barreling on the 'A' a lot of the times. There's also more PPs and 9x hands in his range than Ax.
    Originally Posted by MisterMittens
    Villain is new to the table. Only 35 hands but he's running 60/35. This is the first time he's been 3bet.

    We're happy getting it in here right?

    $0.05/$0.10 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite.

    Hero (BTN): $10 (100 bb)
    SB: $9.99 (99.9 bb)
    BB: $10.67 (106.7 bb)
    UTG: $9.85 (98.5 bb)
    MP: $10.15 (101.5 bb)
    CO: $9.56 (95.6 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is BTN with T T
    UTG raises to $0.40, 2 folds, Hero raises to $1.30, 2 folds, UTG raises to $3.70, Hero raises to $10 and is all-in
    I'd rather flat on the BTN than raise a UTG open until he had been really really fishy.
    uNL Quick Checkup Thread Quote
    01-22-2012 , 04:25 PM
    Posted in thread here and was asked to post here instead.

    Hey guys,

    I am a bit new to using a HUD, so I apologize as I do not know how to export the statistics for a specific player (besides a CSV file). I'll just write them out manually below:

    Hands: 1,717
    VP:IP: 35.59
    PFR: 26.91
    3b: 8.17
    Fold 3b: 65.43
    4b: 11.69
    Fold 4b: 33.33
    AF: 4.98
    AFq: 65.43

    Att to Steal: 45.70
    Fold BB to Steal: 52.38
    Fold SB to Steal: 72.86

    W$WSF: 47.18
    WTSD: 24.85
    W$SD: 40.63

    CBet F: 75.11
    CBet T: 60.00
    CBet R: 80.95

    Float FCbet: 26.53
    Raise FCbet: 22.45

    Here is a picture of my details page:

    Am I playing like a LAGtard? I may be over-confident in my abilities and am spewing way too much.

    This is a smaller sample, and I have been seated at a lot of tight tables, where players were not adjusting to how frequently I was opening. This allowed me to steal a lot of pots, and subsequently, my PFR is probably higher than it would be in the long run. (If you note in my details page, over 40% of my PFRs ended up being folded around)

    Few questions:

    1) Is my style ridiculously bad?
    2) What is the most glaring leak in my play?
    3) Is this a style that is only profitable against bad opponents? Better against better opponents? (less calling stations, etc)
    4) What is the best supplement to improving, beyond playing a lot of hands and reviewing my sessions?
    uNL Quick Checkup Thread Quote
    01-22-2012 , 04:46 PM
    Post that again when you've played 20k hands. 1.8k is a really small sample and it's very difficult to read anything meaningful from it.

    And even then it's pretty tricky to tell if you're good or bad, your best bet is to post HH when you're not sure what to do and read stickies etc.

    having said that, if your stats still look similar to that in the long run...
    1) depends on who you're playing. if people roll over all the time and let you play that many hands then it may be fine. there will come a time/limit where you have difficulty playing that loose though.

    2) very difficult to see from these stats alone.

    3) as i mentioned in 1) if you're playing 10nl/25nl you can get away with more than you would at 50nl+. people start getting more competent as you move up and they'll stop being so exploitable (Folding to 3bets a lot, folding to cbets, folding to steals etc.) so you may have to rein it in a bit, who knows. I don't see many regs running at 35/25 at 100nl 6max.

    4) videos can be useful, although I don't have the motivation to watch them that much. One thing I know a lot of people have found useful is finding other players at their skill level to talk over hands with, discuss strategy and so on. There is a study group thread stickied in this forum which you can post in asking to form/join groups.

    Oh and post hand histories in the forum, and post your thoughts on other's hand histories.

    Last edited by Yngwie Malmsteen; 01-22-2012 at 04:57 PM.
    uNL Quick Checkup Thread Quote
