I've played with this guy a few times before, and he's pretty donkish, but also somewhat aggressive. He shows 55/27/4.3 over a few hundred hands
Full Tilt No-Limit Hold'em, $0.25 BB (5 handed) Full-Tilt Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FlopTurnRiver)
saw flop|
saw showdown
Hero ($59)
UTG ($53.90)
MP ($31.05)
Button ($53.60)
SB ($21.10)
Preflop: Hero is BB with 8

, T

3 folds, SB completes, Hero checks.
Flop: ($0.50) 3

, 9

, 7
(2 players)
SB checks,
Hero bets $0.5,
SB raises to $2,
Hero raises to $6.25,
SB raises to $20.85 (All-In), Hero??
In this hand, there was no pfr, so he can't really have a very strong holding pf (not the way he plays). On the flop, his c/r could indicate anything like A3, A7, A9, 97, 86, T8, JT, or definitely even just air (no pp because he will raise these all pf). So, I figure my 3bet could push him off a number of these hands, esp if he has air. But when he 4bets AI, my hand certainly doesnt look as good. Yet still, against him I think I have 11 outs most of the time. But even with 8 outs, I now have pot odds to call, so I did. Is there a better line here or is this fine? Maybe my 3bet shouldve been a shove? Or do you not even get involved here...?
EDIT: He may also have a fd here, which definitely limits the number of outs that I have, but even still, against this guy...
Full Tilt No-Limit Hold'em, $0.25 BB (6 handed) Full-Tilt Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FlopTurnRiver)
saw flop|
saw showdown
Hero ($57.30)
SB ($65.65)
BB ($19.55)
UTG ($22)
MP ($67.20)
CO ($52.35)
Preflop: Hero is Button with T

, K

1 fold,
MP raises to $0.75,
1 fold, Hero calls $0.75,
1 fold, BB calls $0.50.
Flop: ($2.35) T

, 7

, 3
(3 players)
BB checks,
MP bets $1.5,
Hero raises to $4, BB folds,
MP raises to $15, Hero??
In this hand, he's so loose, that I like seeing a lot of flops with him, esp IP. The isn't a great one, but not a terrible one. Do I pitch it here? Or do you even like the flop raise?
Last edited by Cam7471741; 07-18-2008 at 09:57 AM.