Join Date: Feb 2015
Posts: 111
Playing 5NL against unknowns. HJ-100bb, CO-80bb, BTN (Hero)-100bb.
HJ opens to 3X. CO 3bets by 2.5X. Hero calls with AsKs.
[pot is $1.12]
Flop: 5s-3s-Ad
HJ checks. CO bets $0.70. Hero calls. HJ folds.
[pot is $2.52]
Turn: Tc
CO shoves his remaining $2.90...
I wasn't quite sure how to act on the flop mostly because of the HJ and the size of his stack. If it would have been just me and the CO, with SPR of about 3, I would have definitely shoved. But I figured since I had a draw to the nuts, maybe there would be more value in calling, hoping the HJ would come along.
I also didn't like the turn decision I then faced (which very well could've been avoided by raising the flop).
This was a weird hand for me. HELP! My gut says I should have shoved on the flop.