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TP on paired board he really looks like 1 hand TP on paired board he really looks like 1 hand

07-05-2008 , 04:58 AM
Grabbed by Holdem Manager
NL Holdem $10(BB) Replayer Game#3434685677

Hero ($1,047)
BB ($1,030)
UTG ($1,326)
CO ($932)
BTN ($1,247)

Dealt to Hero QA

UTG raises to $35, fold, fold, call, call,

FLOP ($105) 939

check, check, check,

TURN ($105) 939A

check, check, UTG bets $77, Hero calls $77, BB folds,

RIVER ($259) 939AK

check, UTG bets $222, Hero?

Villain is 21/17/4 raises quite loose from EP and generally a good player but today he seems a bit tilty in a few hands but not against me though
TP on paired board he really looks like 1 hand Quote
07-05-2008 , 05:09 AM
Not generally a fan of calling AQo out of the blinds but whatever. I think you can reraise this pre very profitably vs a 21/17.

Looks like you're getting towned again or calling for a chop.
TP on paired board he really looks like 1 hand Quote
07-05-2008 , 05:36 AM
dont think I can fold here, he could be trying to get you off a pocket pair which would appear to be the majority of your range here.
TP on paired board he really looks like 1 hand Quote
