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top pair and weak overpairs NL5 top pair and weak overpairs NL5

09-10-2011 , 02:54 AM
My biggest post-flop leak. I even folded KQ on a K75 board to a cbet in a 4 way pot with two people who still have to act. My reasoning is I'd rather give up a small pot with a marginal hand than get stubborn and lose a huge one. I'm also very uncomfortable playing any overpair other than KK/AA especially in a 3 bet pot. I'm afraid to raise cbets and I don't want to call and inflate the pot.

I apologize for not having specific example. The hand history converter is not working. I don't have a HUD and just paste the stuff from PokerStars hand history. Can anyone share some wisdom?
top pair and weak overpairs NL5 Quote
09-10-2011 , 05:57 AM
Inflating the pot with a good hand should be the exact thing you would want. Don't think of your money as money, but as chips or as big blinds so you're not afraid to put it the money where you should because you're afraid you might lose it.

As soon as you get over the hurdle it will be much easier for you to play post flop and you'll feel more comfortable.

Top pair in a multiway pot for example is a must bet / call, you'll make money from it in the end and the same thing with overpairs. Bet them for value while folding if someone is raising big (against normal players atleast)

Hope this helped some.
top pair and weak overpairs NL5 Quote
09-10-2011 , 06:02 AM
1.) post the hand. if you don't get the converter to work, post it unconverted and I will be glad to copy-and-paste in the converter for you.

2.) use a hud

3.) why are you calling raises preflop if you cannot call a single postflop bet with TPGK on a dry board?
top pair and weak overpairs NL5 Quote
09-10-2011 , 10:29 AM
If you don't like playing KQ out of position, then fold pre (unless you were in the big blind and it was checked to you).
KQ is still a strong hand on a K75 board. C-betting or check-calling are both fine. If someone had AK, they would likely have raised pre-flop, so you're probably ahead. If someone flopped a set or 2 pr, you'll know about it when they raise the flop or turn.
top pair and weak overpairs NL5 Quote
