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Top 2 on very wet board Top 2 on very wet board

12-07-2018 , 11:57 AM
Used to post in forums years ago, forgot my registration email, and frankly did not like the screen name anyway. Am back to serious study again, and used to love these forums.

SB: 19.07
CO: 19.73 (fish)
Hero (Button) 21.15

NL 20$ WSOP 6 max

Hero is on button with JT

2 folds, CO Limps, Hero raises to .80, SB calls, BB Folds, CO calls

Pot 2.60

Flop: J8T

SB bets 2.60, CO calls 2.60 (Pot 7.66) Hero?

Thoughts: Obviously I am not folding and really not considering calling here as my strong hand is quite vulnerable. My question is how much do I raise?

Hands I am behind:
I am crushed by 88 (TT,JJ only 1 combo each) 79 could be out there, Q9 less likely.

Hands that could make this bet that I beat:
KQ, AK,AQ, any 9, maybe a Qx holding.

If I raise to $8-9 and get a call, a turn of ,A,Q,7, or 8 is really bad and I am already pot committed.

I can consider just jamming here as the pot is already 38BB.


Also, is there a hand history converter for WSOP Nevada that I am unaware of? I typed the hand in manually as I was unable to locate one online that actually worked.
Top 2 on very wet board Quote
12-07-2018 , 12:04 PM
imho just call this flop.
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12-07-2018 , 12:11 PM
Top 2 on very wet board Quote
12-07-2018 , 12:19 PM
Call and hope to survive somehow until the showdown. No way you have enough equity to make a EV+ play shoving flop.
Top 2 on very wet board Quote
12-07-2018 , 12:41 PM
I am curious about the call lines. Help me work through the thought process.

Half the deck kills my hand on the turn. It seems like there are more draw combos in villain's range on the flop than nutted combos.

Would the call plan be to shove a blank turn or fold the other 50% of the time? I don't love being passive here.
Top 2 on very wet board Quote
12-07-2018 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by bfskinner
Half the deck kills my hand on the turn.
Raising the flop doesn't magically stop bad runouts from happening.

Just call and play some poker. Deal with a bad turn card if it happens to arrive. You have the advantage of being in position, and shoving removes that advantage, since your opponents won't have to navigate those "bad" turns while being OOP. Don't jam the flop and let villain play perfectly.
Top 2 on very wet board Quote
