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Third hh review: Insane Steve Third hh review: Insane Steve

10-06-2009 , 10:24 AM
respect spamz!
Third hh review: Insane Steve Quote
10-06-2009 , 10:52 AM
best one yet imo
Third hh review: Insane Steve Quote
10-06-2009 , 11:53 AM
These have all been great.

Third hh review: Insane Steve Quote
10-06-2009 , 12:18 PM
Yea, for the curious, villain in this game is roughly an average $34 player. I mean, there's plenty of better players, yes, but a lot of these and a lot of even worse opponents.

Seriously, if you find an HH you get this nagging feeling you played bad in and read it over you will see a lot of "wtf why did I do that" spots. Naturally, I picked this game because I wanted to get a review on a game I did bad at; no point in picking your A-game for this

I mean, I see the dumb **** I do sometimes, and boom, no more of the same dumb **** = +monies.

I really can't thank you enough for this, so yea bookmarking + going over this really close today sometime.
Third hh review: Insane Steve Quote
10-06-2009 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by Insane_Steve
Yea, for the curious, villain in this game is roughly an average $34 player. I mean, there's plenty of better players, yes, but a lot of these and a lot of even worse opponents.

Seriously, if you find an HH you get this nagging feeling you played bad in and read it over you will see a lot of "wtf why did I do that" spots. Naturally, I picked this game because I wanted to get a review on a game I did bad at; no point in picking your A-game for this

I mean, I see the dumb **** I do sometimes, and boom, no more of the same dumb **** = +monies.

I really can't thank you enough for this, so yea bookmarking + going over this really close today sometime.
gg steve.
FWIW, i had a semi HH reveiw with spamz, mostly i just looked at hands he played against some randoms at his level, and i learned from what i perceived as his thought process in the hands and how they played out. i am eager for him to pick mine apart so that i can start to work harder on fixing things.

great reveiw here again, were lucky to have you as active as you are. thanks man.
Third hh review: Insane Steve Quote
10-06-2009 , 01:53 PM

Oj, but it's ****** long!

I'l read it later!
Third hh review: Insane Steve Quote
10-06-2009 , 03:05 PM
This was really long, but still very good. Thanks Spamz for doing this. I do have one question, though: at hand #26 (T5s vs BB minraise), wouldn't it be way better to resteal at flop? Villain failed to cbet and he doesn't seem trappy, not to mention that we have minimal SD value.
Third hh review: Insane Steve Quote
10-06-2009 , 03:13 PM
hand 26: meh, no i dont like to steal flop; thing is villain will still have a bunch of hands he'll call with; Qx, pocket pairs, AT/AJ/JT/T9 stuff... only thing we know is that he checked the 69s twice so if he checks a second time he'll more likely give up on flop (remember, fish think on flop there's still two cards to come )... i wouldnt be surprised to see him check a big hand (Kx or better here) either with how he played so far (not ALL the time but at least some of the time)
Third hh review: Insane Steve Quote
10-06-2009 , 07:02 PM
so nice - was really tired but enjoyed this a lot - gotta reread tomorrow with a fresher brain - tyvm !!
Third hh review: Insane Steve Quote
10-06-2009 , 07:05 PM
Hmmm interesting... Maybe i have identified some leaks on my game...

spamz0r i raise wide of my buttons (60-90%) at the stars turbos, rarely limping (always min bet pre untill its 12-15bb where i push fold) and following most of the time with a 2/3 cbet (70%+ of the time). Should i change my cbet to 50-60% of the pot? i find cbeting 2/3 to be perfect to be able to stackoff at river by triple bareling. Also i should consider a more passive aproach pre by limping more and less bet/folding?

All the above are in my default strategy offcourse i adjust to villains later with reads.

i feal like i am some kind of agromonkey after reading this HH lol...
Third hh review: Insane Steve Quote
10-06-2009 , 07:10 PM
yeah i prefer minraising and cbetting half pot tbh; even on ftp strucutre where blinds start 15/30 it's quite impossible to go bet/bet/shove unless you overbet at turn or river when you just bet 60 on flop
reason i do this is because early on it's hard to know whether a triple barrel is gonna be ev+ or not, so i try to keep double/triple barrels for later on when stacks are like 20-30bb's deep and we actually have some reads that he will be able to fold some hands
at starts turbo the jump in blindlevels is just too big, only 20-30bb's stacks you're gonna be at is like the 25/50 level (obv you can have this on the 15/30 level as well but you know what i mean) while on ftp this is also possible on 20/40 or 30/60 level
Third hh review: Insane Steve Quote
10-06-2009 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by spamz0r
yeah i prefer minraising and cbetting half pot tbh; even on ftp strucutre where blinds start 15/30 it's quite impossible to go bet/bet/shove unless you overbet at turn or river when you just bet 60 on flop
reason i do this is because early on it's hard to know whether a triple barrel is gonna be ev+ or not, so i try to keep double/triple barrels for later on when stacks are like 20-30bb's deep and we actually have some reads that he will be able to fold some hands
at starts turbo the jump in blindlevels is just too big, only 20-30bb's stacks you're gonna be at is like the 25/50 level (obv you can have this on the 15/30 level as well but you know what i mean) while on ftp this is also possible on 20/40 or 30/60 level
so you prefer at start to 3x or min raise pre and cbet 1/2 pot untill we get reads, eg. villain is a station we valuetown bigtime (2/3+ Pot cbets) or a nit we cbet small and frequently etc.

Actually now that i am thinking of it... i already do this at 25/50+ lvl (min raise pre cbet 100 at flop). So i guess i should only change my cbets at 20/40 and 30/60 lvls

btw my main concern is how to triple barrel stackoff against low stakes fish for value and rarely as a bluff.

Last edited by Des_Astar; 10-06-2009 at 07:50 PM.
Third hh review: Insane Steve Quote
10-06-2009 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by Des_Astar
btw my main concern is how to triple barrel stackoff against low stakes fish for value and rarely as a bluff.
let's say effective stacks 1100 blinds 20/40 you have KJdd on the button
flop KJ8cc you bet 80 into 160
turn Tx you bet 200 into 320
river bricks he checks pot is 720 and you have 740 left; shoving will NOT get looked up light here in general

same example
flop KJ8cc you bet 100 into 160
turn Tx you bet 250 into 360
river bricks he checks pot is 860 and you have 670 left, shoving here will get looked up WAY lighter

just remember, pots are built on the flop, just betting slightly bigger or smaller there vs a nonthinking opponent will work wonders, even if you don't change your preflop tendencies...
try to think of this when playing, you should have some experience and when you bet the flop you should know what the pot looks like by turn/river and how much you will have left; it sometimes happens to me when i wanna bet/bet/shove, either for value or as bluff, and i underbet the turn because i think stacksizes on river will be better (by underbetting i mean like 35-45% pot or something) but in general i think you should try and avoid this mainly with a slightly different flopbetsizing
Third hh review: Insane Steve Quote
10-07-2009 , 02:22 AM
Awesome Spamz0r...
Third hh review: Insane Steve Quote
10-07-2009 , 07:09 AM
Originally Posted by spamz0r
let's say effective stacks 1100 blinds 20/40 you have KJdd on the button
flop KJ8cc you bet 80 into 160
turn Tx you bet 200 into 320
river bricks he checks pot is 720 and you have 740 left; shoving will NOT get looked up light here in general

same example
flop KJ8cc you bet 100 into 160
turn Tx you bet 250 into 360
river bricks he checks pot is 860 and you have 670 left, shoving here will get looked up WAY lighter

just remember, pots are built on the flop, just betting slightly bigger or smaller there vs a nonthinking opponent will work wonders, even if you don't change your preflop tendencies...
try to think of this when playing, you should have some experience and when you bet the flop you should know what the pot looks like by turn/river and how much you will have left; it sometimes happens to me when i wanna bet/bet/shove, either for value or as bluff, and i underbet the turn because i think stacksizes on river will be better (by underbetting i mean like 35-45% pot or something) but in general i think you should try and avoid this mainly with a slightly different flopbetsizing
Damn, i meant at 10/20 and 15/30 blind lvls at stars turbos not 20/40 and 30/60 (WTF?), my bad, should stop posting late at night.

BTW all the above are perfectly realistic at Full tilts blind structure (should move there soon).
Third hh review: Insane Steve Quote
10-07-2009 , 12:12 PM
Great post. This was a good read. Gotta widen my push/call ranges.
Third hh review: Insane Steve Quote
10-07-2009 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by Micky08

Oj, but it's ****** long!

I'l read it later!
Hehe, finally got around to reading it! God, I can't wait to move up lol

V. good review and I look forward to the next one


Last edited by Micky08; 10-07-2009 at 04:38 PM. Reason: I need to calm down with the smileys :)
Third hh review: Insane Steve Quote
10-08-2009 , 12:35 AM
vvvvv solid. whoevers up next, how bout you look for a HH with a loose spewy lagtard like every fish who seems to play on FTP hah
Third hh review: Insane Steve Quote
10-08-2009 , 12:37 AM
If you play on Stars you are MUCH more likely to see a fish like this than an LAGtard idiot.

It's weird, but I have noticed this.
Third hh review: Insane Steve Quote
10-08-2009 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by Royle Bluntson
vvvvv solid. whoevers up next, how bout you look for a HH with a loose spewy lagtard like every fish who seems to play on FTP hah
If spamz does mine next, you'll definitlely see a loose spewy lagtard.

Unfortunately that would actually be me. :/
Third hh review: Insane Steve Quote
10-08-2009 , 01:52 AM
Got to hand 28, i'll finnish the rest sometime next week imo

Solid review yet again, from what i've read. Steve you really need to raise imo, it was tilting me watching you limp so much vs this guy

much <3 spamz
Third hh review: Insane Steve Quote
10-08-2009 , 02:08 AM
Originally Posted by All_or_Nothing
Got to hand 28, i'll finnish the rest sometime next week imo

Solid review yet again, from what i've read. Steve you really need to raise imo, it was tilting me watching you limp so much vs this guy

much <3 spamz

wharrgarbl, I picked this game SPECIFICALLY because I knew I played incredibly terrible in it. EV I get from spamz wrecking my leaks >>>> you all thinking I play airtight amazing poker every single game. YES I know I need to raise soooooooo much more against this villain.

And you didn't even get to the biggest facepalm of the match (hand 60).

Last edited by Insane_Steve; 10-08-2009 at 02:15 AM.
Third hh review: Insane Steve Quote
10-08-2009 , 02:33 AM
EV I get from spamz wrecking my leaks >>>> you all thinking I play airtight amazing poker every single game
But you want to improve your A game rather than your 'D' game no? It's probs best to post a HH where you play a style that you intend to play for most of your games, IMO. It makes more sense to me anyway.

Anyway, i'm off to read hand 60 now

EDIT - obv 3x fold in that spot
Third hh review: Insane Steve Quote
10-08-2009 , 03:26 AM
You aren't going to play your mega-nuts A+ game as often as you like. And, I figure the various permutations of your A-/B+ game (which you play more often) will incorporate random leaks that your D- game is completely full of.

So why not address all those leaks at once, not only so that you know what you're going wrong when you aren't quite playing your A+ game, and also so you can play your A+ game more often? I mean, maybe if I played 200-500s, where improving your A+ game is your MO instead of fixing leaks, but I play 34s aorn. At this point, a "standard winner's" A+ game will absolutely WRECK most people at this level, so why not worry about doing that as much as possible and then worry about making the A+ game even better once I get to the level where it matters?
Third hh review: Insane Steve Quote
10-08-2009 , 04:35 AM
I don't agree with what you've said above but i'm also not going to derail this thread with posting more on it.

Off to read the rest of the hands -hax
Third hh review: Insane Steve Quote
