Is there more articles on end game HU SNG than the ones in essential reading? Please post links
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 973
Hi, so I recently started playing turbo heads up sit n gos and its much different from regular speed ones. I am looking for more articles on the late stages of these sit n gos since i started playing turbos. Are there more articles on turbos since they don't have enough in the essential reading in the posting guidelines? Like how do I know when it starts becoming push/fold poker and at what blinds and effective stacks? Also I like ChicagoRy's poo bah post "An Introduction to the 25-50 Blind Level" and is there any other threads or articles like this one? I'm starting to understand the importance of the 25-50 level and I want more material since turbos come faster. Also where are the future articles "adapting to different styles of play, reraising or 3-betting OOP and how to keep yourself out of tough spots." that he mentions in the end of his post? Please post links if you find them, thanks.
Join Date: May 2007
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read spamzors post about end game. probably the best on the fourm.
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 973
i tried searching for it, can you link me the article?
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