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:( TheMetereon Stole My Money :( X POST :( TheMetereon Stole My Money :( X POST

06-01-2008 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by steel108
There really is no point in fighting someone when there is no chance he will win. DAMN. Well, for those that know TheMeteron IRL, tell him if I see him, I'm going to grab him and shake him violently.
he still deserves to get hit. so just hit him once and he can decide if he wants to fight back...but he's got at least that much coming.
:( TheMetereon Stole My Money :( X POST Quote
06-01-2008 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by steel108
Not to derail the TheMetereon hate, but when the **** is your next video on DC? I just made a thread at the DC forums about it.
dont think im gonna coach or make videos for a while as vegas comes up, im pretty burnt out :s. but yes, back to metetron h8!!!
:( TheMetereon Stole My Money :( X POST Quote
06-01-2008 , 03:41 PM
based on his previous actions, it should be really clear that he will never fight unless he somehow holds a huge advantage.

also +1 for not surprised at all he would do this.
:( TheMetereon Stole My Money :( X POST Quote
06-01-2008 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by LucidDream
he still deserves to get hit. so just hit him once and he can decide if he wants to fight back...but he's got at least that much coming.

hit him hard and let him decide
:( TheMetereon Stole My Money :( X POST Quote
06-01-2008 , 04:17 PM
I hate being the voice of reason but I should say this so that you don't get into more trouble. Unfortunately you are not allowed to take the law into your own hands. That means if you hit him unprovoked and he presses charges, you are going to lose a lot more than $650. If you want your money back, get his address and file a claim. Otherwise write it off as a really dumb mistake.
:( TheMetereon Stole My Money :( X POST Quote
06-01-2008 , 05:41 PM
I have no idea what is FT name is, he wouldn't say.

**** Jfish, you probably made the best videos. It was down between you and TheMetereon for coaching, but never heard back from you so I went with him. ITS ALL YOUR FAULT.

I'm not offering to fight him, I going to fight him if I run into him. I'm going to Vegas to hang out with my brother; running into him would be an added bonus. I am seriously not a violent person at all; I just honestly don't believe that people should be able get away with stuff like this without consequences.

I doubt he has an advantage on me; I'm not a big guy at all. 5'7 155 lbs. Not to be concieted, but I am pretty ripped. The only advantage I have is that I have wrestled my whole life and at a Division 1 college. I could care less if he is 6'5 250, I want to fight him out of principle. For those that know him, do you think he would be afraid of this: If he is then LOLOLOLOL.

With respects to legal action, I have a legal background and mutual combat is never prosecuted even if one person gets their butt kicked. I'll have to check the laws in Vegas though; it is a pretty weird state. I don't even care about the money; I'm pretending that I got stack set over set and it was just a cooler.
:( TheMetereon Stole My Money :( X POST Quote
06-01-2008 , 05:46 PM
He's always been a douchebag so it's definitely not that surprising. It's probably not smart in your shoes to fight him, but I won't lie, that would be awesome if you beat the crap of him. Not just for you, but for 2p2.
:( TheMetereon Stole My Money :( X POST Quote
06-01-2008 , 05:56 PM
if you wrestled d1, you will kill him. smack him up and order him to pee his pants.
:( TheMetereon Stole My Money :( X POST Quote
06-01-2008 , 05:57 PM
K I sent the link to metetron and I'll put pressure on him to get to the bottom of this.

fwiw i was in argentina for 3 months same time as metetron, he signed my lease contract when he barely knew me (u have to be 21+ to sign contracts wtf?), and was really really accommodating and a cool guy. also sweated him abit during that time and he's one of the smartest poker players I've met.

but ya not giving that dude his money back is really scummy and i'll help try get it back
:( TheMetereon Stole My Money :( X POST Quote
06-01-2008 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by SpecT
K I sent the link to metetron and I'll put pressure on him to get to the bottom of this.

fwiw i was in argentina for 3 months same time as metetron, he signed my lease contract when he barely knew me (u have to be 21+ to sign contracts wtf?), and was really really accommodating and a cool guy. also sweated him abit during that time and he's one of the smartest poker players I've met.

but ya not giving that dude his money back is really scummy and i'll help try get it back
Thanks a lot for the offer SpecT, but it has come to the point where I don't even want the money back anymore; I wrote it off a long time ago. I sent him one last email 2 weeks ago to let him redeem himself and he never took the opportunity. He was a VERY good coach, but his actions really angered me since I had been so accomodating and understanding due to the circumstances he was enduring. He basically played me for a punk and robbed me and that has consequences especially after I was so courteous towards him. My facebook picture is in this thread so he knows how I look like now. Like I have stated before, I'm not going to Vegas to find him. I'm there for my brother.
:( TheMetereon Stole My Money :( X POST Quote
06-01-2008 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by Colm
if you wrestled d1, you will kill him. smack him up and order him to pee his pants.
Well Cal State Fullerton was always a bottom dweller in the Pac 10, but I did rack up a few wins in my time there Did you wrestle?

Last edited by steel108; 06-01-2008 at 06:31 PM.
:( TheMetereon Stole My Money :( X POST Quote
06-01-2008 , 06:21 PM
ok so basically met says:

- he refunded a ton of ppls money at the time he got banned and decided not to coach anymore
- cant remember this guy specifically and haven't gotten any emails from him
- if he still has the emails then can zip up/do watever and send the emails to me (me spect, ill pm OP my email address) and ill forward them to metetron
- turns out dude is legit he'll ship money today on tilt
:( TheMetereon Stole My Money :( X POST Quote
06-01-2008 , 06:30 PM
PM me your email SpecT and I'll foward all the emails. I think your friend is full of ****. I'm not attacking you, I'm attacking the Metereon
:( TheMetereon Stole My Money :( X POST Quote
06-01-2008 , 06:35 PM
haha sorry steel. much <3, its probably cos im a slob at times.
:( TheMetereon Stole My Money :( X POST Quote
06-01-2008 , 06:37 PM
ok change of plans:

post your stars SN here and he'll ship $625
:( TheMetereon Stole My Money :( X POST Quote
06-01-2008 , 06:39 PM
his sn is ArturiusX
:( TheMetereon Stole My Money :( X POST Quote
06-01-2008 , 06:45 PM
basically metetron had an email that he only used for 2p2. This was the email that steel108 used to talk to metetron. after metetron was banned he stopped using that email address. he checked it just then and found 5 emails from steel since he'd sent him back the first video.

he refunded everyone money who were owed refunds, but with steel he said he'd do coaching instead of refund (which was agreed on) through moving, events, etc he forgot about this. and he feels really really bad about it and was obv a dumb thing not to check his old email even though he didnt use it anymore (steel was the only one to send him stuff that was unread).
:( TheMetereon Stole My Money :( X POST Quote
06-01-2008 , 08:25 PM
basically metetron had an email that he only used for 2p2. This was the email that steel108 used to talk to metetron. after metetron was banned he stopped using that email address. he checked it just then and found 5 emails from steel since he'd sent him back the first video.
wait, wat...

It was around this time that TheMetereon was banned from 2+2. I still had one more video and report left so I was a little concerend. I emailed him asking if he still wanted to coach. He replied that it wasn't worth his time coaching anymore, but he would finish up our arrangement since it was only one more video.
OP claims to have been in contact with the metereon via email since his ban from 2p2. wtf
:( TheMetereon Stole My Money :( X POST Quote
06-01-2008 , 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by LetMeLive
wait, wat...

OP claims to have been in contact with the metereon via email since his ban from 2p2. wtf
That was the last email he responded to from that account. I contacted PokerAddict about his ban and sent him an email the next day. He responded to it and that was the last I heard of him.

This isn't in dispute, I put up all the emails in the Coaching forum, but decided to take it down since it appeared a resolution was on the horizon.
:( TheMetereon Stole My Money :( X POST Quote
06-01-2008 , 09:26 PM
$625 transfered and recieved on Full Tilt.

I was actually less angry at TheMet when I thought he was a scammer; I got fooled, it happens to everyone. But the fact that he showed me zero respect as a student really pisses me off. He went through some stuff at the start of our coaching relationship and I gave him all the space he needed and never pushed anything. He doesn't think that 5 months of my time is worth anything. The time to make the videos, time to track down people who didn't want to have him *****, the stress of getting scammed, and the countless emails I sent is worth nothing despite the fact that HEM says my time is worth over $157/hour. According to him, I'm getting $625 and not a penny more. If TheMet would have done the right thing and stated I'll refund the whole amount because I made a stupid mistake and was unprofessional, I would have said don't worry about it, just give me the unused portion. The mere fact that he took this ridicolous stance despite his inexcusable lapse in judgment is beyond ******ed. How do you forget a student? This isn't over for me. I have no idea why, but the fact that he has shown me zero respect and treated me like a POS has me fuming. I honestly hope I calm down by the time Vegas comes around.
:( TheMetereon Stole My Money :( X POST Quote
06-01-2008 , 09:27 PM
BTW, Stratte did tell him about my situation well before I made my post (he is one of the people I PMed)
:( TheMetereon Stole My Money :( X POST Quote
06-01-2008 , 10:09 PM
Dude, you got your money back, drop it. **** happens in life, why the **** are you so uppity about this still? If you start applying your logic you go down a very slippery slope in life, because people stress you and waste your time and don't compensate you for it.
:( TheMetereon Stole My Money :( X POST Quote
06-01-2008 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by ArturiusX
Dude, you got your money back, drop it. **** happens in life, why the **** are you so uppity about this still? If you start applying your logic you go down a very slippery slope in life, because people stress you and waste your time and don't compensate you for it.


All you're doing now is getting in the way of yourself.

I suggest a thread lock for OP's sake.
:( TheMetereon Stole My Money :( X POST Quote
06-02-2008 , 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by steel108
I'm going to grab him and shake him violently.
I loled.

mutual combat is never prosecuted even if one person gets their butt kicked.
Emm... that sounds really strange. What do you mean by "mutual"?

If you both agree to "take it outside" well maybe but I doubt it. If you drag him outside and force him to fight then he can surely press charges even if he fights back and doesn't just turn the other cheek every time you hit him.

But I don't have legal experience, just speculating.

Last edited by Jurrr; 06-02-2008 at 12:26 AM.
:( TheMetereon Stole My Money :( X POST Quote
06-02-2008 , 01:13 AM
should probably update the coaching sticky to axe Metereon off the list
:( TheMetereon Stole My Money :( X POST Quote
