hey, LC
I made a 4tabling nl25 video, but didn't like the overall content level(a fair number of interesting hands, but my commentary wasn't great)
so I'm going to make a new one, is there anything specific that you think you need to work on, that I can talk about?
post in here or pm me some suggestions
Thanks, BS! Your last video was really great. The commentary is helpful to understand why you take the lines that you do.
As for topics, I'm not too particular. Some issues I still have difficulty with are:
- How to adjust your play based upon specific opponent types
- When and why it might be better to check rather than bet the turn (pot control vs. not being outdrawn)
- Being aggressive without spewing
- Anything about the river, which is where I have the most trouble -- when, where, whether, and how much to bet and how to find a fold.