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Table speed of NL HU cash games on PokerStars Table speed of NL HU cash games on PokerStars

07-25-2010 , 03:56 PM
omg... impossible to play on stars having to wait 10 seconds for every fkn hand
Table speed of NL HU cash games on PokerStars Quote
07-25-2010 , 04:05 PM
and yes, as previous posters asked, let people open as many tables as they want, and keep only 1 table visible.

if I want to play someone 4-6 tables, I always have to be bothered with opening 2 more tables why we are playing, and if someone sits down with me, I need to be bothered to open another table, and the fact they are closed when the person leaves also bothering (along with the message), it's just not fun to play HU on stars ! it is a fact. every time I play there I feel like fighting vs the software.
Table speed of NL HU cash games on PokerStars Quote
07-25-2010 , 04:17 PM
My thoughts on stars HU tables (for what it's worth):

(1) Obviously the new "normal" speed tables are too slow. What would be perfect is the old "fast" tables with a "post blind" option. In the meantime, please switch back to the old "fast" tables until this can be implemented.

(2) This is going to be unpopular, but I think 1 table per limit type is too low. I know many are concerned about the "cluttered" lobby without this limitation, but really, the lobby is always going to have a bunch of people waiting. A recreational player isn't going to choose to play with 20 people waiting in the lobby but not choose to play with 40, 60, or 100 players waiting in the lobby.

The upside to being able to sit at more tables is that oftentimes a recreational player wants to instantly join 2 (usually not more, and usually short stackers) tables of the same type. Currently, they are simply going to sit with 2 different players. I know the argument goes that you can always ask for more tables once they sit down, but in reality, it does not work this way. Recreational players simply pick the tables they want to play at in the lobby and those are the ones they play. I have never once witnessed a recreational player sit with me and ask for more tables, but I have witnesses them sit at 2 of my tables. When I ask if they want to play another table, it almost always fails.

So if ultimately stars wants to go to 20-100bb tables only (which I'm for), please allow at least 2 tables per limit for the above reason. Please think about this guys, there is some upside for us and very little (I would actually argue no) downside.

(3) Get rid of the 20-50bb tables and just have all tables 20-100bbs. Really, I would like to see 20-100bb tables and 40-200bb tables, but I'm not sure this is a realistic request. If there is a chance of stars implementing this, I am 100% for it.
Table speed of NL HU cash games on PokerStars Quote
07-25-2010 , 04:37 PM
i hope everyone realizes that if you ask stars to switch back to fast tables you'll be without autopost for another month or two from the sound of it. everyone better come to a consensus of whether you prefer slow play + the option to post or fast play w/o that option (i wont bother inputting my own opinion bc im basically busto on stars anyways) because i know as soon as something goes down everyone's gonna come out the woodwork bitching and moaning again...
Table speed of NL HU cash games on PokerStars Quote
07-25-2010 , 04:43 PM
Anything is better than the games being this slow, its tilting. Switch back to fast speed tables until the software can have an option for an auto-post.
Table speed of NL HU cash games on PokerStars Quote
07-25-2010 , 04:43 PM
Fix the 10 second delay between hands.

I can't stress this enough. That's the consensus. Leave it as it is currently, just fix the delay between hands.

Oh ya, and Aquadougs is an idiot or he's leveling, which makes him an idiot.
Table speed of NL HU cash games on PokerStars Quote
07-25-2010 , 04:46 PM
Could we please get a word as to why you only allow a single table type per limit without allowing us to open as many as we want and only having one of them visible in the lobby? It's extremely frustrating to have to continuously open new tables to get action when you play every table type for every limit 1/2 and up.

Two table types per limit without autoclose as soon as the system sees you have more than 2 tables open = exploitable, clutters up lobby. Unlimited tables per type per limit with one table type per limit visible in the lobby = unexploitable in regard to people "monopolizing" the action, does not clutter up lobby. Why have the visibly inferior system in place?
Table speed of NL HU cash games on PokerStars Quote
07-25-2010 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by limberger23
omg... impossible to play on stars having to wait 10 seconds for every fkn hand
first i thought it was lagging, but then i realized they changed the table speed...
Table speed of NL HU cash games on PokerStars Quote
07-25-2010 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by tanuLean
Oh ya, and Aquadougs is an idiot or he's leveling, which makes him an idiot.
I wasn't leveling. You just need to reread
Table speed of NL HU cash games on PokerStars Quote
07-25-2010 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by chasern1
first i thought it was lagging, but then i realized they changed the table speed...
HAHHAHAHA, I went through and checked to see if I had usenet or any torrents going then I checked my download speed before I realized it wasn't me. Soooooooo tilting.
Table speed of NL HU cash games on PokerStars Quote
07-25-2010 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by newb07
My thoughts on stars HU tables (for what it's worth):

(1) Obviously the new "normal" speed tables are too slow. What would be perfect is the old "fast" tables with a "post blind" option. In the meantime, please switch back to the old "fast" tables until this can be implemented.

(2) This is going to be unpopular, but I think 1 table per limit type is too low. I know many are concerned about the "cluttered" lobby without this limitation, but really, the lobby is always going to have a bunch of people waiting. A recreational player isn't going to choose to play with 20 people waiting in the lobby but not choose to play with 40, 60, or 100 players waiting in the lobby.

The upside to being able to sit at more tables is that oftentimes a recreational player wants to instantly join 2 (usually not more, and usually short stackers) tables of the same type. Currently, they are simply going to sit with 2 different players. I know the argument goes that you can always ask for more tables once they sit down, but in reality, it does not work this way. Recreational players simply pick the tables they want to play at in the lobby and those are the ones they play. I have never once witnessed a recreational player sit with me and ask for more tables, but I have witnesses them sit at 2 of my tables. When I ask if they want to play another table, it almost always fails.

So if ultimately stars wants to go to 20-100bb tables only (which I'm for), please allow at least 2 tables per limit for the above reason. Please think about this guys, there is some upside for us and very little (I would actually argue no) downside.

(3) Get rid of the 20-50bb tables and just have all tables 20-100bbs. Really, I would like to see 20-100bb tables and 40-200bb tables, but I'm not sure this is a realistic request. If there is a chance of stars implementing this, I am 100% for it.
I agree with this - I play a bunch on stars mid stakes up to 10/20. The slow tables have to be changed IMMEDIATELY - all the regulars are fundamentally unanimous that it is too slow right now.

I don't understand why there is now 1 table per limit - I thought a 2 table limit was too far. Playing someone on one table can often be boring - players (either regs or recreational) should have the CHOICE to play someone on 2 tables if they want to - it makes it a lot more testing,interesting and faster (without these new slow tables). Having just one table limits this option as people will often just join the other table rather then going through the hastle of asking.

In conclusion I think stars has gone a bit too far in this update and this should definitely be reversed.
Table speed of NL HU cash games on PokerStars Quote
07-25-2010 , 05:43 PM
Please add the dialog "would you like to auto-post blinds?" after the person posts the first time (like all other sites have). I just played someone who wasn't auto-posting (prob because they didn't realize the option had been added). That combined with the 10 seconds was very tilting.

Like everyone else said, just make it the standard 4 seconds between hands or whatever, 8-10 seconds is obviously ridiculous.
Table speed of NL HU cash games on PokerStars Quote
07-25-2010 , 06:29 PM
yeh gettin fish quit me cos they say im takin to long but its the fffff ing software!!!
Table speed of NL HU cash games on PokerStars Quote
07-25-2010 , 07:06 PM
The amount of time in between hands needs to be changed immediately, just reinforcing that.
Table speed of NL HU cash games on PokerStars Quote
07-25-2010 , 07:16 PM
Why does the PREVIOUS HAND button disappear when somebody quits you HU? I don't want to go through the HH window when I have other games running.
Table speed of NL HU cash games on PokerStars Quote
07-25-2010 , 07:17 PM
That was like that pre-patch I'm 90% sure.
Table speed of NL HU cash games on PokerStars Quote
07-25-2010 , 07:20 PM
Tanulean you made your point quit spamming the thread already.

1 table per limit is awesome for those of us who play mult sites but obviously the FTP setup of sit unlimited and one shows in lobby is ideal. The question is what should the setup be until the ideal fix is made? I'd say one table per limit but fast tables + auto post is definitely more important imo
Table speed of NL HU cash games on PokerStars Quote
07-25-2010 , 07:22 PM
Just want to agree with table speed being annoying right now.
Table speed of NL HU cash games on PokerStars Quote
07-25-2010 , 07:32 PM
Yes bring back fast tables please.
Table speed of NL HU cash games on PokerStars Quote
07-25-2010 , 07:34 PM
Don't have time to play today, but was wondering if minimized tables now pop up when somebody sits?
Table speed of NL HU cash games on PokerStars Quote
07-25-2010 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by Sro238
Anything is better than the games being this slow, its tilting. Switch back to fast speed tables until the software can have an option for an auto-post.
+1, while I like the "not to auto post feature", but it's definitely not worth this 10 second delay, it's driving me insane, I keep thinking my computer is freezing
Table speed of NL HU cash games on PokerStars Quote
07-25-2010 , 07:57 PM
I changed my mind. I actually like the relaxing pace.

JK I even quit a fish on Stars. I quit my session - couldn't take it.
Table speed of NL HU cash games on PokerStars Quote
07-25-2010 , 08:26 PM
My 2 cents:

Players should be allowed to sit at 2 tables, there will be slight lobby clutter but the advantages are well worth it, at least for now while we work towards what many others have referred to as the "ideal", which would be the FTP method of unlimited seats but only display 1 in lobby. The speed should be returned to fast, but the addition of the auto-post button should be integrated ASAP.
Table speed of NL HU cash games on PokerStars Quote
07-25-2010 , 08:41 PM
tiltingly slow
Table speed of NL HU cash games on PokerStars Quote
07-25-2010 , 09:03 PM
grunching and i don't know if this is the right spot to put this, but i just got booted from a hu table MID MATCH

got a message that i'd reached my limit for # of empty tables even though i was IN A MATCH WITH SOMEBODY AT THE TABLE

are we only allowed to sit at one empty table per limit now? that's a terrible pain in the ass. especially since it booted me from the table where i had the most money.
Table speed of NL HU cash games on PokerStars Quote
