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The Swell The Swell

08-21-2010 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by MrDrTurtleRick
What was the prop bet you lost with the paintball gun vs Dwan??
die in a grease fire!!!!!!!!!!
The Swell Quote
08-21-2010 , 03:02 PM
That was impressive what your friend did for you with the 10k and plane ticket. Someday, if I ever get where I want to be, Id like to do that for a friend, awesome.

Your comment that alot of single moms were counting you on TBG was hilareous.

Are you inclined to ball for the rest of your life? Not that there is anything wrong with that but it seems quite a hustle and alot of work. Like, stressfull. I mean, a guy like Barry G or Ivey have that go to sponsorhip money coming in right. I take it you dont play tournements really ? Do you have plans to find some steady source of income and maybe have a family, or will it be ballin till death?
Just curious, not a value judgement.
The Swell Quote
10-13-2010 , 01:35 AM
do you really need a coach for nl5-10? (read somewhere 100k hand prop bet at nl5-10)
The Swell Quote
10-13-2010 , 07:53 AM
Originally Posted by Poogs
Hey viffer,
I'm moving to vegas in decemeber and would love to buy you a couple drinks to pick your brain. I can beat 1/2 NL online and and and gonna make the jump to 400 nl soon. If you could be my coach and help me progress through 10/20 nl I'd be your assistant/do the things you don't wanna do (cook, clean, shop, pay bills etc). I'm very normal and could prob help you not kill yourself at the same time!
The Swell Quote
10-13-2010 , 03:18 PM
what do u think of daniel negreanu as a player, skills, etc.?
The Swell Quote
10-13-2010 , 03:37 PM
viff what would you chose. to win a 500k pot against an unknown player. or suck out and hit a 2 outer against phil hellmuth for 400k?
The Swell Quote
10-14-2010 , 02:05 AM
^ pretty sick


ICP fan?
The Swell Quote
10-14-2010 , 04:09 AM
Originally Posted by HypeRNova4u
viff what would you chose. to win a 500k pot against an unknown player. or suck out and hit a 2 outer against phil hellmuth for 400k?
On tv obv 400 k from phill, in private 509k. sick questio!!!!! I think I'm even sicker!!! Would love to get like 80k in preflop with aa vs kk then him spike a K on flop get another 320 in then me spike an ace on river !!

Honestly tho I'd probally lay hand down on flop vs his nitty ass I made a bad play vs him with aq once now I got good read on him and his game, good luck him.
The Swell Quote
10-14-2010 , 05:01 AM

On the current PAD cash game you seem to make an effort to make 'AM' feel like the man by saying his name out loudly when he wins a pot / generally making comments that you wouldn't make if say PA won a pot. It's kinda obvious what you're doing - do you think one can do too far - i mean it must be obv to him and the last thing you'd want to do is patronise him.

How important do you think it is for live poker players to do this kinda stuff to accomodate / ensure recreational players enjoy themselves? It's really not something that you see other players doing much. I mean I don't think PA, for example, said one word to him during the show (or prob any other players tbh).
The Swell Quote
10-14-2010 , 05:16 AM
Originally Posted by AshleyC

On the current PAD cash game you seem to make an effort to make 'AM' feel like the man by saying his name out loudly when he wins a pot / generally making comments that you wouldn't make if say PA won a pot. It's kinda obvious what you're doing - do you think one can do too far - i mean it must be obv to him and the last thing you'd want to do is patronise him.

How important do you think it is for live poker players to do this kinda stuff to accomodate / ensure recreational players enjoy themselves? It's really not something that you see other players doing much. I mean I don't think PA, for example, said one word to him during the show (or prob any other players tbh).
Allen is a personal friend of mine away from poker, if he ever looses a pot I'll stick the dagger right down his throat, patrik and phill are to good and handle them self in a way I could never needle them. They are very respectable people and treat everyone that way, I don't know them well enough to joke with them and they don't open them self up for it,
The Swell Quote
10-14-2010 , 09:40 AM
I hope good things happen to you viffer.
The Swell Quote
10-14-2010 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by viffer
On tv obv 400 k from phill, in private 509k. sick questio!!!!! I think I'm even sicker!!! Would love to get like 80k in preflop with aa vs kk then him spike a K on flop get another 320 in then me spike an ace on river !!

Honestly tho I'd probally lay hand down on flop vs his nitty ass I made a bad play vs him with aq once now I got good read on him and his game, good luck him.
HAHAHA i would love to watch that phil blowup! yourrrr soo sick viffer! GL hope all is well and continues to be so!
The Swell Quote
10-16-2010 , 12:39 AM
Viffer just heard this line of yours "welcome to value city, population: you". to Phil Helmuth.... absolutely hilarious!!!! your the man dude!
The Swell Quote
10-16-2010 , 12:41 AM

related to above post! so funny!
The Swell Quote
10-16-2010 , 03:23 AM
Viffer you crushed Troy Howard's soul


Real question: How effective do you think table talk is beneficial to your game?
The Swell Quote
10-16-2010 , 11:10 AM
viffer do you come up with stuff like "9 ball corner pocket" and "value city population you" on the spot or do you have a collection of sayings that you are ready to fire out anytime appropriate
The Swell Quote
10-16-2010 , 01:01 PM
Have Dwan take pics on Halloween and post imo.
The Swell Quote
10-16-2010 , 05:49 PM
It seems like you were at the right time at the right place a lot.

Going forward, what profitable hussles do you see coming up, or currently in play?
The Swell Quote
10-16-2010 , 10:38 PM
I was just watching the new poker after dark and i have a question.

You had AhTd on the CO. Meltzer on button had AK. Why didn't you cbet the 9hKhAd flop? with backdoor nut flush equity + top pair?

and also lol why each round were you putting the blinds out for Meltzer -?

Last edited by p0kertiltX; 10-16-2010 at 10:55 PM.
The Swell Quote
10-17-2010 , 02:14 AM
Originally Posted by p0kertiltX
I was just watching the new poker after dark and i have a question.

You had AhTd on the CO. Meltzer on button had AK. Why didn't you cbet the 9hKhAd flop? with backdoor nut flush equity + top pair?

and also lol why each round were you putting the blinds out for Meltzer -?
And Backdoor straight lol
The Swell Quote
10-17-2010 , 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by p0kertiltX
and also lol why each round were you putting the blinds out for Meltzer -?
guessing meltzer was too slow, busy deep throating that plastic spoon or, his stubby little arms where to small to reach all the chips he had.
The Swell Quote
10-19-2010 , 10:15 AM
Are you secretly English?
The Swell Quote
10-19-2010 , 02:41 PM
OK. I have heard similar stories about other players.

Not necessarily asking that you explain your situation, but in general, if a well-known high stakes player is down a lot, where does he or she get the money to keep playing? Do the casinos loan them money and at what kind of interest rates?

So, if you're $2 million down over the last few years, does that mean you're totally in debt, or that you just have $2 million less than you had a few years ago. If you have even $1 million, why not walk away and go do something else?

Originally Posted by viffer
what money im im trying to get back to broke,

im close to even in online poker maybe a few 100k down, but in last 2 years im down 2 million online id guess
The Swell Quote
10-19-2010 , 02:51 PM
I have done some volunteering in several state correctional facilities over the past 10 years or so. You definitely beat the odds in that you didn't end up doing hard time as an adult, given what you were into as a kid.

Sounds as if you have certainly seen some tough times. On the other hand, you are also very fortunate.

Originally Posted by viffer
Ill tell a good juvy story,

so i was 14 living in san diego scalping tickets, breaking into houses and cars living in sleeping bag just up the hill from mission valley, one day i take the bus down to fashion valley mall on my way to go play street fghter in the arcade there i pass a bike rack with a mo-ped chained to the rack i notice that there wasnt a key needed to start it and thought to my self who needs the bus this mo-ped would suit me just fine. So of course i went to ace hard ware bought me some bolt cutters and went back to the rack and next thing you know im riding this mo-ped!!!! drove the thing around for about a week and one day im pulling into jack murphy stadium for a padres game, start selling tickets and these to guys kinda pull me aside turns out they were undercover coops. they write me a ticket for ticket scalping and are about to let me go when one of them asks where my drivers liscence is, i said i dont have one why? he said i think i remember seeing you ride in on a moped, im like nope i took the bus, of course the hall monitor ****er remembered well and saw the moped and ran it and it came up stolen, so off to jail i go. they couldnt get ahold of my mom so they transported me from the jail to juvy, i got booked in and was placed in a cell with this 30 pound white kid that was like inbred, kinda reminded me of the bruiser. it was a bunkbed cell with just the 2 of us and i had the bottom, so in the middle of the night i wake up to this punk wacking off aiming at my face, im like wtf jump up and hit bust his nose first punch then continue to beat him down. security comes in and they see me stomping him and figure im the bad guy. i explain what happened and they dont care so i spend the rest of night in solitare cell.

the next day the move me to a 12 person dorm with 4 bunk beds 2 on each wall and 4 single beds in middle. everyone in there was like 15-18 and big as ****, they were all cut up and i was ****ting a brick, i got a top bunk in the corner. so the day goes on and now its supper time, and i see people from my dorm making trades and giving trustees things. im not exactly sure what they are bartering for but i was a lil concerned. after dinner it was clean up and the clean up crew started sneeking things to the guys in my dorm, i saw lotion and rubber gloves be given and hidden, i started to get a little concerned. clean up was over and now the guys took the matresses off there bed wrapped sheets around them and were doing curls, these guys looked like giants to me, and some of them started talking about how they going to get fee fee tonight. Now im getting a lot nervous and am curled up in my bunk back to the wall. after about a hour or so its lights out.

now im really getting scared im the only white kid in there rest are black or mexican and they start chanting fee fee, feee feee im first im first, now the biggest one says jose go watch the door, i got the lotion, who had the rubber? i got it all planned out im just going to kick who ever comes up my bunk and go out fighting, well they got a guy by the door, lights are off and they chanting fee fee feee fee, i just know im fee fee.

now all of a sudden the guy takes out a towel and puts the rubber glove in it, and starts folding the towel around the glove, when it was all folded up he pulled the open part over the ends of the towel and it held togather, he threw the lotion in the middle and started ****ing the glove inside the towel. and that was fee fee. they passed it around and a few guys busted in there , i sure thought i was fee fee that night!!!!!
The Swell Quote
10-19-2010 , 02:58 PM
What screen names does viffer play under?
The Swell Quote
