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Stupid question - KK preflop against "PLAYS EVERY HAND" guy's 12x BTN raise Stupid question - KK preflop against "PLAYS EVERY HAND" guy's 12x BTN raise

04-22-2020 , 04:58 AM
Originally Posted by D-Beat
Thanks for all of the responses:

I flatted
jk i shoved 150 bucks in his face while he still loved his hand

Any argument for a $35-$50 3b over shoving? 12x is pretty extreme, but these things are happening a lot with quarantine and new blood and bored blood (and presumably drunk blood) opening out of nowhere to 6-8x and I'm freezing no matter what I have.
And he folded?
Stupid question - KK preflop against "PLAYS EVERY HAND" guy's 12x BTN raise Quote
04-22-2020 , 05:00 AM
Originally Posted by dubakkur2
i dont disagree - i can see where u r coming from

be it poker, finance or real life - in the return (ev)/risk (var) equation my philosophy is to get the same return with minimal risk - it is the ratio that matters not the numerator or the denominator

high risk does not imply high reward
  1. I dont like to payoff fishes esp during this time
  2. I embrace good variance - I avoid taking bad risks esp with 100bb+ stacks
  3. I play for fun - I dont aspire to become pro - I will never be nor i need the $ from poker
  4. I dont grind huge volumes or hours playing poker or crunching solvers
I get the logic, I just think your read is wrong here so your ratio is also wrong. This feels very plus EV as well as being risky.

Lets imagine you knew your win % in advance. What would it have to be to call a 100bb shove?
Stupid question - KK preflop against "PLAYS EVERY HAND" guy's 12x BTN raise Quote
04-22-2020 , 06:28 AM
I wasn't in the hand, but a guy at one of my tables yesterday raised 14 BBs in MP with 76o
Stupid question - KK preflop against "PLAYS EVERY HAND" guy's 12x BTN raise Quote
04-22-2020 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by jeccross
And he folded?
He called with tens. Kings held.
Stupid question - KK preflop against "PLAYS EVERY HAND" guy's 12x BTN raise Quote
