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Stranglylucid - The well Stranglylucid - The well

02-07-2011 , 05:26 PM
Yeah, well, my fiance is 28 and makes me grow a goatee because I look younger than she does.

My personal favorite baby face story: I was shopping for party supplies with a 17 year old girl when she ran into some of her freinds. They started talking and I kept on shopping. Her freind asked if we were dating, and she said no. Freind said oh, good. I thought you were to old for him. I was 26 at the time.
Stranglylucid - The well Quote
02-07-2011 , 05:33 PM
At what point were you able to block out all distractions while playing and treat poker as a job? Do you still struggle with it? (like browse internet etc..) What do you do to help focus?
Stranglylucid - The well Quote
02-07-2011 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by SaberTJ
At what point were you able to block out all distractions while playing and treat poker as a job? Do you still struggle with it? (like browse internet etc..) What do you do to help focus?
Once I started playing more than 6 tables this has never been a problem for me. I have ADD, but grew up in a generation that didn't know what that was. One of the traits is that I am able to completely lose myself in something for extended periods of time with little to no issues.

Recently I have started actually being poker social on skype. It's really good as I am getting some poker freinds, which is beneficial in many ways, but it does occasionally make playing a bit harder as I have limited playing time.

I never browse or anything though. Just pop up a CR vid or occasionally pandora.

As for the job thing. In a way I have always treated it as such. It's just not in my personallity to not try to win. Even now when I go back and play 2NL (which I still do occasionally) I treat it the same as 50NL.

I actually had some freinds over for poker last weekend, and I think that was the first time I screwed around in poker for over a year. It was fun to limp and chase gut shots.
Stranglylucid - The well Quote
02-07-2011 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by stranglylucid
Doom Generation
Stranglylucid - The well Quote
02-07-2011 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by stranglylucid
By this point I had basically done just about every degenerate thing you can think of, but I would probably get banned if I told all those stories.
No way can you get out of telling these now.

Biggest pot ever? (you never showed me this)

Best Day ever?

Do you ever or have you ever been into other video games or strategy games? Favorite?

Amount of money you would have to win to not play poker again?

Favorite Food?

Favorite Beer?
Stranglylucid - The well Quote
02-07-2011 , 07:15 PM
J/wondering. Poker is your primary job? How much are you taking the game for playing at the NL 50 level then?
Stranglylucid - The well Quote
02-07-2011 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by gadolparah
No way can you get out of telling these now.

Biggest pot ever? (you never showed me this)

Best Day ever?

Do you ever or have you ever been into other video games or strategy games? Favorite?

Amount of money you would have to win to not play poker again?

Favorite Food?

Favorite Beer?
LOL, Degen storyies. Gotta love em. My personal favorite was getting a fellow soldier's married sister to give me a mouth hug in the hallway of the hotel after we came back from Saudi Arabia and doing it in a spot where he would walk in. Dude was a total douche (in 6 years of military service he is the only person I red flagged, and he got it from everyone specialist level and below in our company outside of his squad). Plus, I hadn't seen a woman in 6 months. I figured I'd have to fight him with my pants down, but he didn't want to throw down over it.

I forgot about that! I'll post it with the graph later.

I'm into all sorts of games. Could be as simple as spades or a way to long addiction to Everquest. Everquest was pretty damn amazing until you got higher level. Then the amount of effort involved to get decent equipment was so unbelieveably over the top that it ruined the game for me. Still, I haven't found a game as good yet.

Best day ever was 6 25 buy ins and 6 5NL buy ins on the first of last month, although I was $10 off that mark last night.

Food - Steak. Pretty much any kind.

Beer - Any hefewiesen from Germany. God I miss that beer. When I was in last there on leave (I was playing the bad guys for the 82nd airborn to train against) I got a 20 proof beer at McDonalds while I was returning from leave. God I love that country.
Stranglylucid - The well Quote
02-07-2011 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by BWillie
J/wondering. Poker is your primary job? How much are you taking the game for playing at the NL 50 level then?
No, poker is not my primary income. I work for an insurance company putting contracts together all day. I don't know how much I make per hour playing 50NL. If I just play 25NL I make around 20 an hour. Right now I am playing a mix of 25 and 50. Generally I am looking for the 16 best tables between the two levels, but I usually wind up with about 2/3 being 25NL. My sample of 50NL is to small to have any idea what my win rate is going to be. And honestly, I doubt I will ever go back to just playing 1 level. Now that I am comfortable adjusting to different monetary amounts, reducing the player pool just seems silly.
Stranglylucid - The well Quote
02-07-2011 , 07:22 PM
If you could have lunch with any three people living, dead, or fictional who would they be?
Stranglylucid - The well Quote
02-07-2011 , 07:28 PM
Frank Lloyd Wright - Arguably the greatest architect ever
George Carlin - Nuff said.
Robert Jordan - Wrote what I consider to be the best fantasy series ever. Vietnam Vet. All around amazing individual.
Stranglylucid - The well Quote
02-07-2011 , 07:59 PM
More degen drinking/army stories please.

Longest time you've gone in the last month without checking 2+2?

Favourite historical figure?

All family and monetary constraints aside, would you return to college now if given the chance?

Largest change you've made to your game in the last month?

You said you play a low variance style, perhaps you could coach me? Im getting sick of the +/- 15 buyin days. (will be digging out of a monster hole after I finish typing this up in fact)

Assuming you end up "going pro" in the near future, how long would you want to do that for? Any backup plan?
Stranglylucid - The well Quote
02-07-2011 , 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by stranglylucid
uNL concept - 3 betting! Oh my god. So many people misunderstand this. They turn good hands into bluffs, pick horrid spots, take their bluff lines to far, the value lines are either way to strong or way to weak. And people really really overdo it. If you table select well and are running over 4% (I only run 3%, but I know I miss spots), your probably doing it to much. Yeah, Mpethy can run with 7%. But that doesn't mean most players can.
this is so true.
Stranglylucid - The well Quote
02-07-2011 , 08:34 PM
So do you currently live in QC or KC?
Stranglylucid - The well Quote
02-07-2011 , 08:36 PM
If you were stuck on a Desert Island........who from 2+2 would you take with you?

How has uNLFR2+2 changed in your time here?
Stranglylucid - The well Quote
02-07-2011 , 08:53 PM
3 favourite movies?

You can go to one, and only one of the following events: SuperBowl , World Series Final, NBA Finals, NHL finals (I keep throwing hockey in. Eventually someone will pick it.)

You arrive at a cross street and there's a bar on every corner: dive biker bar, sports bar, Irish style pub and hotel lounge. Which one do you choose?
Stranglylucid - The well Quote
02-07-2011 , 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by thejuggernaut
More degen drinking/army stories please.

Longest time you've gone in the last month without checking 2+2?

Favourite historical figure?

All family and monetary constraints aside, would you return to college now if given the chance?

Largest change you've made to your game in the last month?

You said you play a low variance style, perhaps you could coach me? Im getting sick of the +/- 15 buyin days. (will be digging out of a monster hole after I finish typing this up in fact)

Assuming you end up "going pro" in the near future, how long would you want to do that for? Any backup plan?
To tired to think of one right now. Will add another one later.

3 days


No. My times in college really dissillutioned me to the whole institution. I had always detested High school because it was so easy. Then I get to college and it's the same crap. I actually had a teacher tell me my writing was to advanced for the class please dumb it down. Just really soured me on college. I could do some sort of internship though.

I'm actually not sure you would approve of some of my lines. Honestly, I'm not sure of them all the time, but a lot of it has to do with me not 3/4 betting pre-flop. At this stage of the game, people just aren't making big mistake pre-flop, so I often take hands to the flop. The down side, outside of having to board read, is that my 3 betting is a little light for a reg and I don't get paid off pre flop very often. Still working on that aspect.

As for going pro, if I can do it till retirement, that would be great. I've had enough crappy jobs in my life and I have enough going on that I doubt I would get burnt out with poker. My back up plan is my current plan. If you get a year or more of work in the insurance industry with contracts, you can pretty much get a job anywhere anytime. No one understands the contracts, so it is a highly sought after skill, if not highly paid.

Originally Posted by kmd107
So do you currently live in QC or KC?
Belton, MO. About 10 minutes outside of KC

Originally Posted by DiggertheDog
If you were stuck on a Desert Island........who from 2+2 would you take with you?

How has uNLFR2+2 changed in your time here?
Well, I only know one female here. So it would have to be Key.

It hasn't really changed as much as the "guards" have changed. Some of the better players who used to help out no longer or rarely post. It still feels odd that I am a respected poster and not a reg fish posting for advice.

Originally Posted by Rusty Nails
3 favourite movies?

You can go to one, and only one of the following events: SuperBowl , World Series Final, NBA Finals, NHL finals (I keep throwing hockey in. Eventually someone will pick it.)

You arrive at a cross street and there's a bar on every corner: dive biker bar, sports bar, Irish style pub and hotel lounge. Which one do you choose?
V for Vendetta
Kung Fu Panda at the moment.

NBA finals (unless the Chiefs are playing).

Depends on the day. Lounge is out though. If the dive biker bar has a pool table, you could cross out the sports bar as well.
Stranglylucid - The well Quote
02-07-2011 , 11:33 PM
Biggest winning hand:

Full Tilt Poker $0.25/$0.50 Pot Limit Hold'em - 8 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter By DeucesCracked Poker Videos

UTG: $38.05
Hero (UTG+1): $68.60
MP1: $67.35
MP2: $69.15
CO: $33.85
BTN: $86.40
SB: $52.50
BB: $50.00

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is UTG+1 with A K
UTG calls $0.50, Hero raises to $2.25, 1 fold, MP2 calls $2.25, 3 folds, BB calls $1.75, 1 fold

Flop: ($7.50) A J T (3 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $5, MP2 calls $5, BB calls $5

Turn: ($22.50) Q (3 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $22.50, MP2 calls $22.50, BB folds

River: ($67.50) 7 (2 players)
Hero bets $38.85 all in, MP2 calls $38.85

Final Pot: $145.20
Hero shows A K (a straight, Ace high)
MP2 mucks 8 9
Hero wins $142.20
(Rake: $3.00)
Stranglylucid - The well Quote
02-07-2011 , 11:47 PM
Last 8 months of stats:

And Graph:

And just to show the improvement, this year:

Stranglylucid - The well Quote
02-08-2011 , 12:25 AM
play more .02/.05 cap pl
Stranglylucid - The well Quote
02-08-2011 , 12:39 AM
ty for answering my q's, keep at it man
Stranglylucid - The well Quote
02-08-2011 , 03:50 AM
Never played Darqblue either.
Stranglylucid - The well Quote
02-08-2011 , 04:12 AM
Originally Posted by stranglylucid
Frank Lloyd Wright - Arguably the greatest architect ever
Speaking of which, how many additions to your house have I paid for personally?
Stranglylucid - The well Quote
02-08-2011 , 05:28 AM
When you mean table select, how do you do it, or is there a thread I can go regarding this? I just go to the table w/ the highest players to the flop. Usually can get in 14 tables NL 10 anytime in 15-20 min above 30%. I'm sure there is a better way to find bad players though
Stranglylucid - The well Quote
02-08-2011 , 05:47 AM
Originally Posted by BWillie
When you mean table select, how do you do it, or is there a thread I can go regarding this? I just go to the table w/ the highest players to the flop. Usually can get in 14 tables NL 10 anytime in 15-20 min above 30%. I'm sure there is a better way to find bad players though
Guaranteed best way to table select is to find players with 50bb but less than 100bb at your table.....the more of them on your table the better.
Stranglylucid - The well Quote
02-08-2011 , 07:20 AM
Have to say Strangly - sexy graph.

Did you ever shoot someone when you were in the military?

Worst beat ever?

Best 25NL reg, 50NL reg?

Most embarassing moment?
Stranglylucid - The well Quote
