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Still having some AK troubles Still having some AK troubles

09-08-2011 , 03:52 PM
When are we 3 bet folding AK?

I have no problem shoving into a whale or fish, but I find I should be 3 bet folding in some spots to certain player types. Can someone help me outline this?

Seems to be my biggest leak at the moment.

Just general troubles playing AK pre flop.

Also, is there an argument as to when we can just flat with AK?!
Still having some AK troubles Quote
09-08-2011 , 03:53 PM
never... if you don't want to 3b/5b just flat pre
Still having some AK troubles Quote
09-08-2011 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by timmyk
When are we 3 bet folding AK?
Almost never.
Still having some AK troubles Quote
09-08-2011 , 03:56 PM
But what if villian is only ever 4 betting KK or AA. Does it then make sense to just fold to a 4 bet?

How do you generally play AK? Are you always playing to get it in preflop?

Also is it okay to just limp in rather then 3 bet with this hand? It\s been causing me so much trouble.
Still having some AK troubles Quote
09-08-2011 , 04:01 PM
if you think he's only 4betting KK+ then obv you flat AK instead of 3betting

what do you mean limp in rather than 3bet? there is never an option to limp in or 3bet ducy?
if you mean call someone's open, yes its fine to call an open raise with AK
Still having some AK troubles Quote
09-08-2011 , 04:04 PM
yeah thats what I ment call open....

so can I 3 bet-call 4bet and fold if the flop doesnt hit?

or is it always mathematically correct to stick the stack in with AK, regardless of opponent

i just need some help with these lines,

i feel right now best line is 3 bet, call 4 bet unless if he has a high 4 bet range then 5 bet/stick it in, or if he is uber nit and already 3 bet call open....

if im wrong please tell me a better alternative and why it is better

Still having some AK troubles Quote
09-08-2011 , 04:41 PM
jam over the 4bet

again, if you are not comfortable doing that, dont 3bet
Still having some AK troubles Quote
09-08-2011 , 05:05 PM
Well I am comfortable most times....but a three bet makes it so I can know what his range is easier and when he 4 bets Im usually beat with AK and I know his range even better.
Still having some AK troubles Quote
09-08-2011 , 05:07 PM
no. you 3bet because you know he will
flat with worse
4bet and fold to a jam
4bet and call with worse

for the final fkn time. dont 3bet AK and fold to a 4bet
Still having some AK troubles Quote
09-08-2011 , 05:29 PM
oh really? KK and AA are better than AK?
Still having some AK troubles Quote
09-08-2011 , 05:34 PM
Please give examples, this is a blanket statement

Originally Posted by timmyk
But what if villian is only ever 4 betting KK or AA. Does it then make sense to just fold to a 4 bet?

How do you generally play AK? Are you always playing to get it in preflop?

Also is it okay to just limp in rather then 3 bet with this hand? It\s been causing me so much trouble.
Still having some AK troubles Quote
09-08-2011 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by mynameispalle
oh really? KK and AA are better than AK?
pre im putting my money in bad
Still having some AK troubles Quote
09-08-2011 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by timmyk
pre im putting my money in bad
since you clearly lack the iq to understand the simple sentences i wrote earlier i will try again. even though you told me you will kill me

only 3bet AK if at least one of the following is true

villain will:

flat with worse
4bet and fold to a jam
4bet and call with worse

if none of these are true, meaning he just 4bets you with a tight valuerange, then you should not even 3bet.

is that clear enough for you sir
Still having some AK troubles Quote
09-08-2011 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by mynameispalle
since you clearly lack the iq to understand the simple sentences i wrote earlier i will try again. even though you told me you will kill me

only 3bet AK if at least one of the following is true

villain will:

flat with worse
4bet and fold to a jam
4bet and call with worse

if none of these are true, meaning he just 4bets you with a tight valuerange, then you should not even 3bet.

is that clear enough for you sir
why can't villain have a wide 3 bet flatting range but a tight 4 bet value range? in that scenario surely 3bet/folding AK is best?
Still having some AK troubles Quote
09-08-2011 , 06:45 PM
It depends on the stack sizes.
Still having some AK troubles Quote
09-08-2011 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by pbowenroe
why can't villain have a wide 3 bet flatting range but a tight 4 bet value range? in that scenario surely 3bet/folding AK is best?
if you have good reads and a big sample size where he doesnt fold to 3bets but has a tiny 4bet then yes
Still having some AK troubles Quote
09-08-2011 , 07:16 PM
100bb deep we can usually 3b/f vs a presumed 4bet range of AK/QQ+.

this is especially true when we're OOP because certain regs will flat AK more often than they will jam JJ when IP. we need the opposite scenario to this in order to make jamming +ev.

of course most competent regs are willing to stack off lighter than that and 4b bluff sometimes, so vs them jamming is printing money.

Last edited by 1847 in Norway; 09-08-2011 at 07:23 PM.
Still having some AK troubles Quote
09-08-2011 , 07:20 PM
Still having some AK troubles Quote
09-08-2011 , 07:39 PM

I feel your pain bro. I used to over play AK like it was going out of style. I'll 3bet AK about 75% of the time...but against people who are super super tight that 4bet, I'll fold. Against normal people who might 4bet AT/99+ I might jam.

You say you've been having trouble, are you running into AA or KK, or flipping vs other pairs and losing? In a tournament, I'd shove it with AK almost 100% and not be afraid of AA or KK, but cash is a different beast. I think by 3betting if you get 4bet by normal players they are probably not 4betting light.

In fact, because you're posting here they probably have QQ+ and you've lost a couple times. You can't always assume AA or KK but if you find that people only 4bet that range, then I'd 3bet 100% and fold to a 4bet 100%. You 3bet to see if they call, if they just call you rule out KK+...if they come over, you save yourself money if a K or A hits the board on the flop b/c you folded to their 4bet.

Just my tow 2 dimes.
Still having some AK troubles Quote
09-08-2011 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by RI Don

I feel your pain bro. I used to over play AK like it was going out of style. I'll 3bet AK about 75% of the time...but against people who are super super tight that 4bet, I'll fold. Against normal people who might 4bet AT/99+ I might jam.

You say you've been having trouble, are you running into AA or KK, or flipping vs other pairs and losing? In a tournament, I'd shove it with AK almost 100% and not be afraid of AA or KK, but cash is a different beast. I think by 3betting if you get 4bet by normal players they are probably not 4betting light.

In fact, because you're posting here they probably have QQ+ and you've lost a couple times. You can't always assume AA or KK but if you find that people only 4bet that range, then I'd 3bet 100% and fold to a 4bet 100%. You 3bet to see if they call, if they just call you rule out KK+...if they come over, you save yourself money if a K or A hits the board on the flop b/c you folded to their 4bet.

Just my tow 2 dimes.
I personally don't like to do it, but if villian is IP and you 4-bet, they may flat just to balance out there range, unlikely, but possible. Don't really get the point of 3/bet folding with AK. Do get the most value of AK you need to see all 5 cards, and by 3bet folding you are turning AK into a bluff. Unless you have a read on a player, or they're super nitty, never ever 4-bet, except in this occassion.

I also hate playing AK oop OTF. Then I have c/f or b/f unless an A or a K comes along, so jamming PF isn't bad either (unless it's similiar to previous example). IP you can flat, but I like to play AK aggressively, that's just me
Still having some AK troubles Quote
09-08-2011 , 10:08 PM
op check your pm's
Still having some AK troubles Quote
09-08-2011 , 10:12 PM
Just to add my 2 pennys worth im on the side that think 3 betting aks is pretty ******ed in most scenerious.
Still having some AK troubles Quote
09-08-2011 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by dawn keebals
Just to add my 2 pennys worth im on the side that think 3 betting aks is pretty ******ed in most scenerious.
lol not this.
Still having some AK troubles Quote
09-08-2011 , 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by z0mgtiltz
lol not this.
Exactly this. No need to explain obvious reasons for it.

Notice i said most scenerious ,not all.
Still having some AK troubles Quote
09-08-2011 , 10:31 PM
Didn't wanna point it out, but : scenarios*
That was bothering me.

Just look at it this way, if you start 3bet bluffing a lot

-- People will adjust by defending wider IP vs you
--- If this happens, you have a good situation where they will flop hands that are dominated or flop hands that are just 2nd best.

-- People will start 4betting wider for value and as a bluff
--- If this happens, they create 20-25bb of dead money everytime they bluff, which is massively +ev for you. If they 4b/c wider, sometimes they'll be 4b/c with a dominated hand, also +ev for you.

Unless of course you don't have a 3bet bluffing range.
Which of course begs the question, why not? If it's cause they call too wide.
Then you would want to 3bet AKs...........

So explain why you would think that it's ******ed?
Still having some AK troubles Quote
