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Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread

06-14-2009 , 04:00 AM
Originally Posted by BigLawMonies
Is there a leak when someone WTSD like 23% and W$SD only like 48%? Or is that just a hot cold thing? I mean it seems that when WTSD goes down, W$SD should go up and vice versa.
You suck, ldo.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
06-14-2009 , 10:34 AM
att to steal 30.85

From the small blind I will call the bb with any two straight cards. If it is folded to me I usually try to raise so I dont have to play the flop oop. If they call I almost always c bet. Apparently I have been losing alot of money from the sb though, so do you think I should just cut all that out?

I pretty much stopped open limping with small pocket pairs(and anything else) about the time I started my -15bi, 15k hand downswing. So its hard for me to tell how much it's helped. I know they are unrelated, and I guess the real question I have is how common are these 15+ BI downswings for some of you more experienced players?
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
06-14-2009 , 12:21 PM
I think a 15 BI downswing usually signifies that you have leaks. I had a 12BI downswing at 25NL, have moved down to 10NL and found a lot of leaks with my game.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
06-14-2009 , 06:42 PM

Another red-line question.

I have played about 100K hands at 50NL and below and before May this month I was a very marginal winner (like 1ptBB/100) types. In may I made a bunch of changes to my game like no-cold calling, being more aggressive, stealing a lot more etc. and I found my winrate getting a HUGE boost (to like 10ptBB/100 over 25k hands) (it may have been a heater too!) Then this month I moved up to 50NL and my aggression has been met with a ton of resistance. And thus the negative red line. I keep thinking that my opponents are double/triple barrelling a lot and try to call them down a bit light too, only to loose showdown. But still can't figure what is the reason for such a HUGE slop on my red line. Any ideas/thoughts on this would be very nice.

My general stats are,

For the may period (the upline in this graph)
50NL, 14.1/9.5/2.77 5k hands
25NL, 12.9/8.8/2.33 10k hands

For the june period (the flatline in this graph)
50NL, 13.8/9.9/2.09 15k hands
25NL, 19.3/13.8/2.14 5k hands.

Position Stats May-June (upswing period): 25K hands

Position	Hands	bb/100	VPIP%	PFR%	3Bet%	WTSD%	W$SD%	Agg	Agg%	Steal Pct
1) small blind	3466	-19.97	19.8	8.7	2.4	25	52.7	2.13	31.3	27.9
2) big blind	3441	-54.54	9.9	4.4	3.5	25.2	47.2	2.03	19.1	na
3) early	7144 	13.35	9.6	7.4	0.9	25.7	59.1	3.06	40.7	na
4) middle	5563	10.91	13.2	9.5	2.1	31.5	46.1	2.16	35.1	na
5) cutoff	3308	51.03	17.9	12	2.8	30	60.2	2.44	35.5	19.3
6) button	3491	45.36	18.9	12	2.5	28.8	54.6	1.99	33.5	26.8

Position stats June period (Breakeven period). 25k hands.

Position	Hands	bb/100	VPIP%	PFR%	3Bet%	WTSD%	W$SD%	Agg	Agg%	Steal Pct
1) small blind	3518	-7.81	24.5	16	3.4	27.9	48.4	2.77	34.5	44.3
2) big blind	3499	-35.98	11.2	4.6	3.6	24.5	52.8	1.71	17.4	na
3) early	6431 	18.92	9.7	8.6	2.2	25.1	55.1	3.17	39.7	na
4) middle	4865 	13.2	13	9.7	1.6	24.5	52.2	2.27	31.5	na
5) cutoff	2872 	30.35	17	12.5	2.6	27.2	56.4	1.77	28.9	21.5
6) button	3067 	21.67	20.2	13.9	2.6	26.1	58.6	1.63	29	29.7
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
06-14-2009 , 09:44 PM
When I first started playing 25NL for almost my first 20 hours I was making:
14.5BB/100 @ $30 an Hour. (4-6 Tabling.)

Here are all my stats:

When I took a break for a few days and came back I didn't really find that I was getting unlucky or that the games changed. I felt that it was me that changed. I was playing allot different and over my that weekend I read allot of Harrington on Cash Games Volume 1 + 2. (made me way too passive) I'm back to winning good now but not even close to how good I was during these few days.

My Question: By looking at my stats can anyone tell if it's some amazing style that just dominated 25NL or that I kinda sucked and just got really lucky. (PM me if your interested into looking into my hand histories)
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
06-14-2009 , 10:52 PM
My Question: By looking at my stats can anyone tell if it's some amazing style that just dominated 25NL or that I kinda sucked and just got really lucky. (PM me if your interested into looking into my hand histories)
By the looks of it I would say that it's a combo of very good play and good cards. When I started 6 tabling a week ago I was running at $30 per hour after my 1st 4k hands or so. Then for my next 5-6k I just about broke even. Have a look below.

So don't change your style at all. Keep doing what you're doing and eventually your actual winrate will normalise. It'll probably take around 30k hands or so for this to happen.

Here's my graph and stats for this month if you wanna compare. The 1st half of the graph is NL25 and the 2nd half is NL50.

Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
06-14-2009 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by kinghyrule
When I first started playing 25NL for almost my first 20 hours I was making:
14.5BB/100 @ $30 an Hour. (4-6 Tabling.)

Here are all my stats:

When I took a break for a few days and came back I didn't really find that I was getting unlucky or that the games changed. I felt that it was me that changed. I was playing allot different and over my that weekend I read allot of Harrington on Cash Games Volume 1 + 2. (made me way too passive) I'm back to winning good now but not even close to how good I was during these few days.

My Question: By looking at my stats can anyone tell if it's some amazing style that just dominated 25NL or that I kinda sucked and just got really lucky. (PM me if your interested into looking into my hand histories)
14.5ptBB/100 @ 25NL is completely would be extremely difficult to even have half that.......your top players at 25NL probably have about 5-6ptBB/100.

I did notice from your stats that your CCPF is 8%. This is EXTREMELY high. This stat is normally around 1-2%. This leads me to believe that you are coldcalling way too much in all positions.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
06-14-2009 , 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by kinghyrule
When I first started playing 25NL for almost my first 20 hours I was making:
14.5BB/100 @ $30 an Hour. (4-6 Tabling.)

Here are all my stats:

When I took a break for a few days and came back I didn't really find that I was getting unlucky or that the games changed. I felt that it was me that changed. I was playing allot different and over my that weekend I read allot of Harrington on Cash Games Volume 1 + 2. (made me way too passive) I'm back to winning good now but not even close to how good I was during these few days.

My Question: By looking at my stats can anyone tell if it's some amazing style that just dominated 25NL or that I kinda sucked and just got really lucky. (PM me if your interested into looking into my hand histories)
If you don't mind me asking, were these hands played at FT or Stars? The reason I ask is because it looks like you are getting about 76 hands per hour per table. This looks to be high because at Stars you tend to get about 55-65 depending on if you play the regular or fast tables. I believe FT's software is about 25% faster so these look like they were played at FT? Just curious as I was doing some calculations and was trying to figure out how many hands per hour I would get in 4-6 tabling.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
06-15-2009 , 03:50 AM
By the looks of it I would say that it's a combo of very good play and good cards. When I started 6 tabling a week ago I was running at $30 per hour after my 1st 4k hands or so. Then for my next 5-6k I just about broke even. Have a look below.

So don't change your style at all. Keep doing what you're doing and eventually your actual winrate will normalise. It'll probably take around 30k hands or so for this to happen.

Here's my graph and stats for this month if you wanna compare. The 1st half of the graph is NL25 and the 2nd half is NL50.
It's funny how similar our stats are. And I think your right. Although as CWSports said and I definitely agree, Cold Calling Pre-Flop should only be 1%-2% higher than Pre-Flop Raise. Maybe 3%.

14.5ptBB/100 @ 25NL is completely would be extremely difficult to even have half that.......your top players at 25NL probably have about 5-6ptBB/100.

I did notice from your stats that your CCPF is 8%. This is EXTREMELY high. This stat is normally around 1-2%. This leads me to believe that you are coldcalling way too much in all positions.
Yeah I agree, and my play is different now but I was jealous of how good I did at first. I think it's possible to win higher than 6BB/100 but probably only when playing few tables and focusing allot on how your players are playing. But multi-tabling 10+ at 4-6BB/100 would make more money.

If you don't mind me asking, were these hands played at FT or Stars? The reason I ask is because it looks like you are getting about 76 hands per hour per table. This looks to be high because at Stars you tend to get about 55-65 depending on if you play the regular or fast tables. I believe FT's software is about 25% faster so these look like they were played at FT? Just curious as I was doing some calculations and was trying to figure out how many hands per hour I would get in 4-6 tabling.
I played them all at Stars. I filter for and play on fast tables only, getting an average of 75 hands per hour per table. What's FT's average?
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
06-15-2009 , 04:03 AM
^Not sure what the average hands per hour is at FT. Maybe someone that plays at FT can chime in.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
06-15-2009 , 08:58 AM
I only have 1600 hands so far at 2nl and just got HEM and I was wondering about my non show down wins.Is this normal for a 2NL or should I be more aggressive pre flop and then c bet more.I'm having a good wack at 2NL, my bb/100 is 76.4.It's seems like they will get there chip in with medeocer hands there.
I would like to improve on my non showdown winnings how would I best do this profitably?Thanks for your time

Last edited by babbyjesus; 06-15-2009 at 09:04 AM.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
06-15-2009 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by CWsports
^Not sure what the average hands per hour is at FT. Maybe someone that plays at FT can chime in.
Think FT is about 60-65 hands/hr? I'll check it when I get home...
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
06-15-2009 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by dagrim1
Think FT is about 60-65 hands/hr? I'll check it when I get home...
I just switched from PS to FTP and full tilt seems a lot faster. Just an observation and have no real evidence yet.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
06-15-2009 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by babbyjesus
I would like to improve on my non showdown winnings how would I best do this profitably?
I find it usually happens when villain folds. ldo

Blinds bring red line down.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
06-15-2009 , 02:40 PM

I haven't posted here before, so I hope I adhere to all the rules guidelines. Here are my stats/graphs:

Leaks I think I have;

1 - Need to increase my PFR% a bit.
2 - 3bet too little.
3 - Maybe I play too much from the blinds...!?

I could be completely wrong... I don't know. Any comments or help is appreciated though.

Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
06-15-2009 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by Tolerance24

I haven't posted here before, so I hope I adhere to all the rules guidelines. Here are my stats/graphs:

Leaks I think I have;

1 - Need to increase my PFR% a bit.
2 - 3bet too little.
3 - Maybe I play too much from the blinds...!?

I could be completely wrong... I don't know. Any comments or help is appreciated though.

Since you met all the usual requirements from this thread I am happy to give you some advice. (Hint Hint to some other posters who seem to not like to read)

1) Work on increasing your AF. Don’t go over board but look for more spots to increase your betting instead of calling.
2) Increase your 3 betting. I would increase my 3 bet spots if I was you. This one is a take it or leave it.
3) I think your CCPF looks pretty high. This will obv decrease as you increase your 3 bet spots and increase your PFR as you stated you think you need to accomplish.
4) Don’t, and let me repeat myself, DON’T! ever post when you are not forced to. Posting the blinds from any other position puts you are a serious disadvantage and has been proven to be –EV in even the juiciest of spots. You will hardly ever overcome the blind loses from those random spots and it will have a bad affect on your WR.

Those are the only glaring issues I saw and are pretty minor and may not be affecting your game anyways. You mentioned something about your blind play but you look to be doing quite well from the blinds. This could of course be from a smaller sample but I think you are doing ok from the blinds. Everything else looks spot on and you look like you are right on track. I wouldnt make any huge changes until you see some reasons to do so.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
06-15-2009 , 06:50 PM
1)It looks like you need to take advantage of the button more by widening you're raising range. Blind Stealing is hugely profitable when attempted against the right opponents .If you are using a hud and see that a player has a a high fold to steal attempt percentage than you can attack them with a very wide range until they prove that to you that they are capable of defending themselves.

2)Aggression factor should be increased as previous poster suggested. Look to increase it to 2.5 / 3.0

3)In general it looks as if you are allowing your opponents to control the play buy calling there bets as opposed to applying pressure on them by betting or raising.

hope this helps
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
06-15-2009 , 07:41 PM

Hey All!

I've been 6-8 tabling fr 25nl,50nl, and my roll is now sufficient for 100nl and would be really appreciative if anyone can point out any of my leaks they notice before I do go to 100nl.

I have only been using HEM for a couple of months and I am still not the best at stat analysis.

Places of concern......

1)Blind Play... I had a big leak early on of completing way too much out of the sb but I still don't feel totally comfortable as to what hands i should beplaying out of the blinds.

2)Red line..... at 13k hands I moved up to 50nl and after a 2k hand feeling in period my red line has gone a little crazy I'm not really sure if this is a good or bad thing?

-I do play a fairly aggro style bluffing a lot but I am concerned that I may not be getting value on my river bets. (I've found that some of the regs at 50nl are capable of making a good fold and getting away from an over pair when I am betting a set at them hard)

3) 21 it is higher than I would like in relation to my pfr but I think this is because I am limping 22-66 in early position as the players at these limits have been allowing me to get away with it. Not really sure if as I go up if I should just be folding small pairs utg or raising.

I know i have more leaks than these and if anyone sees anything else that I have not that would awesome. All input positive or negative would be great. Thanks in advance for taking the time
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
06-15-2009 , 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by Flat Beat

Hey All!

I've been 6-8 tabling fr 25nl,50nl, and my roll is now sufficient for 100nl and would be really appreciative if anyone can point out any of my leaks they notice before I do go to 100nl.

I have only been using HEM for a couple of months and I am still not the best at stat analysis.

Places of concern......

1)Blind Play... I had a big leak early on of completing way too much out of the sb but I still don't feel totally comfortable as to what hands i should beplaying out of the blinds.

2)Red line..... at 13k hands I moved up to 50nl and after a 2k hand feeling in period my red line has gone a little crazy I'm not really sure if this is a good or bad thing?

-I do play a fairly aggro style bluffing a lot but I am concerned that I may not be getting value on my river bets. (I've found that some of the regs at 50nl are capable of making a good fold and getting away from an over pair when I am betting a set at them hard)

3) 21 it is higher than I would like in relation to my pfr but I think this is because I am limping 22-66 in early position as the players at these limits have been allowing me to get away with it. Not really sure if as I go up if I should just be folding small pairs utg or raising.

I know i have more leaks than these and if anyone sees anything else that I have not that would awesome. All input positive or negative would be great. Thanks in advance for taking the time
Nice job. I am surprised you are able to get away with that big of a gap between your VPIP and PFR but it is definatly likely due to what I imagine are good postflop skills. I would lower my ATS% because you will likely not be able to get away with it being that high at $100nl but who knows. the upswung redline is always a good thing.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
06-16-2009 , 02:46 AM
@ flatbeat, everything is good except the huge gap between vpip and pfr. Can you elobrate on how you play postflop in the hands you are not the aggressor.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
06-16-2009 , 03:16 AM
Originally Posted by Jedi Speed Racer
@ flatbeat, everything is good except the huge gap between vpip and pfr. Can you elobrate on how you play postflop in the hands you are not the aggressor.

I tend to float a lot of villains flop cbets in position with the intent of taking the pot.

I don't raise very often w/mid pair or weaker on the flop if I feel a player is cbeting..... usually just call and reanalyze villains turn plain, if villain shuts down (most at 50nl don't 2nd barrel) I will often take the pot on the turn.

I also call on the button in multiway pots with speculative hands (maybe to often) hoping to connect or take the pot in position.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
06-16-2009 , 03:32 AM
Nice job. I am surprised you are able to get away with that big of a gap between your VPIP and PFR but it is definatly likely due to what I imagine are good postflop skills. I would lower my ATS% because you will likely not be able to get away with it being that high at $100nl but who knows. the upswung redline is always a good thing.

Thanks for the advice guys

The ATS% may seem high but I am pretty selective of what types of player I will attack and with what kind of hands.

If I have two mega tabling regs to my left who are playing fit or fold and have a high fold to steal % I raise them with any two when on the button.

I will also raise w/ any two against mega tabling short stacker.

If there is a fish on my left appears tiltable or will overplay top pair type hands I will raise them fairly wide with the goal of pissing them off This has proven to be profitable since when I flop a set and they flop top pair and I keep firing pot at them they stack off.

I differentiate my raise sizes based on the opponent though. Against the mega tabling reg or short stacker I raise small almost to the point of a min raise as they play so fit or fold that this is enough to make them fold most hands while minimizing the damage when u get raised the one in 20 times they decide to fight back. Its ridiculous how many times in a row some of these villains wiil fold there blinds.

If I have a hand that I am raising for value I will usually make a large raise but I will also mix it up as well to polarize my range.

In general I try to maintain an aggressive image and the constant blind stealing makes me appear more active than i really am.

Last edited by Flat Beat; 06-16-2009 at 03:41 AM.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
06-16-2009 , 03:34 AM
What vpip and pfr percentage do you guys think I should be shooting for?

Is my SB vpip to high? I still think i may be completing to often....

What do you guys think of my cbet percentage in relation to my cbet success rate?

The success rate does not seem high enough to me but I was thinking that is due to the fact that I play agro generally and I bet at my strong hands. ie. I bet at my set on ace or king high boards or if I have AK on a K26 board I will usually bet at my opponent with the hope of getting them to call with a weaker K or QQ-77 due to my image. So in general when I cbet I often want my opponent to be calling.

Last edited by Flat Beat; 06-16-2009 at 03:50 AM.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
06-16-2009 , 09:18 AM
Originally Posted by Flat Beat
Nice job. I am surprised you are able to get away with that big of a gap between your VPIP and PFR but it is definatly likely due to what I imagine are good postflop skills. I would lower my ATS% because you will likely not be able to get away with it being that high at $100nl but who knows. the upswung redline is always a good thing.

Thanks for the advice guys

The ATS% may seem high but I am pretty selective of what types of player I will attack and with what kind of hands.

If I have two mega tabling regs to my left who are playing fit or fold and have a high fold to steal % I raise them with any two when on the button.

I will also raise w/ any two against mega tabling short stacker.

If there is a fish on my left appears tiltable or will overplay top pair type hands I will raise them fairly wide with the goal of pissing them off This has proven to be profitable since when I flop a set and they flop top pair and I keep firing pot at them they stack off.

I differentiate my raise sizes based on the opponent though. Against the mega tabling reg or short stacker I raise small almost to the point of a min raise as they play so fit or fold that this is enough to make them fold most hands while minimizing the damage when u get raised the one in 20 times they decide to fight back. Its ridiculous how many times in a row some of these villains wiil fold there blinds.

If I have a hand that I am raising for value I will usually make a large raise but I will also mix it up as well to polarize my range.

In general I try to maintain an aggressive image and the constant blind stealing makes me appear more active than i really am.
As long as you are doing it selective with the right hands then you are in good shape. To be honest my ATS% is above 40 as well but have seen some advice saying it may not work as well once you move up. At $25nl it was in the high 40's. Looks like it is working just fine and until it proves to not be then stick with it, but dont be discouraged and make sure you adjust if when you move up to $100nl you notice them fighting back more. This is because there will be more thinking players who know how to adjust to your steals and take advantage of it.

Originally Posted by Flat Beat
What vpip and pfr percentage do you guys think I should be shooting for?

Is my SB vpip to high? I still think i may be completing to often....

What do you guys think of my cbet percentage in relation to my cbet success rate?

The success rate does not seem high enough to me but I was thinking that is due to the fact that I play agro generally and I bet at my strong hands. ie. I bet at my set on ace or king high boards or if I have AK on a K26 board I will usually bet at my opponent with the hope of getting them to call with a weaker K or QQ-77 due to my image. So in general when I cbet I often want my opponent to be calling.
Just try and adjust them closer. CC so much will probably not be as profitable at $100nl just because there are more thinking players who will be able to give you a range better and not let you float and take away pots. Just IMO though so take it for what its worth.
Your cbet% looks good. I have no real advice for cbet success rates so I will leave that one alone.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
06-16-2009 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by #1ThunderFan
I just switched from PS to FTP and full tilt seems a lot faster. Just an observation and have no real evidence yet.
FTP is faster because all tables are "fast tables".
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
