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Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread

04-05-2014 , 09:41 PM
Hey guys

I've been playing NL zoom 25 for 200k hands, full ring. These are my stats and graphs. I should say that i only started playing with HUD (PT4) after the hand 170k or so, and getting into theory a bit more (altho I've been playing poker for a long time, before this database I already played).

I haven't moved up to NL50 because i got my ass kicked very hard there twice, and I think my game still has some glitches. Hopefuly, you can spot some of them for me Thanks!

Last edited by paulozg; 04-05-2014 at 09:48 PM.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
05-07-2014 , 10:17 AM
Hi guys,

Just a general question. So yellow line is does not come close to see how hot or cold one is running. Are there other ways to see from database analysis?

I was just looking over at my AA/KK/QQ winrates. Since these hands are not difficult to play and its hard to mess up playing them 100bb deep (apart from QQ), and they happen to be our biggest winners, can we use them as a measure of how good we are running if we compare our winrates with the average.

So, what what are average winrates for these hands?
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
05-07-2014 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by jaypatel33
Hi guys,

Just a general question. So yellow line is does not come close to see how hot or cold one is running. Are there other ways to see from database analysis?

I was just looking over at my AA/KK/QQ winrates. Since these hands are not difficult to play and its hard to mess up playing them 100bb deep (apart from QQ), and they happen to be our biggest winners, can we use them as a measure of how good we are running if we compare our winrates with the average.

So, what what are average winrates for these hands?
Hey Jay,

I think we can take a look at how often we win when we hit TP, I don't know the exact numbers but I remember that I read somewhere that it's a good indicator for good/bad runs.

I'm interested in what others will reply.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
05-21-2014 , 05:55 PM

anyone have any thoughts they could share with me on my stats here? (2NL) i feel like the gap between VPIP and PFR might be too wide

also if anyone can tell me how the 'preflop positional awareness' (far right) is calculated that'd be cool
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
05-22-2014 , 07:18 AM
Hi everyone,

First post here.
I have played every now and then offline with friends short handed and thought i was the sh*t after 20 or so sessions live (~1600 hands?) so i started playing on PS,PP,888 and wherever, and it didn't take long to realise that i have a lot to learn.
I was too loose,passive not positionally aware,not able to fold, attacking those showing agression and bluffing at the river with air at the micros without any FE, and then going on monkeytilt, not mentioning any of the more sophisticated stuff, most of which even if i knew i misapplied. (you all must have loved me lol, probably still do)
I have been reading the forums for quite some time now, reading books(CTM and many more),theory posts etc, but never got myself to post before.

So thats where i came from,
After having 10bb/100 at NL2 on PS i went to NL5 from April 18 so here are the stats. I know what i do better now, but i would like your input on what (many things probably) needs to be changed still.
I know i am still about avg. but i was much worse.

I know the sample is too small yet to see if i am winning or losing, but i guess some of the stats that reflect on my game must be accurate enough by now for me to draw some conclusion and adjust.

The not too relevant graph @25k hands for NL5&NL10

Luck curve:

Pt4 stats by position:

Avg villain vs me on stars 2/5c and 5/10c:

What i think:
-I am overadjusting a little from my previous mistake of calling too much on the river (or just hitting the top of their range a bit too often, so my fold to river cbet might be too high.
-I believe (it is subjective though as i don't know how to verify) that i was running a bit cold with startinghands,and with hitting Fullhouses,flushes and mining sets hence the low W@SD despite the low WTSD, but it could be something else too.
-Cbet% could be higher i guess, but seeing that they don't really fold to cbets (i think) i try to find good spots to do it, and/or have odds when i do.
-I am not really sure about my blind losses, are they above or below avg?

Any advice is welcome, and thanks

Last edited by Spewzor; 05-22-2014 at 07:40 AM. Reason: minor stuff, bad links
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
05-23-2014 , 12:56 PM
What would you guys consider LAG,TAG or NIT, in terms so of stats? So wich VPIP or higher would you say is lag for example. In FR...
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
05-29-2014 , 12:02 PM
I guess the images are not showing for my previous post, sorry for that, here they are:

Graph for Fr NL5 on Stars

Stats by position:

Avg villain stats on Stars NL5 vs my stats
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
05-29-2014 , 06:04 PM
Hi guys, I play 5nl full ring on stars. Last 45k hands at 9 bb/100, I playo 15-18 tables. I am moving up to 10nl soon, but I would appreciate some feedback. Here are my stats thanks! :

Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
05-29-2014 , 07:02 PM
After 100k hands i cant find a way to improve more on my own, need some help.
I play 4 tables zoom poker, i seem to be a 5bb/100 winner nowadays....

I did improve after using hud because now i can spot nits/fishes easily.


How am i supposed to put image here resized?? I tried everything, in the end i created an imageshack account with link because postimg appears as ********

Last edited by inetking; 05-29-2014 at 07:29 PM.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
05-29-2014 , 07:48 PM
Managed to do it but cant edit previous post now.Anyway, can somebody help me ?

Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
06-22-2014 , 04:44 PM

so ,could anyone analyse my game for me? I play at 2Nl sometimes tilt, I just want to know do I play bad or something
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
06-24-2014 , 04:25 AM
Originally Posted by burnst

anyone have any thoughts they could share with me on my stats here? (2NL) i feel like the gap between VPIP and PFR might be too wide

also if anyone can tell me how the 'preflop positional awareness' (far right) is calculated that'd be cool
How many hands are in this sample?

I'd agree on the gap between VPIP and PFR being too high. That said as its 2NL you might be getting involved in a lot of limped pots where you're getting the right odds to over call with speculative hands.

It looks like you're calling too many 3bets and your flop cbet is on the high side as well.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
06-24-2014 , 12:21 PM
Hi everyone,

I have been wanting to post here for a while, but i didn't have enough hands in my HEM database to discount for variance. Now that i have a roughly 100 000 hand sample size, i'am confident that the trend seen in my graph is not the result of variance.

That beeing said, let me present my last 85k hands of nl25 zoom, plus ~15k of nl50 zoom:

And the Stats:

Apart from the fact that my graph looks like an upside down version of what most breakeven players post here, i am completely puzzled of what to do to change this.

Any advice on how to improve this is welcome.

Thank You!
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
06-25-2014 , 03:05 PM
I'm sure you know you're a nit and ****, but 2 things I find rly awkward for someone with your stats is your low W$SD and your river call efficiency, I am not 100% sure if I understand the latter correctly(all though I think I do) but anything below 1 is pretty bad and this reflects in your W$SD and your horrible showdown line.

Fwiw, I'm not good with all these stats, like I know what they mean but thats about it. But I am guessing you're overplaying hands, too aggro post and making awful river calls.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
06-27-2014 , 11:34 AM

I play 2NL FR zoom on Pokerstars.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
06-27-2014 , 08:14 PM
Ty Mzbourg, yes i'm a nit pre and (sadly it seems like) a station/aggro monkey postflop.... (i feel that the latter prevents me from winning)

As for the river call efficiency, I have filtered my hands to river call=TRUE and its a complete disaster....

It looks like even sets are bad when it comes to river calling

Last edited by Sanyoca; 06-27-2014 at 08:22 PM.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
06-28-2014 , 08:47 AM
Originally Posted by thoughtsymmetry

I play 2NL FR zoom on Pokerstars.

To me your stats look fine. You could probably tightened up a little bit in EP, but that you have a negative winrate could easily be variance and 10% is def. fine.

Also I think you can open more from the BU, but Im not to sure about the PFR stat, because Im mostly looking at steal stats. I think though that youre BU PFR should be ~22%-25%.

Also it seems you cold call a bit preflop, but given how many bad players are on NL2 and that not much squeezing is going on (I guess?), thats also fine.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
07-07-2014 , 03:50 PM
Here are stats from two different sites with different sample sizes. Help is appreciated.

Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
07-11-2014 , 11:19 AM
Hello everyone. Let me try this one.

Looking at your stats what stands out is that your WWSF is very low (30~35). This means that you are winning very few pots when you see a flop. This combined with a very low WTSD means that you are getting bluffed of the best hand too often and that you only go to showdown with very strong hands. Playing a 13/10 style your WWSF should at least be above 40 and probaly something like 45+.

Also folding 92% vs steals is way too high. This means opponents can just open any two cards profitably against you from a steal position. So also try too defend (either calling or 3 betting) a lillte bit more from the blinds. Especially against aggresive openers. Hope this helps a little.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
07-20-2014 , 04:22 PM

Now I've played 30k hands on FTP, I'd like to post my graphs per situation so people can give feedback.

Overall stats: 25,8/ 21,1/ AF:2.03/ 3B: 7.72/ Fold.vs3B: 57/ 4B: 9.1/ Cb F: 62 T: 54 R: 30/ Flop raise: 7/ Flop call vs. CB: 48,7/ Steal: 55/ BTN steal: 88/ WTSD: 29/ W$SD: 48,4

Positional stats:

BTN graph:

SB graph:

BB graph:

3Bet: 7,72%

Cbet flop: 62,5%
Bet flop graph:

turn CB: 54,9%
turn bet graph:

river Bet: 30,1%

Steal: 55,2%

BTN Steal: 88% (2bb steals as a standard)

Flop call IP: 48,7%

[B][U]If you see any flaws, please let me know below [B][U]
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
07-23-2014 , 12:20 PM
Hi everybody!

I play 2nl FR and the goal is to move up to the next the stake when I have enough profit. I would like to receive some feedback regarding my poker stats.

Two remarks of my own:
-I must raise much more preflop!
-The big difference between Net Won and BTN + CO and other positions. How so?

Thank you in advance!

Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
08-03-2014 , 04:16 PM
Hey guys. This my first 10K hands from .02/.04 NL. Would love any feedback you can give. Thanks.

Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
08-04-2014 , 04:49 AM
Originally Posted by wconnell
Hey guys. This my first 10K hands from .02/.04 NL. Would love any feedback you can give. Thanks.

fxeid uyor ptos
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
08-05-2014 , 07:46 AM
Originally Posted by edd_nl
Hi everybody!

I play 2nl FR and the goal is to move up to the next the stake when I have enough profit. I would like to receive some feedback regarding my poker stats.

Two remarks of my own:
-I must raise much more preflop!
-The big difference between Net Won and BTN + CO and other positions. How so?

Thank you in advance!

yeah your correct, get your vpip/pfr numbers closer together, raise more call less, try to always open with a raise, iso instead of limping behind, that sort of thing

BTN and CO are always the most profitable positions, that's why our ranges are the widest there
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
08-07-2014 , 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by s0me0ne
Here are stats from two different sites with different sample sizes. Help is appreciated.

One thing that sticks out as me is your overall Vpip/PFR. This likely means you are being too tight in late position. Try raising more hands on the cutoff and button when you have tight players to your left. This will help ensure you play more pots in position and steal more blinds.
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