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Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread

12-07-2010 , 03:26 AM
Most of my winnings are from pure aggression. It's obvious when people play back at you in RUSH and a lot of opponents give you so much respect for 3-bets in position and 4-bets.

But I dunno how my monkey style will continue to beat RUSH. Plus, I prefer reg FR and only played due to RushWeek.

Last edited by flip2win; 12-07-2010 at 03:32 AM.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
12-08-2010 , 06:32 PM
Posting my graphs and stats.
Started with NL2 on a free starting capital deal, graduated straight to NL10, as I play on a backwater pokersite and there are no FR tables for NL5/6 or what have you.

Now, I should explain why my stats are like they are. I'm a product of my environment. I will not raise a typical CO range for a TAG with 2-5 limpers in front of me that will limp with the top 2% of starting hands including AA. It seems nonsensical to me. All of the regulars are familiar with eachother, nobody really wins or loses, there is no squeezing, extremely rare 3betting outside of qq+/ak. The entire thing is primarily a donkey hunt.

Again, because of the site, I cannot be a nit with table selection. There are maybe 15 tables up and I play 9 at a time. This means I frequently have donks on the blinds - no fold equity, no steal. Against the other regulars I steal ATC and barrel streets that rarely hit their PF calling range until they stop checking. Not too often does an opportunity like this arise though. Usually it's the multitudes of limpers or a raise in front of me and I just fold the non-premiums.

My winrate became abysmal, so I went on a break. I read "The Poker Blueprint" and got out of the sinusoidal even stretch on the graph. Stats went from 9/3 to 10/5, this does not yet reflect on the screenshots. The dumb thing is that there is only one player whose amt.won is higher than mine and he plays 14/5. Still, eventhough I've seen some 8BB/100, 4BB/100 sessions now, my winrate is still rubbish. What do? Roll is at $600 (with the aid of NL50 nosebleeds), I want to grind myself to a 40 BI NL25 roll, improve to a solid player and leave the site for Pokerstars. Currently reading "The NL Workbook", while it's easy enough to understand, it simply doesn't apply at the limit. Should I start raising 4 limpers on CO with KTs or what?

I browsed through the thread and am perfectly capable of playing 13/9 or so TAG, positional awareness and PF ranges I'm good with, in theory. However I feel, in particular I fail at extracting value from one pair types of hands. Also, I fold tpmk/tk on the turn/river a lot when logical two pairs are on the board or somebody has donked out on a drawy board and it's makes sense that I'm beat. Obviously I get blown off a lot of hands then. I don't barrel draws when there's a possibility that I'm dead already ie. the board is paired or my flush is low. At times, I'll even instafold AA on a QJ9 2tone if a 10/1/Af:0,82 donks out on the flop. Huge passive face then.

I guess, aside from the stats analysis, I came here primarily to gain confidence. In the really, REALLY passive FR games, does ~13/~11/AF:3 TAG even work? Also, this is the last 56k hands, I've played more than that. Just the even stretch started to worry me and reverse tilting from the standard coolers my stats got worse and worse.

Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
12-08-2010 , 09:26 PM
halp! I have no idea where I'm going wrong. I'm going to have to move down (again) if I can't figure it out.

Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
12-09-2010 , 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by *COINFLIPS*
halp! I have no idea where I'm going wrong. I'm going to have to move down (again) if I can't figure it out.

Two ideas: Your WTSD is low, while your W$SD is high. This could indicate that you fold too much. Since your raising range is so tight you could probably cbet a lot more.

I'm assuming this is NL5. My stats there are VPIP 16, PFR 12, WTSD 24, W$SD 59 (running hot), cbet 71, AF 2.7, AFq 47.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
12-09-2010 , 01:41 AM

I generally c/f missed or J high boards because people call too much.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
12-09-2010 , 06:52 PM

Could you please tell me what am I dowing wrong? Apart from cbeting way too much.


Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
12-09-2010 , 08:19 PM
Help! Im slowly drowning. I know its a small sample of 20k hands. But I feel I must have many leaks. Any advice would be much appreciated. This is 25nl FR and 25 nl FR rush.



Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
12-09-2010 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by native1
Help! Im slowly drowning. I know its a small sample of 20k hands. But I feel I must have many leaks. Any advice would be much appreciated. This is 25nl FR and 25 nl FR rush.



Adding positional Stats for a better look. BB and SB Ouch!


Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
12-09-2010 , 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by fuczak

Could you please tell me what am I dowing wrong? Apart from cbeting way too much.


I'm an NL 10 reg on full tilt. Everything seems ok overall. You can still cbet over 90% and be profitable. I'm personally at 91.5% in my last 11000k hands. I think your biggest problem is your 3bet percentage is kind of high. You are probably trying to isolate in position or 3betting the button too much from the SB. Just fold more often. You'll save a lot of money than you lose trying to 3bet them off their hands. Especially against button raisers, its probably just easiest to fold and move on because you will never have position against them. If you are going to 3bet, make sure you can get in position. My personal 3bet percentage is between 2.5-3.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
12-10-2010 , 11:00 AM
Here are my crappy $25 NL stats. Just started playing poker again and set the goal of 100k hands of 25 NL in December @ 3bb/100. 12k hands so far and im not close to 3bb/100

doing 12-16 tables of $25NL Full Ring

Last edited by Zampono; 12-10-2010 at 11:05 AM.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
12-10-2010 , 11:12 PM
where in poker tracker 3 can i see if im running ev+-?

Thank you in advance
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
12-11-2010 , 07:57 AM
Ignore my post 2 posts up heres some updated stats. Played a ton more hands 21k sample now and I think I'm doing alot of things wrong and dont plan on playing for a day or two since im not well rested and cant go to sleep until UFC ends tonight so I wanna fix some leaks.

Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
12-11-2010 , 04:52 PM
i suck utg. i was breakeven utg over about a million hands, playing about 10% of hands utg, never limping and raising to 3x. This month I've tried tightening up drastically utg to 6% vpip and increasing my utg raise size to 4x and the results so far (100k hands) have been worse than ever. Granted I've been getting kk vs aa quite a bit under the gun but still.

Do some people make good money utg, and if so how do you do it? My full ring stats are 16/11/3.5 and I'm a decent winner at ssfr. I kill from every other position including utg+1. Help plz.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
12-12-2010 , 12:39 AM
Hi guys, got a quick question about a few of my stats. I'm looking over the 16k hands I've played at 50nl since moving up and my W$WSF % is pretty darn low. Here are what I believe to be the relevant stats.

W$WSF: 38.04%
WTSD: 22.13%
W$SD: 60.54%

I'm winning 3.11 BB/100 so I'm up but I wonder if I'm playing a bit too tight postflop considering my W$SD is over 60%. Also not sure if my WTSD is too low. These all seem to go hand-in-hand so I thought there might be some postflop adjustments to be made. Here are my cbet stats by street.

Cbet F/T/R

Fold to Cbet F/T/R

I don't feel like I'm playing too fit or fold postflop so it's all kind of confusing. I know it's a small sample. Thoughts?

Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
12-12-2010 , 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by M22
Hi guys, got a quick question about a few of my stats. I'm looking over the 16k hands I've played at 50nl since moving up and my W$WSF % is pretty darn low. Here are what I believe to be the relevant stats.

W$WSF: 38.04%
WTSD: 22.13%
W$SD: 60.54%

I'm winning 3.11 BB/100 so I'm up but I wonder if I'm playing a bit too tight postflop considering my W$SD is over 60%. Also not sure if my WTSD is too low. These all seem to go hand-in-hand so I thought there might be some postflop adjustments to be made. Here are my cbet stats by street.

Cbet F/T/R

Fold to Cbet F/T/R

I don't feel like I'm playing too fit or fold postflop so it's all kind of confusing. I know it's a small sample. Thoughts?

everything is good except your fold to cbet. try to get it below fifty. that means you have to call wider (for value) and float more (to bluff). that will get your w$wsf up.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
12-12-2010 , 02:19 PM
Cool, thx Greg.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
12-12-2010 , 03:54 PM
Hi guys..I play Rush 5 NL and contemplating moving up to Rush 10 NL. I know my game isn't perfect but would like to find out my leaks. 3.13 BB/100 hands isn't exactly crushing 5 NL. I know there are alot of people posting stuff like this but any advice is very much appreciated! Let me know if there are any other stats I should post

It appears I would be better off just not getting into pots with one raiser already. I'm losing alot of money in those pots. I've been working on 3-betting certain players w/ a high fold-to-3bet the last 20K hands so hopefully that will help.

As you can see, I'm pretty bad in the blinds. I'm working on 3-betting certain people w/ a high range from the button. Obviously I'm doing better playing my hands as I am right now than folding every SB and BB but I'm sure need alot of improvement here. Would like to know how my profitable positions look and if there is anything I need to change there.

From my avg all-in EV I think I need to be more aggressive in certain pots on the flop and turn as I am 62.3% & 68.8% all-in EV there. Probably playing not aggressively as I could I would imagine?

As you can see, my graph hasn't been very good the last 20K hands. Hopefully that is just variance. I think I might need to work on my non-showdown winnings but I guess most FR players have a big losing non-showdown winnings. My blinds position accounts for -$167, so @ only -$102 for my non-showdown winnings may not even be a problem?
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
12-12-2010 , 11:25 PM
Ok I am over 120k hands into 5NL and am still losing overall. I have no idea where my leaks are. Here's the stats:

Overall stats:

Positional Stats:


Any tips are appreciated. I would also like book recommendations (or stickies). I have read NLHTAP and I guess it hasn't helped much. I am sorta at a loss on what to do at this point to improve. I feel like I have reached my peak skill level and that level is to never be able to beat even the most micro stakes. I guess I am just one of those people who doesn't "get" poker.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
12-12-2010 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by native1
Adding positional Stats for a better look. BB and SB Ouch!


first off, i think i would loosen up from the co and button a bit, but that may just be my personal preference and it seems you have a solid winrate from there anyways.

it seems like you cbet then give up the turn a lot, there are probably a lot of spots where you'd be better off just c/f the flop or following through and barreling the turn.

certainly it seems like you are having your biggest problems in the blinds. i can't find anything really terrible with your stats from the big/small blind, only really strange thing is 25 % WWSF from the BB. i really cant figure out how you are losing that much from the blinds.

if you would be so inclined, i wouldn't mind sweating a session or 2 of yours at 25 rush. i played about 17k hands there last couple of weeks and won 6.7ptbb/100 (i was running hot and pretty small sample size, but i think im pretty solid winner at 25nl rush in any case). if you're interested ship me a PM.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
12-13-2010 , 02:32 AM
Hi all - this is my first post. Please bear with me....

I'm simply looking to sharpen my overall 50nl rush game. I don't have a lot of online poker experience - I mainly play a small amount of live poker for fun. I have a full time job and don't have a ton of time to play, but would appreciate any advice from 50nl rush winners on what I should improve.

What I think I need to improve is:
-widen my 3bet range
-take advantage of position more/steal more in position
-2 barrel more

Any advice is well appreciated. Thanks again.

First post done!

Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
12-13-2010 , 02:44 AM
Originally Posted by Fatback
Hi all - this is my first post. Please bear with me....

I'm simply looking to sharpen my overall 50nl rush game. I don't have a lot of online poker experience - I mainly play a small amount of live poker for fun. I have a full time job and don't have a ton of time to play, but would appreciate any advice from 50nl rush winners on what I should improve.

What I think I need to improve is:
-widen my 3bet range
-take advantage of position more/steal more in position
-2 barrel more

Any advice is well appreciated. Thanks again.

First post done!

If your poker experience is really that limited (although your stats seem to suggest otherwise) you might want to drop down. 50NL is pretty tough for a beginner.

When I wanted to widen my range, I made up a new hand chart. In it, I had my bluff hands and my value hands. I know you shouldn't be relying on charts, but when you are learning something new, it's a good way to start. I basically broke it down by my position and the position of the opponent I was 3betting and came up with a list of hands to raise and call. Again, this is simplistic, but the training wheels are good.

For 2barrelling, just think about it as any bet. You have your value range and your bluff range. Your value range, you will barrel twice and your bluff range will presumably be with some equity, so you can barrel the turn if your BD draw hits (or if you have a draw on the flop)

But overall, you need to do work away from the tables to come up with your ranges and plans. Then when these situations come up, just execute.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
12-13-2010 , 02:57 AM
Thanks for that reply.

I do have a little online experience with mass tabling 25nl. I am actually very over rolled for 50NL. Plus this money is not life changing for me - so if I were to somehow lose it all, no big deal for me really. I would just like to find and plug my "leaks" in my current game.

I very much agree that I need to do a lot of work away from the tables. I'm eager to get input from other points of view on what they notice about my stats. If you see anything else that might look like it needs improvement, please don't hesitate. Thanks again.

Question: When you say make a chart with your "bluff" hands and your "value" hands, what are the bluff hands? If I were to increase my 3bet to say 5%, how would I know what my bluff hands would be? Do I 3bet with the top 3% and then another 2% of playable hands that I may otherwise flat call?

I think I struggle in the hands that I can't pull the trigger to 2 barrel because the boards don't look like they would hit my perceived range. I then just fold to their river bet. I suppose this is where the work away from the tables comes in.

Thanks again.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
12-13-2010 , 03:09 AM
Originally Posted by Fatback
Thanks for that reply.

I do have a little online experience with mass tabling 25nl. I am actually very over rolled for 50NL. Plus this money is not life changing for me - so if I were to somehow lose it all, no big deal for me really. I would just like to find and plug my "leaks" in my current game.

I very much agree that I need to do a lot of work away from the tables. I'm eager to get input from other points of view on what they notice about my stats. If you see anything else that might look like it needs improvement, please don't hesitate. Thanks again.

Question: When you say make a chart with your "bluff" hands and your "value" hands, what are the bluff hands? If I were to increase my 3bet to say 5%, how would I know what my bluff hands would be? Do I 3bet with the top 3% and then another 2% of playable hands that I may otherwise flat call?

I think I struggle in the hands that I can't pull the trigger to 2 barrel because the boards don't look like they would hit my perceived range. I then just fold to their river bet. I suppose this is where the work away from the tables comes in.

Thanks again.
Well, I don't want to say what good bluff hands are, but typically, you have your strong hands, then you have hands that you think would play well in position depending on your opponent's range. Possibly things like AJ or KQ that you don't necessarily want to raise. Then you'll have some hands that you don't necessarily want to play poker with, but might have some equity. Perhaps suited connectors or weak kings. And yeah, you can use pokerstove to come up with whatever percentage you want. I think I actually have a slightly larger bluff range than value range because villains will fold so readily to 3bets.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
12-13-2010 , 03:28 PM
BWillie - a few things.

---you probably can play a few more hands from BU/CO

---your WTSD seems low. although your W$SD is around where it should be. you want to explore this a bit. are you folding hands that have SD value? are calling down in some bad spots?

---it sounds like you are working on improving blinds play which always helps. 1 thing i noticed about you play in SB is how few hands you play. do you quick fold SB a lot? the reason i ask is that a suprisingly large number of hands get folded to SB. if you dont quick fold, you should get some more steal chances.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
12-13-2010 , 03:41 PM
MyHandle - I still think your biggest leak is in blinds play. you call way too much. playing OOP with no initiative really sucks. cold call less and 3bet/squeeze (esp vs. CO/BU opens) or fold a lot more. i would guess that you get little value when you flop best and probably get value owned a ton when you have a 2nd best hand. if you dont want to 3bet a lot of these hands, just fold rather than call - you will do better.

is this rush? how many tables are you playing

you may want to drop a few tables to better focus and that help improve your game.
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